Looking for fantasy buildings …
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Looking for fantasy buildings (interiors and exteriors)

I was going to do some Fantasy renders and am running into a problem. I have dungeons and a few castles but I don't have "everyday" fantasy buildings.
No villages, no cottage interiors, no tavern interiors, that kind of thing. I've looked a bit here on Daz but most of the Fantasy stuff seems to focus on castles and dungeons (which, as I said, I have.)
So, do any of you have any advice on good Fantasy sets?
Faveral would be the first name I look at. http://www.daz3d.com/faveral
What Ameesa said. Don't miss Faveral's Opus Magnum set if you want cottage interior. Other interiors to check out: Medieval Tavern, Faveral's Wine Cellar, Kelly Lodge. For exteriors: Medieval Village, Medieval City, Medieval Docks and a bunch of other buildings. Also Medieval Marketplace for market stalls and goods to sell.
Look at SoulessEmpathy's Fantasy Hovel, Fantasy Tavern, Village Bedroom.
Check out Merlin Studios (The Forge, Saxon Settlement, The Windmill, The Armory.)
You might be able to use Jack Tomalin's The Library (The room, not so much the furniture.)
There are also some older things from Redhouse Studios.
Stonemason has a variety of sets ranging through several genres.
The ones everyone else named are great (love Faveral's stuff so much!) and also check out http://www.daz3d.com/danie there are some cool sets on sale at 80% off right now. Check out all the promos because sometimes the main one doesn't show as well as it could, particularly http://www.daz3d.com/dms-anardhaus because it's actually a really cool tavern type set but the main promo doesn't really show that.
Jack Tomalin has a great set of buildings each called "Curious" (curious schoolhouse, curious pub, etc) that all match. Here's a link to the Pub, but there are a bunch.
I'd also suggest Redhouse Christmas Carol because then you can get the texture expansions for it: Magic Shoppe ad The Tavern
EDIT: I forgot that for the Magic Shoppe and Tavern you also need the Sweet Shoppe - It has all the props and extras like the till, jars, etc.
There are tons more - Check out:
Small Structures
...DryJack has a number of nice freebie fantasy buildings and props available over on Share CG
You need an account to download but sign up is free.
I've enjoyed working with Faveral's and Merlin's fantasy-themed sets. Cornucopia3D and Muze have some interesting ones too.
medieval is a good search word for fantasy stuff
yes indeed, the Daz shop search is very flawed
the obvious tags are not applied to so many outfits.
a friend who cannot complain on this forum last night spent forever trying to find a pilots overall zippered suit for M4 he knew was in store but none of the search words found it.
I did not help his frustration on skype linking an array of unsuitable outfits! :lol:
Just a thread for me!
I will just pull items from my wishlist for now.
There are lots of great buildings at DAZ and if you search Rendo and RDNA too, you will get more than enough to erect a decent kindgom. Regarding Rendo, check the newest sets from i13 series like Marauders' Isle and Medieval Slum. Just don't type "fantasy" or you will end up with lots of skimpwear. Be clever and search for "tavern" (dozens of good items), "hut", "cottage", "interior" and so on. I may be wrong, but DAZ items aren't tagged. The search engine relies on keywords, so looking for "spiderqueen" returns Spiderqueen Hair (the product I was searching for) and... giant spider figures.
Don't forget 1971's stuff over at 'Rosity. Their taste is quite whimsical.
As far as Tavern interiors go, the above mentioned one from Faveral is my favorite (http://www.daz3d.com/medieval-tavern). I used it in this image. It is a big set with unbelievable amount of detail and an incredible number of separate props. Highly recommended.
There is at least one tavern by Merlin too, his historical sets are easy to adapt for fantasy settings.
That's a great render THD! Faveral's sets always come with so many useful props for medieval scenes. I could give him ideas for new sets all day. :)
or dyoo mean like the kind of village you'd find in a video game like DQviii?
Thanks Cecila for mentioning me :)
Here's my store link where i have quite a few fantasy buildings: http://www.daz3d.com/muze
Thanks Cecila for mentioning me :)
Here's my store link where i have quite a few fantasy buildings: http://www.daz3d.com/muze
My pleasure! I like Gatwyck line very much. I've already got myself the market set (very useful props) and now... well, the wishlist is open for your stuff :).
By the way... Do you plan something new? If you're not, maybe you could consider making a guildhouse library of sorts? Or some hideaway in sewers? I think they would be blockbusters as there is a serious lack for secret organisation stuff.
