85% OFF
Artist:Compatible Software:Poser, Daz to Unity BridgeSKU:12707Optional License Add-Ons:
−85% $35.00 $5.25−85% $1.99 $0.30*Unless otherwise specified, no discounts or offers will apply to License Add‑Ons.
Optional License Add-Ons:
−85% $35.00 $5.25−85% $1.99 $0.30*Unless otherwise specified, no discounts or offers will apply to License Add‑Ons.
This product is in these bundles
This great looking standalone monk is perfect as low resolution character for your scenes. It comes with three figures, Hood Up, Hood Down and with no Hood, they range from 6652 to 6998 polygons. Based on the popular Lorenzo Lorez low resolution male figure by Predatron this monk figure has many of the same facial and body morphs. Also all the Lorenzo skin textures can easily be used on the monk.
The Monk Robes are the low resolution version of the M4 Monk Robes and all the textures are lower in resolution too. Both can work very well together when lots of monks are required in a scene.
There is a Monk Hair prop that comes with 4 texture options, brown, black, blonde and grey. To finish off there are seven poses, which include three sitting, one kneeling, two standing and one walking.
What's Included and Features
- 3 Monk Figures (.CR2 and .OBJ)
- Hood Up
- Hood Down
- No Hood
- Morphs
- Adjust_HoodBrowSideOut
- Adjust_HoodCheeksOut
- Adjust_HoodEarsOut
- Adjust_HoodRearIn
- Adjust_HoodShldrsDwn
- Adjust_HoodTopBig
- Adjust_HoodTopDwn
- Adjust_Neck
- Arm_Size
- Beard_Full
- Beard_Normal
- Belly_In
- Belly_Out
- BicepsFlex
- Brow_Angular
- Brow_Angular_l
- Brow_Angular_r
- Brow_Arched
- Brow_CenterClose
- Brow_CenterDown
- Brow_CenterUp
- Brow_Down
- Brow_Down_l
- Brow_Down_r
- Brow_Evil
- Brow_Frown
- Brow_Heavy
- Brow_OuterDown
- Brow_Up
- Brow_Up_l
- Brow_Up_r
- Brow_Wide
- Cheek_Creases
- Cheek_CreasesAlt
- Cheekbones
- Cheeks_FwdFull
- Cheeks_Sink
- Cheeks_Wide
- Chest_Large
- Chin_Cleft
- Chin_FleshedOut
- Chin_FleshedOutAlt
- Chin_Fwd
- Chin_Large
- Chin_Small
- Chin_Strong
- Cranium_Larger
- Cranium_Round
- Cranium_SidesOut
- Cranium_Smaller
- Cross_SwingFwd
- Cross_SwingL
- Cross_SwingR
- CTRLArmFront-BackL
- CTRLArmFront-BackR
- CTRLArmsFront-Back
- CTRLArmsUp-Down
- CTRLArmUp-DownL
- CTRLArmUp-DownR
- CTRLEyes_Side-Side
- CTRLEyes_Up-Down
- CTRLHandGrasp
- CTRLHandSpread
- CTRLIndexGrasp
- CTRLlArmDown
- CTRLlArmUp
- CTRLMiddleGrasp
- CTRLPinkyGrasp
- CTRLrArmDown
- CTRLrArmUp
- CTRLRingGrasp
- CTRLShoulderShrug
- CTRLShoulderShrugL
- CTRLShoulderShrugR
- CTRLThumbGrasp
- CTRLTorsoBend
- CTRLTorsoSide-Side
- CTRLTorsoTwist
- Ears_Bigger
- Ears_Elven
- Ears_ElvenAlt
- Ears_FoldOver
- Ears_Height
- Ears_In
- Ears_LobesLonger
- Ears_LobesOut
- Ears_StickOut
- Ears_UpperBig
- Eyes_Bags
- Eyes_Bigger
- Eyes_Blink
- Eyes_Blink_l
- Eyes_Blink_r
- Eyes_Height
- Eyes_LidsHeavy
- Eyes_LowerLidDefine
- Eyes_Oriental
- Eyes_SlantIn
- Eyes_SlantOut
- Eyes_Surprised
- Eyes_UpperDroop
