Awww... but I don't want Carrara 9 to die - not even a lovely, peaceful death! ;) Great render, though!!!
but there are all the signs of rebirth - the spring flowers, the butterflies, the stars , the fresh grass, the phallic nature of the tomb... er monument :)
Awww... but I don't want Carrara 9 to die - not even a lovely, peaceful death! ;) Great render, though!!!
but there are all the signs of rebirth - the spring flowers, the butterflies, the stars , the fresh grass, the phallic nature of the tomb... er monument :)
I was actually working up an example to show magaremoto (and others) in the Post Your Renders thread, and decided to turn it into a new Carrara 9 idea... which kind fits nicely in here! So, instead of posting this in there, where it might disqualify it for the challenge, I figured I'd post it here, and link to it in the other thread ;)
Carrara 9 New Feature - GPU Assisted Working Window
I know that the lettering and Carrara 9 icon end up looking like post, so I thought I'd show my working envirnment a bit. This image (>> Right >>) shows the outer shell of the Antares Cockpit with the render camera sticking in through the door, which I've opened.
With Rosie, the lettering, and the Carrara 9 icon hidden, I took a main color render with an Ambient Occlusion multi-pass layer.
Then I shot a Draft render in wireframe mode, using fast lighting.
Then I turned on Rosie and rendered that as a mian color render, then with the icon, and then with everything including the lettering.
So then in Howler, I used filmmaker compositing tricks and some creative selections to composite everything together - using Add, Subtract, Mix, etc., to come up with what I think might look like an interactive GPU-enhanced workflow idea - where we can select how individual scene elements get rendered in working view ;)
I just wasn't happy with it after seeing it uploaded here. Applied some color-correction to Rosie (Man, that takes a LONG time selecting her separately!!!) and, since I went through the difficulty of making that selection, I used the inverse of that to apply some motion blur, and then made yet another selection, blurred the selection, and composited the original image back in over the blurred letters, icon, and other details that shouldn't be blurred.
Finally... messed around a lot with terrain shaders for 3 days and again today... still not entirely happy.... So took a break and setup "Carrara" blocks and "9". Thought I'd post a render with caustics on for the blocks... seems to have affected the rock shader, global, of the terrain a bit... perhaps even blended the darker cloudy look of the the grass distribution with the other lighter color which I've not figured out where it comes from... land??... perhaps I'll tackle my terrain shaders and work on lining up the blocks a bit better... too bad I didn't give the blocks a couple front feet to give them some tilt to face more upward... the "9" is tilted, rotated, to give it a better appearance. Thought I'd show how slowly/poorly I've been coming along compared to the excellent renders so far. Included is also a wireframe setup pic.
Hmm... wonder if the bend modifier in Assembly room works on multiple groups, the blocks are vertex and letters are text objects... each is a group ie; "C" etc. Will have to give that a try to see what happens after I line them all up next to each other and make a super group.
Fidget with positioning/rotating of blocks... may float them above ground 0 a bit.
Fidget with terrain shaders more.
Perhaps I could also add a thin layer of fog below "Carrara 9"... will have to give it a go.
Everyone is doing great! - "keep those cards and renders coming" :)
Thank you very much. Hope to have some models with textures worthy of distribution in the not too distant future. Maybe I can reciprocate by challenge #30.
I think I have the uvmap sufficiently sorted out for this entry. The pinstripes on the uniform are procedural shaders by applying a wires function. They no longer are diagonal in the legs, although I introduced other problems (immediately under the buttocks). The Carrara 9 was applied by creating a rectangular layer after I had rendered a separate black/white image to be the opacity mask (Carrara 9). I still need to create and apply the team logo to the left sleeve, but it is the same method as the text for Carrara and 9. The rest will then be using the VWD plugin to drape to the pose I want and handling a few background elements.
Aaargh. Assembling my scene as inspired by the following Kenny Rogers song.
But, I get a limits error when I try to load the VWD plugin. Probably too much in the scene. I am hoping, praying, that I can render the elements separately and composite them. This WIP is the result when I attach the uniform to the baseball player skeleton instead of drape through VWD. I really want to use VWD on the uniform!!!!!!!!!
I think I have the uvmap sufficiently sorted out for this entry
Not a bad job at all considering how frustrating it can be sometimes to work with Carrara's UV tools. Even in Silo, sometimes I have problems, Blender, so far (IMO) has the most comfortable UV tools I have ever seen ...
At times when I have UV difficulties, that is pretty much the only solution.
I believe that UV's are the biggest reason why some folks give up on modeling, they are also the most boring part of the process, lol.
Usually its not a good idea to make stripes like that (procedural shader, I mean) cuz UV's will be distorted no matter what, projection painting is better solution, I think.
Whoa, so many cool entries in this thread. Very inspiring! Here's my idea, not sure where I'll go with it. Perhaps several tourists or reporters who have found this crater may come and point at the "long lost" Carrara 9, we'll see.
Hey if I enter, it'll be my first ever render challenge entry!
Whoa, so many cool entries in this thread. Very inspiring! Here's my idea, not sure where I'll go with it. Perhaps several tourists or reporters who have found this crater may come and point at the "long lost" Carrara 9, we'll see.
Hey if I enter, it'll be my first ever render challenge entry!
Hey Jay, welcome to the Challenge. Really nice scene, those tourists will be lucky people :)
...and the Plot thickens ;)
I wish I had the resilience to maintain an (fifth) element of suspense!
Thanks Fifth!!!
No problem, Dartan, here are the rocks too, not the best possible UV's and texture, it was a quick job:
Anyways, here is a pure Carrara render of the scene (just a bunch of surface replicators), tommorow I'll do some postwork on it...
powerful image, nice viewpoint, I;m giving this 8 and a half stars ;)
Thanks Again!!!
