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Thanks Llynara :)
Yeah the gen3 have its charm. I loved A3, but didnt like her teeth, so when A4 come, I simple used the poser setuproom and then the group tool to cut out A4's teeth and use them with A3 to give her a better smile :D
LOL! She got a dental transplant!
Haha yeah she sure did :P See if I can find some render or do a render with that :)
Shanghai Style for Genesis
So I just got around to rendering Shanghai Style, which was in the Fast Grab the other day. This is a nice set with classic lines. Everything can easily be reshaded. Sure, it can be Asian, but I think sci fi shaders would look really cool on this outfit. Here is the jumpsuit on the lovely Pix Jingfei for G3F and matching corset and MFD textures on Aiko 3. I'm working on using Cross Dresser to get the jumpsuit on Aiko 3.
The MFD textures work on all MFDs. The corset was an interesting surprise. You can't fit it to Aiko, but you can parent it, and it has FBMs for her and every generation that can wear on MFD. What a nice surprise!
There are pair of shoes too, I couldn't get them to fit right to either of them yet.
The textures of the dress and jumpsuit render fine in Iray with no tinkering at all. The corset is another matter. If you throw Uber on it, the thing literally disappears. I used Parrot Dolphin's base shaders, the "Satin but keep images" setting worked. It made it a little darker, but still looks good.
Hair: Dragonfly Hair (G3F) and Gwenith Hair (A3)
Lights: I also used DA Real World Lighting, which I've never tried. So if the lighting looks a little odd, that's why.
Shaders: I'm also still trying to find the right Iray shaders for Aiko 3. Anagenesis turns her skin blue! I thought I'd done something wrong, but checked and the script just won't load for that. I may be able to save V3's skin as a material preset and use it on Aiko. I'll attempt that next. I threw some Uber on her. Didn't seem to do much.
Set: That's Stonemason's Streets of Asia 2 behind them with no additional shaders. It renders great!
Loading Melody for A3 (and other Furries) in DAZ Studio
A bunch of furries have landed in my runtime due to a big blowout sale the other day. But figuring out how to load them, and shade them, took a little effort. Putting my notes here. They're a work in progress. Expect some Furry renders soon.
1. Load Melody: go to Poser Runtime: Figures->CDI-> Furries and click on MEL FBM
2. Load furry morph: go to Pose->CDI\Furries->Faces Melody and click on one of the head morphs (make sure Melody is selected in scene tab)
3. Load textures: go to Pose->Melody and select one of the textures for her. Click to apply.
Posing: Melody takes A3 poses, so any you already have are fine. If you picked up Ensary's Feral poses in the sale, they are in Pose->Ensary->Feral
For the tail:
Hair: A3 and V3 hairs should work. I haven't played with this much yet, but there are magnets for helping to pose the hair in the Props\Melody folder. You can choose to load one for Figure Hair or Prop Hair.
Clothing: She takes all A3 clothing. May have to tweak for tail, but so far everything I've tried on her fits. Here she is in the A3 MFD in Iray, still fiddling with shaders and I definitely need to choose a lighter figure to try it on. Can't see much with the dark Bast skin. I did throw Uber over the MFD texture, but it still looks toony at the moment.
Iray: If you have Anagenessis and the freebie script for manual shading (first post of Anagenessis support thread) , you can load some Iray shaders onto her. So far, the eyes and nail shaders don't work. I've had that issue with other Gen 3s (notes on page 15 of this thread.)
Shanghai Spring
I re-rendered this to get Aiko's dress in the picture better. I also stole Vega for V3's skin and stuck it on Aiko until I can shade her correctly. She looks pretty good! Most of the other items used are in the post above, but if there's something I didn't list, let me know. The image could be larger, but I'm happy with it.
Postwork: A little goes a long way! I cropped the image, added a glow, used a burnt edges action (just a smidge), and a falling petals overlay that I just got in this incredible package from InkyDeals. I cannot wait to use more of these. There are some truly beautiful things in there.
Ohh sweet. A3 looks great :D
and nice to see you having fun with Melody :)
Here is render with A3 dental transplant. The skin I have used is Aelwen by Freja The top row is A3 with just smile morphs. The bottom row is with a little bit of Aelwen charater applied
The operation looks like a success! I like her smile better the way you did it. And Aelwen has beautiful skin. Is she still available or is she one of the many discontinued Gen3 characters?
Thanks :) - A3 smile was something that hunted me for years, before V4 come. I think I bought 1 or 2 morph package just to get her to have a great smile: and then realize her teeth looked odd :P
Aelwen aint available but Freja, who made here is still active.Cant hurt ask if possible to get Aelwen :)
Darya is also a wonderfull skin, think I have used it most :)
Very well done, Llynara! I like the second one a great deal.
Interesting to see someone work with the old figures as well. I've always had a soft spot for M4, since I could do so much with him just by adding V4's morphs/UV's and the Mina Enhanced for M4. Really made him much more versitile.
Thanks, Darwin! I love the M4s. I think they're still my favorite guys. Did you see Kitt for M4? He's a cutie.
I want to pick up your Tristan guy and play with him. Love his Iray shaders. He really looks good in them.
Playing with Generation 3 is reminding me how versatile Generation 4 is. You can do so much for them and there are actually new models being released with Iray and even Superfly shaders. I really love seeing new products for older models. Yesterday's Cookie release got me all excited. I hope we'll see a Cookie 2.0 similar to Star 2.0.