- Eyes_WidthIn
- Eyes_WidthOut
- Eyes_Wince
- Eyes_Wince_l
- Eyes_Wince_r
- Face_African
- Face_Alfonso
- Face_Antonio
- Face_Carlo
- Face_CenterFwd
- Face_Classic
- Face_Creature
- Face_CreatureAlt1
- Face_CreatureAlt2
- Face_Dario
- Face_Dino
- Face_Elven
- Face_Enzio
- Face_Francesco
- Face_Frederico
- Face_Giorgio
- Face_Goblin
- Face_Heart
- Face_Heavy
- Face_Leonardo
- Face_Long
- Face_LowerFwd
- Face_Luigi
- Face_Narrow
- Face_Old
- Face_Orc
- Face_Oriental
- Face_OrientalAlt
- Face_Paolo
- Face_Pietro
- Face_Roberto
- Face_Round
- Face_Ruggerio
- Face_Short
- Face_Smooth
- Face_Square
- Face_Teen
- Face_Umberto
- Face_UpperFwd
- Face_Vincenzo
- Face_Wide
- Face_Wizard
- Face_Zombie
- FBMBulky
- FBMHeavyBody
- FBMThin
- Fingers_Bulky
- ForeArm_Size
- Glutes_Bigger
- Goatee
- Hair_01
- Hair_02
- Hands_Bulky
- Hide_Cross
- Inhale
- Jowls
- Kneeling
- LatsSize
- LegL_Sideways
- LegR_Sideways
- Legs_Spread
- Lips_Bigger
- LowLip_Fill
- LowLip_Fwd
- LowLip_FwdAlt
- LowLip_Part
- LowLip_Thin
- Mandible_Larger
- Mandible_Small
- Moustache
- Mouth_A
- Mouth_Cnrs_Down
- Mouth_Cnrs_Up
- Mouth_E
- Mouth_Eh
- Mouth_Er
- Mouth_F
- Mouth_Frown
- Mouth_Higher
- Mouth_I
- Mouth_IH
- Mouth_Le
- Mouth_M
- Mouth_Narrow
- Mouth_Nuh
- Mouth_O
- Mouth_Open
- Mouth_Puh
- Mouth_Sh
- Mouth_Smile
- Mouth_SmileAlt
- Mouth_SmileAlt_l
- Mouth_SmileAlt_r
- Mouth_SmileOpen
- Mouth_SmileOpenAlt
- Mouth_Te
- Mouth_Tuh
- Mouth_U
- Mouth_Uw
- Mouth_We
- Mouth_Whistle
- Mouth_Wider
- RopeEnds_SwingFwd
- RopeEnds_SwingL
- RopeEnds_SwingR
- SCLChestSize
- SCLFootSize
- SCLHandSize
- SCLHeadSize
- Shldr_Size
- Sitting
- Sitting_Wide
- Sleeves_FallBck
- Sleeves_MoveUp
- Sleeves_Wider
- Teeth_UpperFangs
- Temples_In
- ThighsRear_Back
- ThighsSides_Out
- ThighsSides_Out_l
- ThighsSides_Out_r
- ThighsUp_Fwd
- Tongue_CurlDown
- Tongue_CurlUp
- Tongue_Fat
- Tongue_Length
- Tongue_SwayL
- Tongue_SwayR
- TricepsFlex
- UpLip_Full
- UpLip_Fwd
- UpLip_Padded
- UpLip_Sneer
- UpLip_Thin
- UpperFace_Padded
- WaistThickness
- Walk_Left
- Walk_Right
- Monk Hair Prop (.HR2 and.OBJ)
- Back_Longer
- Brow_Heavy
- Classic_Fit
- Creature_1
- Creature_2
- Creature_3
- Dario_Fit
- Ears_Higher
- Ears_StickOut
- Elven_Fit
- Fringe_CurveDwn
- Fringe_CurveUp
- Fringe_Fwd
- Fuller
- Hair_Rough
- Raise_FrontEar
- Sides_Out
- Style_Alt
- 13 Monk RobesTexture Options
- 4 Black
- 3 Brown
- 3 Grey
- 3 Tan
- 1 Caucasian Skin Texture
- 4 Hair Texture Options
- Black
- Brown
- Grey
- Blonde
- Hide/Show Thighs File (.PZ2)
- 7 Poses (.PZ2)
- Sitting 1
- Sitting 2
- sitting 3
- Kneeling
- Standing 1
- Standing 2
- Walking
- Textures Include
- 2 Texture/Bump/Specular Maps (2048x2048)
- 7 Texture/Transparency Maps (2048x512)
- 7 Texture/Bump Maps (256x256)
- 6 Texture/Bump/Displacement/Reflection Maps (512x512)
- 19 Texture/Bump Maps 2048x2048)
- Poser Material Poses (.PZ2)
- DAZ Studio Material Presets (.DSA)
- 3 Monk Figures (.CR2 and .OBJ)