Awww... but I don't want Carrara 9 to die - not even a lovely, peaceful death! ;) Great render, though!!!
but there are all the signs of rebirth - the spring flowers, the butterflies, the stars , the fresh grass, the phallic nature of the tomb... er monument :)
yourself of course being amongst the stars Wendy!
No problem, I uploaded my awesome rifle (lol) on SketchFab to be downloaded as well.
Thanks for the nice comments guys, here is the final render (after post in Fuson)
Looks fricken Real, man!!! ;)
I was actually working up an example to show magaremoto (and others) in the Post Your Renders thread, and decided to turn it into a new Carrara 9 idea... which kind fits nicely in here! So, instead of posting this in there, where it might disqualify it for the challenge, I figured I'd post it here, and link to it in the other thread ;)
Carrara 9 New Feature - GPU Assisted Working Window
EDIT: Added color-corrected version
With Rosie, the lettering, and the Carrara 9 icon hidden, I took a main color render with an Ambient Occlusion multi-pass layer.
Then I shot a Draft render in wireframe mode, using fast lighting.
Then I turned on Rosie and rendered that as a mian color render, then with the icon, and then with everything including the lettering.
So then in Howler, I used filmmaker compositing tricks and some creative selections to composite everything together - using Add, Subtract, Mix, etc., to come up with what I think might look like an interactive GPU-enhanced workflow idea - where we can select how individual scene elements get rendered in working view ;)
I just wasn't happy with it after seeing it uploaded here. Applied some color-correction to Rosie (Man, that takes a LONG time selecting her separately!!!) and, since I went through the difficulty of making that selection, I used the inverse of that to apply some motion blur, and then made yet another selection, blurred the selection, and composited the original image back in over the blurred letters, icon, and other details that shouldn't be blurred.
Yeah... I like this one much better! :)
Finally... messed around a lot with terrain shaders for 3 days and again today... still not entirely happy.... So took a break and setup "Carrara" blocks and "9". Thought I'd post a render with caustics on for the blocks... seems to have affected the rock shader, global, of the terrain a bit... perhaps even blended the darker cloudy look of the the grass distribution with the other lighter color which I've not figured out where it comes from... land??... perhaps I'll tackle my terrain shaders and work on lining up the blocks a bit better... too bad I didn't give the blocks a couple front feet to give them some tilt to face more upward... the "9" is tilted, rotated, to give it a better appearance. Thought I'd show how slowly/poorly I've been coming along compared to the excellent renders so far. Included is also a wireframe setup pic.
Everyone is doing great! - "keep those cards and renders coming" :)
Yes. Modifiers on groups can effect the whole group. I really like this one:
just has a really cool look to it! ;)
I do like the shape of your terrain. The mesh looks really nice!
Dart, Thanks... that will help... hopefully in lining up the blocks in a nice curve. You're compliments are very appreciated.
Wow!! I disappear for a few days and the floodgates have opened. Well done everyone it is all looking great
Thank you very much. Hope to have some models with textures worthy of distribution in the not too distant future. Maybe I can reciprocate by challenge #30.
I think I have the uvmap sufficiently sorted out for this entry. The pinstripes on the uniform are procedural shaders by applying a wires function. They no longer are diagonal in the legs, although I introduced other problems (immediately under the buttocks). The Carrara 9 was applied by creating a rectangular layer after I had rendered a separate black/white image to be the opacity mask (Carrara 9). I still need to create and apply the team logo to the left sleeve, but it is the same method as the text for Carrara and 9. The rest will then be using the VWD plugin to drape to the pose I want and handling a few background elements.
you modellers really impress me
Woe is me - ERROR - exceed VWD limits
Aaargh. Assembling my scene as inspired by the following Kenny Rogers song.
But, I get a limits error when I try to load the VWD plugin. Probably too much in the scene. I am hoping, praying, that I can render the elements separately and composite them. This WIP is the result when I attach the uniform to the baseball player skeleton instead of drape through VWD. I really want to use VWD on the uniform!!!!!!!!!
Not a bad job at all considering how frustrating it can be sometimes to work with Carrara's UV tools. Even in Silo, sometimes I have problems, Blender, so far (IMO) has the most comfortable UV tools I have ever seen ...
At times when I have UV difficulties, that is pretty much the only solution.
I believe that UV's are the biggest reason why some folks give up on modeling, they are also the most boring part of the process, lol.
Usually its not a good idea to make stripes like that (procedural shader, I mean) cuz UV's will be distorted no matter what, projection painting is better solution, I think.
Nice modeling BTW
Thanks Wendy and Dartan
Note - Roger Maris wears #9 in the video.
EDIT: - Thanks for the pointers, FifthElement. Will have to check out those uv solutions.
I had to make a box for it as well. After all, the manuell is going to be big, with all the new features ...
manual? now that is funny!
There is always hope .
And before anyone asks, here is the box model, including UV-map
Whoa, so many cool entries in this thread. Very inspiring! Here's my idea, not sure where I'll go with it. Perhaps several tourists or reporters who have found this crater may come and point at the "long lost" Carrara 9, we'll see.
Hey if I enter, it'll be my first ever render challenge entry!
This is the "Rosetta stone" (or maybe "Carrara stone"?) until now. I put trees and grass with replicators.
The stream was created by fluid dynamics in Blender and imported to Carrara.
This is the Carrara assemble window.
Hey Jay, welcome to the Challenge. Really nice scene, those tourists will be lucky people :)
Alberto, so cool, the reference to Memphis decree of Ptolemy IV :) he he, nice to see a bit of culture in this forum ;)