Show Us Your Bryce Renders! Part 9
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Cyberjym – awesome modelling.
Dave – love both your drawing effects, very cool; reminds me of a Photoshop tutorial I once did called Scanline effect.
Horo- the steam boat render is stunning.
David – the Durdle Door renders are magnificent.
The pencil sketch effect using Horo’s pdf of a simple landscape and a flock of birds.
Two more,
Thanks Horo
All work and no play this week....
Luckily "work" is playing with Bryce.
Hansmar - thank you.
David - thank you. Great "Durdle Door" renders. The fourth is my favorite, the first my second choice, however, all look great, especially the water foam on the sand. Now only the sand doesn't look wet, but that would be a difficult one to get right.
Mermaid - thank you. Great example of pencil sketches sand the introduction of a bit colour.
Dave - your "commercial" renders always look great.
@Dave, thank you, but 15 foot is high enough! The "Wonder Wipes" render is very good, but I don't think I'd like to use that ladder! In comparinson to the scaffolding I'd like something that looked more substantial and I think I'd struggle with the rung spacing.
@LelanieL, thank you, yes the North Sea can be "chilly", I've seen people just going for a paddle and hobbling alway because their feet have cramped up.
@Mermaid, very nice results, the pencil sketch effect can make a virtue out of what is normally a problem. TA noise.
@Horo, thanks yes, the sand was a bit of a challenge with the edge foam. The sand was "wetted" with altitude controlled reflection. The edge is part altitude controlled ambient plus specular on the water with a hidden specular light source to highlight the edge.
Instead of getting on with verious household chores, as I should be, I've been tinkering away with Bryce. These scenes are inspired by another place that I like to look at. The Derbyshire Peak. Similar setup to last ones with Horo's superb Sunless HDRI's and a mix and match arrangement of High Resolution Set terrains, materials and also some materials from our Vegetation set.
@David Brinnen: Fantastic Durdle door renders! Great peaks renders as well. Wonderful how diferent you can make the atmosphere with good skies.
@mermaid010: Nice results.
@Dave Savage: That box of wipes looks sooo real! Very well done.
Haha... I'm not scared of heights.... Falling from heights on the other hand
I was also in the Derbyshire High Peak 2 weeks ago taking a load of photos... Very good representation there David... I may have been stood on the ridge in your render.
Very nice representation, David, of the Derbeyshire region. I've never been, but saw a wonderful lecture once about it though, and if I'm not mistaken, a high peak there was used for the film Pride & Predudice (the Keira Knightly version - seen at 0.31 sec on this YouTube link). I like the first one best, and those dramatic clouds, I'm sure, are ever present.
Tonight, I've been to Gotham...
Projecting a gel light on to the single component volumetric clouds that David showed us how to make is not recommended if you're in a hurry.
Dave- lovely work/play render- the Wipes; interesting effect with the projecting light gel.
David – the Derbyshire Peaks renders are beautiful, Horo’s Sunless Hdris are awesome
Horo, David, Hansmar – thanks.
This is not really a pencil sketch, but I like this effect. (the same as above, before working on the sky as per Horo’s pdf.)
....And while I was playing with volumetric clouds again:
David - beautiful Derbyshire renders, the first is very dramatic. I'm always amazed how different a rendered scene can look when the material on the terrain, the sky and the light are changed. But it should not surprise us, looking out of the window presents the same spectacle to us.
Dave - your photo confirms that David got the terrain shapes quite good. That volumetric cloud looks awesome. The sky render looks quite natural.
Mermaid - very nice vase and heart render.
I wondered whether I could render a panorama the way I photograph them with a 16 mm fisheye lens, using the FLO (fisheye lens object) and comparing the result with rendering the faces of a cube. For both methods, about twice as much pixels must be rendered than actually make it into the panorama. With 6 4000 x 4000 px cube faces, a 10,000 x 5,000 pano can be created. With the FLO (equivalent of a 12.14 mm fisheye lens) a 12,000 x 6,000 one from 6 4000 x 6000 px renders. ( text only Below two examples: the landscape was rendered as 667 x 1000 px "photos" resulting in a 2024 x 1012 pano, the rib cage as 4000 x 6000 px and assembled to a 12,148 x 6,074 px pano.
Thanks Horo. I'd like to think I understand what you've done there but in reality, I don't... What I do know is the result looks great.
More volumetric clouds from me.... Just tinkering round the edges in the DTE and the Mat Lab... Same base material gives many different moods... Electricity Pylon is a freebie, I think may have been from ShareCG.
So after months modeling a city castle too complex for bryce, im starting over from scratch.
I'm trying now to make low-poly models that will fit in bryce scenes, yet still be complex enough for my ideas.
Heres a new test model for my castle city, with a mindful design for low-polys.
I'm glad you posted that, I was just looking for one. Based on this I tried searching for "pylon", and found these two from Spacebones, although I haven't had a chance to try them yet :
High Voltage Pylon ( )
High Voltage Pylon V.2 ( )
Yup that's the one... worth getting if only for the power lines to have going across skies, but the pylon is a great little prop too.
Though your castle looks cool, I'm wondering about the original one being too big for Bryce?