Oh a guild house library would be cool. It plays a big part in a series of books I've been reading the past few years. One of the main characters is a sage at a guild house, and spends a good amount of her time in the library researching.
I'm so glad you second my idea! I have been always amazed by the Keeper Compound in Thief series, but recreating it in DS is a pain - both for my clock and my wallet, as it's all about mix-and-matching stuff. You know... A room from A, a set of bookshelves from B, stacks of tomes from C, a fireplace from D... The list grows... So does the total amount.
I'm so glad you second my idea! I have been always amazed by the Keeper Compound in Thief series, but recreating it in DS is a pain - both for my clock and my wallet, as it's all about mix-and-matching stuff. You know... A room from A, a set of bookshelves from B, stacks of tomes from C, a fireplace from D... The list grows... So does the total amount.
i think found what you mean,
stuff like this?
dark anvils stuff is pretty good.
i think found what you mean,
stuff like this?
Mostly, yes. You found quite a lot of fanart! Though the middle dungeon that looks like taken from a cRPG game, "The Queen of Dragons" and the Asiatic-looking painting on the bottom aren't ;).
Generally, getting good places to be used as medieval universities, guildhouses, ancient libraries and that sort of stuff is difficult. Making the Cradle (Shalebridge Cradle) is easier thanks to West Park series. Still, you have to gather many of them to get started. See:
Plus of course the exterior using items like:
http://www.daz3d.com/environments-props/haunted-house-2010 (still, no balconies...)
It's a lot... Now see how many sets from DAZ would move us only slightly closer to the secret library look:
http://www.daz3d.com/environments-props/the-library (too much free space, too few books)
http://www.daz3d.com/environments-props/room-of-books (as above, too luxurious)
http://www.daz3d.com/village-bedroom (props are alright, but for mix-and-matching)
http://www.daz3d.com/fantasy-hovel (a. a.)
http://www.daz3d.com/castle-window (a mix-and-match environment)
http://www.daz3d.com/castle-turret (a. a.)
http://www.daz3d.com/fantasy-tavern (the stairs and balconies would be useful, the rest for mix-and-matching)
http://www.daz3d.com/cista-sanctus (good for hallways, but the iron bars on the stairs spoil the climate)
http://www.daz3d.com/environments-props/the-secret-graveyard-by-merlin (some statues)
http://www.daz3d.com/environments-props/mortis-for-sacrament (a nice look, but for mix-and-matching)
http://www.daz3d.com/environments-props/sacrament (because Mortis requires it)
http://www.daz3d.com/environments-props/le-cloitre-de-lumiere (exterior only)
http://www.daz3d.com/danaides (maybe...)
http://www.daz3d.com/environments-props/castle-study (perhaps...)
http://www.daz3d.com/environments-props/the-study (for Castle Study, but the base is way too bright)
http://www.daz3d.com/environments-props/mage-tower (a corridor?)
http://www.daz3d.com/environments-props/the-guildhall (some exterior extensions)
http://www.daz3d.com/environments-props/athenaeum (quite alright for the above purpose)
http://www.daz3d.com/environments-props/shadows-cottage (props?)
http://www.daz3d.com/environments-props/the-church-bundle (mix-and-matching - again...)
http://www.daz3d.com/environments-props/opus-magnum (a good room plus fine props)
http://www.daz3d.com/environments-props/medieval-furniture-pack (props...)
http://www.daz3d.com/environments-props/mage-tower-accessory-pack-1 (a. a.)
http://www.daz3d.com/environments-props/mage-tower-accessory-pack-2 (a. a.)
http://www.daz3d.com/environments-props/mage-tower-accessory-pack-3 (a. a.)
http://www.daz3d.com/environments-props/wizard-study-furniture (a. a.)
Way too many!
double post
Now that sounds really interesting. When will it arrive
Now that sounds really interesting. When will it arrive
Not sure. I'm still mapping.
...here's a scene I did with a couple of DryJack's freebie buildings. Retextured the stonework on one in the foreground using Eva1's Urban Shaders.
The sign was a kitbash.
I did a video using Dryjacks houses and youtube thought it was a game and would not monetise it because I could not name the game captured.
I did do it a bit game style from actors perspective fighting.
WOW... You're actually making a whole set to be used as Old Quarter from the post-Cataclysm period :ohh: :-)!!! You're making my day. Literally. Fantastic, awesome, outstanding news! Will there be some modular ruined props to make the Haunted Cathedral as well? If not, I'll try to use a different pack for that (it's not Old Quarter without it, obviously), though I'd prefer to keep consistent with your distinctive style I enjoy so much.