Star Trek Builders Unite 2 "Renderings on the Edge of Forever"
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Working on a simple little prop that I'm shocked no one else has done.
Coming soon...
All this discussion about crew quarters motivated me to attempt Spock's as it appeared (more or less) in "Amok Time".
I forget; who made the pedestal for the Vulcan "gargoyle"? Mylochka? MDBruffy? Or Bluto? Anyway, I used that piece and placed a heavily morphed copy of the venerable "Gargoyle Hound" atop it to serve as the statue. I was lucky enough to have an axe in my runtime that looked pretty close to the pair mounted overhead. I used a free shower curtain prop to make the heavy velvet curtains hanging within Spock's bunk room.
It's not 100 percent "screen accurate" to the set dressing used in the episode (especially since I added some rounded cubes to break up the featureless surface of the room divider), but hopefully it's near enough to capture the essence.
Very nice, Bill! For a moment, I thought it was a screen capture.
cool isolinear chips - saw a pair on sketchup and tried to covert them a while back but they didnt convert well
here is page 5 of my graphic sorta novella
Done for Turbulence1973 Star Trek - Gamma Fleet Operations GFO. -
Note: this is just me having fun - in no means done as any story or timeline created by Turbulence1973 and may or may not actually continue on another page LOL
the grammar again is probably horrible also lol
A larger easier readable version can be found at my DeviantArt page
very nice!
Flattery will get trouble if the girl is underage. (Sorry, that was a bit random.)
Seriously, thanks. Anybody care to guess the "out of place" element I slipped into the render? You'll wanna' "dope slap" me once you discover it.
Super! Damn, the blanket looks real! Nicely done - the rounded panels also add some interesting texture. Very cool!
A little toy for the mirror universe modeled by me in hexagon
Verra nice work!
Just a static prop derived from the dynamic cloth item you originally supplied in your set. The "trick" is the material setting, a free "sequined" pattern Traveler offers at RunTimeDNA. It's the same one I used in my recent "recovery ward" scene.
Just a static prop derived from the dynamic cloth item you originally supplied in your set. The "trick" is the material setting, a free "sequined" pattern Traveler offers at RunTimeDNA. It's the same one I used in my recent "recovery ward" scene.
Still haven't spotted the anomalous item, although I've got a couple of guesses. And even though I have a lot of Traveler's textures, I can't seem to find which one you're using for the blanket.
Good job, Bill: I'm stumped! [grin]
While talking to Paul via IM I made the comment about needing to do an image and he quickly suggested doing a TOS image. These lovely ladies at first were going to be Red Shirts on the bridge of the Enterprise and I was quickly reminded of the life expectancy of your typical Red Shirt on board the Enterprise. Paul quickly recommended that they be transferred to Medical where they could be best utilized. I am not a fan of the the Courageous outfit because of the lack of morphs but I was able to get all the ladies into the outfits without having any curvy parts exposed. I used an empty room prop to populate it with beds and a desk and chair to give it a Medical Unit look and lined the ladies up to quickly welcome anyone that may have come in for a splinter, paper cut, finger strain, or any one of many other thought up maladies in order to take the quick trip to the med bay to hear these lovely sirens coo, "Welcome to the USS Enterprise Medical Station, how can we help you today?"
The sequined package, as well as Traveler's other material sets can be found on this page...
As for the "out of place" item, let's see if anyone else cares to guess. If no one by this evening catches it, I'll reveal the answer.
well it LOOKS like something from Star Trek..
i'm working on the Pimp Ptrope's Quarters thing and came up with an idea: Andorian Ice Palm
The sequined package, as well as Traveler's other material sets can be found on this page...
As for the "out of place" item, let's see if anyone else cares to guess. If no one by this evening catches it, I'll reveal the answer.
BillHey Bill,
Booku kudos for the work you did for Spock's quarters!
I PM'd you my guess--don't want to spoil it for others if I'm right :-)
Beautiful ice palm. Where are its antennae? ;)
Figured I might get in on the pimpin' a little ...
I separated the control console from Gary Seven's Beta-5 computer (or it could be a captured Atavachron unit ;)), added a MARS viewer on the nightstand, threw in an ancient stone wall, and decorated a bit. Oh, and split off the screen and doubled its width, then put it in place of the back sliding door.
The Beta-5 computer works very well there! That along with the sliding "screen" makes it kinda' tie into the layout of Kirk's quarters in ST:tMP. Wait, I think Kirk had a wall sized screen on the far wall and a strange "work-station" to the "relative" left. Layout-wise, I guess this would "lean" more towards "Wrath of Khan".
Either way, I LIKE it!
Flattery will get trouble if the girl is underage. (Sorry, that was a bit random.)
Seriously, thanks. Anybody care to guess the "out of place" element I slipped into the render? You'll wanna' "dope slap" me once you discover it.
Well I could be very wrong too ... but the item that keeps grabbing my attention is the tricorder.
Here's another clue. It's an item associated with a different (yet wildly popular) franchise re-purposed for for this scene. So, no, it's not the tricorder (since tricorders appear in Trek) and it's not the statue of the head (Spock actually had two resting upon the headboard).
Okay, I don't know what this is, but that would be my next guess.
Yes, that IS the item.
Anybody care to guess what its origins?
That looks suspiciously like the underside detail to one of the free Dalek models I found over at Project Dalek (don't remember who made it, but it's a separate prop from the rest of the Dalek).
That's the only thing I could figure was out of place, but I have no clue as to what it is, therefore I didnt guess.
I'm curious. Was there ever a cannon version of a Gorn ship? I'm asking because this guy would make the awesome gorn:
Not that I know of - the original series didn't have the budget for a ship, and the Gorn never showed up again that I know of. And I like that character - very cool!
And JerrieCan is the winner!
Yes, it's the underside prop from Sam Therapy's Dalek figures. It's based upon the anti-grav components viewed at a very shallow angle in the 2005 episode "Dalek".
I wanted to place a ceremonial shield there and thought it would be funny to re-texture a Dalek saucer. But I stumbled across the "under bumper" prop and thought it might work as an alternative.
I guess it worked since it seemingly "threw" a few people.
The Gorn did make an appearance in ST:ENT in the mirror universe episode two-parter, "In a Mirror, Darkly." I can't remember if the Gorn appeared in both episodes, or in just part two of the episode, but the Gorn was in charge of the workforce (actually, they were probably slaves now that I think about it) aboard the USS Defiant.
The Gorn did make an appearance in ST:ENT in the mirror universe episode two-parter, "In a Mirror, Darkly." I can't remember if the Gorn appeared in both episodes, or in just part two of the episode, but the Gorn was in charge of the workforce (actually, they were probably slaves now that I think about it) aboard the USS Defiant.
I don't recall any gorn ships from that one though... then again it was one of the very few ST: Enterprise episodes I ever watched..