Are you modelling it in some other software and if you are, have you considered modelling it in Bryce? Bryce modelling does present it's own set of challenges but Bryce Primitive shapes are really really low poly and you can get millions of them into your model and I'm sure make it with all the detail you need without running into Out Of Memory problems.
Dave - the clouds are awesome so is the Electricity Pylon
Horo - nice results, I too don't understand this, although I downloaded the pdf when you first mentioned it.
Cyberjym - wow cool model.
Sriesch - thanks for the links for the pylon
Dave - pylon and sky look realistic. I somehow hate those pylons beacsuse we have so many around here transporting electricity from our hydropower stations to Italy, France, Germany and the rest of Switzerland. I have often one or the other in my HDRIs.
sriesch - nonetheless of my "aversion" for pylons, thank you for the links. I think I ought to register at ShareCG one time.
cyberjym - yes, Dave Savage is right. Working with booleans in Bryce melts down the required memory dramatically. Some prefer subdivision modeler over booleans, though.
Mermaid and Dave - thank you. I'm sorry, it's a bit "academic" what I did above. I wanted to see whether I can emulate in Bryce a photo camera and the workflow I use for photographic panoramas. By the way, PTGui I use for stitching is not free and I downloaded and installed the newest version of Hugin (free for Windows, Mac and Linux), which is essentially similar to PTGui. I could enter the lens parameter PTGui calculated into Hugin and stitch a 12,000 pixel pano made from 6 4000 x 6000 pixel renders through the Bryce lens.
I find them a blight on the landscape and yet very photogenic at the same time... But then , where I live, I see such a diverse landscape and can't help but photograph it at every opportunity.
In this photo, I'm stood on the top of a hill on Saddleworth Moor, the powerstation is about 40 miles away, the TV mast is about 15 miles away.
@Dave Savage: Nice work on the Bat render. And great clouds with you pylon. Looks suspiciously photorealistic.
@sriesch: Thanks for the link. I never realised these things are called pylons...
@cyberjym: Yes, I think the experts (Dave and Horo) surely have a point. What I have seen from your earlier big castle looked like something that can indeed be made relatively 'easily' in Bryce. It can be a lot of work, though with clever multireplicating parts, you can speed it up a lot. An issue with boolean always is (for me) to have a clever workflow when booleans are grouped with other booleans; I usually need to recombine one or two things, because I forgot to make a hole somewhere. Now, I am not a good modeller, so if you are, you will probably be able to do it rather quickly.
I decided to re-render the landscape sea-landscape that is on page 69. I moved the camera and decided to make a panoramic render. I like the result, specifically the great sky, which I cannot take credit for, because I used a preset, that I perhaps modified a bit.
Had a bit problems with the DAZ forums software. I apologize for my multiple postings.
As I mentioned above :-)
Maybe you already know it, you can still find this bundle completely free.
But I have no idea how long. Have fun!
@Electro-Elvis: nice render and light.
Thank you Electro-Elvis. I got it - though I don't know when I'll have ever time to use it. I have so many things I haven't had the time to play with.
@Dave Savage and Horo - Yeah I use sketchup for modeling. I've tried many others and found it to be the best for me to create easily. Creating Bryce shapes do seem pretty alot harder to make in comparison.
Ive always wondered how booleans differ to meshes in bryce.
For now, im staying for sketchup though,
Eventually, all these projects are going to be handouts and maps for my personal dungeons and dragons campaign and sketchup helps me plan out the maps better.
Heres some samples of things I eventually want to model and showcase in bryce.
heres one of the first tests of the castle
original sketch
And now a good restart. The foundations and pillar walls are set, and coming in at under 70k. Huzzah, and stuff... heh
Horo- nothing to be sorry about, a lot of things still don't make sense to me but I'm making nice artwork and having fun and that is all the matters.
Btw I would like to use the above image, if you don't mind, for David's tutorial Use Gel
which I am presently working on.
Electro-elvis - lovely lighting, thanks for the link for the Vampire Castle Bundle. I checked it out but did not download them yet- are there any obj files that I can use directly in Bryce in this bundle.
Cyberjym - very, very impressive work, looking forward to the final Bryce render.
Dave - amazingly clear weather and dry air to see 60 km far.
Hansmar - panorama turned out nicely. The grey reflection on the lakes look a bit odd to me.
cyberjym - you certainly are not one that shies away from work. Amazing elaborate.
Mermaid - "Btw I would like to use the above image, if you don't mind, for David's tutorial Use Gel". Of course, I don't mind, you're welcome to use it. Tell me if you want it bigger. By the way, I watched the video again and might add the following: Distant Light position resets. David mentions setting a keyframe. To prevent this resetting, click on the round thumbnail next to the lower right corner (Time/Selection Palette Toggle) to enable the Time Palette. Then click on the triangle (or down arrow) left of it. This opens a dialog. Make sure Auto Key is not enabled. The position of the Distant Light resets if Auto Key is ticked. You can then toggle back to the Selection Palette.
I used the same terrain as above for the panorama, positioned the camera differently and changed the HDRI. This is probaly the second time I used a Rainbow in a render; encouraged by Dave's sail ship render above on page 70.