Oh wow, there are a ton of great freebies for Aiko 3 listed here. Clothing, characters, you name it. Plenty of great stuff for V3 here too, and even a few things for poor, forgotten M3. Mcafee2000 has some very beautiful textures in his/her gallery, including M3 Pride 2007, with some great tattoos. I can't wait to see how those render in Iray.
EDIT: I forgot about @chohole 's awesome site chock full of freebies, especially for the older figures. Wow!
Yeah, I've been thinking I need to get over to poserdazfreebies and beef up my collection of A3 content. Too busy with everything else to get to that right now, though.
LOL, so many renders, so little time!
Great link list :) A3 did get alot of love when she was "active". :)
Found this through the freebie links. Renapd over at Rendo has some great freebies for Aiko 3 and other Gen3s. This gladiator suit for M3 looks promising.
But check out this vendor's store too. There are some very detailed clothing and character sets for Gen 3 on the very last page. Also a ton of Gen4 stuff. Beautifully done and unusual- Native Americans, Cossacks, and gorgeous outfits and characters from India here. Wishlisting a bunch of stuff like I do here at DAZ and hoping to catch it on a good sale some time.
Thank you very much for the freebies links Llynara! I just recently picked up aiko3 and victoria3 but really don't want to invest a huge amount of money in items for them at this point (especially since the pc and pa sale tend to have the older content at phenomenal prices) so the freebies will save me from having to use the same 4 outfits over and over lol. I just picked up Melody as well and Cupcake although I don't really do toons, I finally caved on the darn unicorn and one thing led to
The MFD all of the textures will work on all of the generations. Every single one of them. Which is super cool.
Edited to add, the textures for the hooded cloak and the medieval cloak work across generations as well.
Using Anagenessis Shaders on Generation 3, Part 2 (Link to Part 1)
So working with the manual shaders (freebie) script for Anagenessis is very hit or miss. Some characters load completely fine. Others error out every time and the shader maps refuse to load. I'm learning to load them manually by comparing the ones that load to the ones that don't. There's like 7 places that the maps need to be, and I'm still figuring it out. I can't post screenshots of the settings but I think I can list what maps need to applied where.
In this case, I had a V3 where some skin maps load beautifully, but the face looks like it's blue clay:
This is because she's wearing a makeup map, which has a different name than the default and the script doesn't like that. Same thing with the forearms and hands for some reason. The script is looking for something it can't find and errors out. The DAZ log says it's an error on line 36, but I can't read the script to figure it out, since it's in some kind of assembly code.
So I compared where the regular map loaded on successful ones vs unsuccessful and was able to fix it. The image maps need to be applied to the following locations:
Then, you should get something beautiful, like this (only 20% rendered, will post when done):
Wow huge difference as well and looks like it was worth the effort!
WIP: Warrior Class
Here's the finished render with no postwork.
Still to do:
Items Used: I tried to pack a few freebies in on this one:
I was very distracted by the strength of the shadow of her face on her hair. It seems like hair should soften a hard shadow like that considerably - and because it doesn't it makes her hair seem like a solid surface. That hard shadow also makes the background look more like a backdrop. At first the backdrop really took my breath away, and then when I saw the shadow suddenly it lost depth - I guess because the illusion of natural light was disrupted?
Otherwise, it is a pretty incredible render - especially considering that is V3 you're using.
The same shadow is on the hair on her shoulder - and there isn't the same corresponding shadow on the male figure. That is part of it. The shadows his face and bangs are casting on his hair are softer and more diffuse.
I'm not sure why it's doing that. It's just an HDRI for the lighting. I'll play with it.
Not perfect, but having fun. Time for work. More details later!
EDIT: Now there aren't enough shadows and it makes them look cartoony. Back to the drawing board!
I really like how this turned out. Nice. I remember reading about a fix for that shadow problem somewhere, just don't remember where. If I happen to find it, I'll let you know. Still, it isn't as that bad. I think all of the other really good points of the image help to negate that shadow issue.
I think I like the original lighting better too. I may play with the DA Real World Lighting again and see if I can get close. I used that on the Shanghai Spring one and really liked the results.
"Looking for a Fight"
Michael 3 is looking for a fight. Vickie may have trouble holding this muscle bound warrior back.
I took another shot at it. M3 and V3 wanted to go to the beach, so I put them there instead with DA Real World Lighting, which I really like for outdoor scenes. There's a ton of control over everything- including how harsh the shadows look. I found by adding a little bit of haze, it softens those shadows nicely. I love the HDRI I was using, just didn't like the harsh shadow on that hair. If I could figure out how to get rid of that, I'd stick with that one.
Some great DSON stuff on sale today that works well both forwards and backwards- bring it forward for Genesis 2 and 3, or backwards for Generations 3 and 4. Some even have fits going back to V3! A few I picked up very cheaply:
A few others I picked up for kit bashing and flexibility (since Genesis fits both men and women:)
Anagenesis: Workaround for Errors in the Freebie Script
I found a workaround for all the crazy Anagenessis manual tweaking I've been doing when the freebie script errors out and won't load the maps. This process is MUCH easier than hand editing ten different maps under each surface!
Cornea: LCornea, RCornea
Iris: LIris, RIris
Lacrimal: Lacrimal
Mouth: Inner Mouth, Gums, Tongue
Nails: Fingernails, Toenails
Pupil: Lpupil, RPupil
Scelera: LEyeWhite and REyeWhite
Teeth: Teeth
NGS Shader_New: EyeSocket, Lips, Nipples, Nostrils, PubicHair, SkinArm, SkinFeet, SkinForearm, SkinHand, SkinHead, SkinHip, SkinLeg, SkinNeck, SkinScalk, SkinTorso