Can I install contents for DAZ…
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Can I install contents for DAZ and Poser on the same place?

Hi guys
Can I install contents for DAZ and Poser on the same place? Or is it better to install twice the same things just to be sure?
(For now I use DAZ only, but got Poser 9 and will install, but know nothing about it.)
I use the same content folder/s for Daz Studio 3A. 4.5, Carrara and Poser 8.
Perfect!!! It seems a waste to have everything duplicate.
Thanks, Pete.
My pleasure
Some folks prefer separates but like you I don't see the reasons why.
But I have split all my content up in sections, Animals, Buildings Clothing etc etc all in separate content folders. Makes finding textures for Photoshop adjustments a lot easier to find.
So we can just change folders at will? If true that would be amazing! Or you change them inside Content Manager?
No I have multiple folders on my USB Hard Drive as the image below shows. Then in the "Content Directory Manager" in Daz Studio I point to each content folder under Both Daz Studio and Poser Formats.
Very good! So after installing I can reorganize everything in neat folders, then I can make Content Manager to find the items on these folders? Or you have to install already to the organized folders? (I ask to determine if I have to reinstall or just reorganize everything)
I know that right clicking Content Manager tab I get the options to scan folders, so I can change things on the hard disk then make CM re-read it?
No I install the content into these content folders from the get go......
But first I set up the content folders in the Content Directory Manager first. This is how to do it.
While Viewing the Content Library (NOT SMART CONTENT) follow the images below. When in the Content Directory Manager select Daz Studio Formats and use the "ADD" command to add your folder. It is straight forward browse select and Accept. Do this for every content folder and for Poser Formats too.
OR you can just use one big content folder for all your content and use the Catagory function inside Daz Studio to Organise your content in to sections.
I find it doing it this way saves me having to use the Catagory function which is fine if you wnat spend hours and hours organising. But this way if I have OS issues, malware attack, main HArd Drive failure (all that has happened in the last 12 months to me) etc I can reinstall the OS and within 5 minutes of reinstalling Daz Studio I can hook up my content folders back up without to much trouble. Painless. :)
Wow, it seems it was an exciting year for your computer (: I try to keep everything duplicated on external HDs, but there is always a lot still to copy...
I never use Smart Content. It doesnt work well, few things have the metadata file, and its always forgetting to read new things. I learned its better to go directly into Contents Manager.
Thats perfect!!! Its still time for me, I decided to reinstall DAZ since it was a big mess after two months learning the basic, so I still can go back without much trouble. I will follow your scheme, it certainly looks better than using the Category function. At least for me, I use folders to organize things everywhere, so its natural.
Thanks for the very detailed explanation, exactly what I needed! (:
I wouldn't call it exciting...more frustrating. :) I have two USB Hard Drives, one 3.5" which is always connected which has all my content folders on and a 2.5" USB powered Hard Drive which is my backup.
Smart Content is a good idea when it works but I have found no consistency in how the metadata is set up so yes I use the Content Library. We don't have to use CMS at all when using the Content Library but CMS is required if you want to use the in built category function. I have seriously thought about uninstalling CMS totally.
Though Categories can be good as you can drag and drop, merge and move content inside Daz Studio when the content has been linked to the Category section of the Content Library.
Hopefully this thread will help others too.
Hi Pete
I finally could make the new computer to work properly, so now started to install items using your scheme. Its exactly what I was wanting!
DS just read things from the folders? Installation wont change anything in DS even for shaders, cameras, morphs? This really make things easier...
I am so sorry 2Fatbear for not replying sooner...totally missed your last.
I am pleased you got it all sorted. We all have different ways to organise our content but at least this gives an idea on what can be done.
This maybe of some use to others wanting to sort content and such...
Dealing With Zipped Poser Content
Runtime Organization:
LOL dont worry Szark, you gave me all the important info.
Actually I'm learning your way of organizing is better. My main difference was to separate Genesis characters, hair and clothes from Old characters, hair and clothes. It made sense at first since I was having problems using old items on Genesis. But after a while I learned how to to it so this distinction now is useless. But I'm keeping it, at least for now.
I have all my Genesis specific content all in one folder of it own too. This is so when I use DS3A which I am doing now, I don't have an extra folder that is not needed cluttering up my well honed system . :) My folder count is rather high now to 37. Finally got every piece of content installed and backed up. All free OBJ only meshes in order too. So time for some fun and a marathon image.
Just curious...when you are catagorizing your folders where would you install the Genesis Starter Essentials? I am reinstalling everything with the DIM into folders on my external HD.....Props/CharactersClothing/Animals etc. I was thinking the starter essentials should still be in the main default folder, but does that mean if Genesis is on C drive and everything else such as morphs are on E drive they wont work?
It doesn't matter where as long as all the Genesis stuff goes into the same content folder...just to make sure. I do have a My Library folder but it is on my USB Hard Drive and all Genesis figure related content is all together. I still split off Genesis clothing to my clothing folder etc but all Morphs, skins etc I keep together.
the genesis starter essentials include alot of different things doesn't it besides just Genesis...there are the basic figures, some clothing, the dragon and fiery genesis tutorials,omnifreaker stuff etc...there is no way to pick where the different items are installed correct? Which means that even tho the rest of my files are in category folders these items will be wherever the default installs them?
So I could create a my library folder on my usb drive and install starter essentials there. would I then install all genesis morphs expressions etc and items such as V5 M5 etc to that same folder or could they go into the character folder and still work without issues?
Yes it is true that the starter essentials have other bits and peices like clothing, a dragon etc etc. I just leave them where they are as I have all the originals in my other content folders. I don't use Smart Content much at all.
Yes you could install it to a USB Hard Drive like you suggested. Yes install all morphs etc for Genesis to that folder.
I don't know about the Character packs like V and M 5 if they can be installed in a different place as I have all my Genesis in the same folder.
thanks szark for your help ..I guess to try it and see since installing with the DIM is so easy and uninstalling will be very easy also to change if it doesn't work :)
My pleasure sorry for the delay in relpying. Have to wait until the laptop is free these days before I can get online. I did hear something on one of the vids fir DIM about how we can install some Genesis related content in another folder but I can't remember whcih vid it was out of the three that are on this page