Novica & Forum Members Tips & Product Reviews Pt 8
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If you get a chance, please visit AVXP's thread to see the covers/books which have been released for sale, at a very reasonable price. Wonderful artwork on the covers and it looks like a fun series. Of course I like the western with the "cowboy" and guns blazing.
OT: (Skip if you don't want to read horse-stuff. :) ) Speaking of which, I had fun yesterday- and Stetson was SUCH a good boy. I rode with a bareback pad and bitless! (not bad for someone going on 61 years old in June.) Last time I did that, I was in my twenties. The bareback pad is the same as going bareback except you don't get totally sopping wet from sweat from the horse's back/where you sat. That is the epitome of "ugh" when you dismount, like wearing a wet swimsuit.
And it weights a pound, instead of 34! Stetson loved it, and it takes literally a minute to put it on. Want a great barebad pad? It's Statelinetack(dotcom) Best Friend Deluxe Trail Bareback Pad or item E004873. It's got pockets for a cell phone, and one that includes the water bottle! Has padding for the cantle (the back of the seat, it rolls up to help form a seat) and padding for the withers (neckbone area) Two other people in the barn ordered it last week after they saw it.
And I love the Nurtural bridle from Canada, there's no pressure on the poll (top of head) unless you really, really have to pull hard. It's delicate pressure underneath, with a huge, soft circle that the reins run through, that disperses the pressure. And it's underneath (like for us, where a chinstrap would go, and in the dead center) so it's very mild. I just barely lifted the reins (barely any pressure, everything is a loose fit with two fingers to four fingers underneath the straps) and Stetson stopped on a dime. He really enjoyed no bit, no saddle, it was obvious he was a much happier horse (even though I have a very gentle bit, double jointed with roller, and D-rings. No shanks.)
Hi All! Re: the FAVORITE WATER product conversation, and ?s about this one.... iReal Animated Ocean Water System is my favorite for large-scale outdoor water. I haven't done animation with it, only still for now, but I love it for having the ability to have nice-looking foam, the water and sea-floor comes with various textures to suit differing types of locales and looks, and what's also real handy is the ability to use as many or few (seamlessly tiling) segments of ocean as you need for your scene which allows you the coverage you need and some resource efficiency. Also, it looks beautiful. Beautiful. It's not a real cheap product but even just for still imagery (thus far) I am very happy to have bought it.
Here's a render I did with iReal a while back for an example: (Best seen by clicking through to Full Size)
I'm in agreement with Serene Night (as often seems to be the case :) that wakes and ripples etc, where something or someone is in the water and/or moving is a real weak point presently, product-wise. I've seen fluid, airflow and other physical simulations used to create various 3d products and it would be super if someone out there could do some physically correct simulation-based props that have the correct forms and scale of details to make accurate interactions with water. Hint hint! :)
No the price point is high and I don't animate so I passed on that one. I have bought a ton of water products just not that one
Edit: your render is cool though.
Many ocean water products look to have such clear tropical water. Where I live the water is dark and a green gray color. Ocean is rough due to winds and spray an fog with rippleses and scummy foam. It is a place for experienced sailors who ply the bay for fish.
Breaking Waves on top of Terradome 3 Water.
Click on image for full size.
Breaking Waves and clouds from Stonemason.
Click on image for full size.
I don't animate either, but I recommend getting the Water System just for still shots if it ever hits the right price point for you.
@fishtales I like the second one- it's got a variety of breaking tops. And dolphins are adorable!
One we haven't mentioned for water is also Fern Lake. These were some doodles with the water at default, and making it a bit muddier.
Thank you for the info and render! I've almost bought that multiple times. I think it's going to get a higher priority now. I take it that you animate it until you get the look you want then freeze it for a render - so it works as if it were a still prop?
Edit: Answered by @Nath - yes it does.
Cool! I had thought that was the case but wasn't sure. So many of us need good water!!!
Edited... Lots of good info and products jumping onto my wishlist!
Is it sad when you run to recommended items and find you own some of them already and totally forgot about them? :/ I have the Fern Lake Bundle and derped. I wish these products were searchable by keywords. The search function in Studio has never been helpful for me, and I only started having better luck with DAZ when I started using the Content Library instead of the "smart" stuff.
This isn't finished, I'm not sure where it is going yet. I'm posting it here because it is Fern Lake with the water swapped out for one of the Terradome 3 Waters, rough waves or something like that :)
Click on image for full size.
May I ask if anyone has Lady Blaze for Genesis and could try that jacket on a male figure? Its in fast grab and I kind of like it, but would like to see how it fits the boys. Thanks so much. :)
The water shaders from fern lake were made by Cath @Mec4D and there were many others in her PBS Shaders Vol.2 which are excellent as well.
Here's Lady Blaze on Deacon for Genesis, Aiko as well for comparison. There's something going on with the texturing around the breast area in Deacon. Those stripes are supposed to run straight, and do in the female version. You may or may not find this a problem - I've included a retextured version to show it a bit clearer.
Here's the retexture. The shape of the jacket itself holds up well, but the texturing is less than ideal on a male shape (probably on a less endowed woman as well)
As I started to develop this I saw the water postings, still learning about many things. These are two different renders, just changing up the sky and adding/hiding other things in image.
This is in terradome3 with the "B" part and water. I added "Tropical Elements" by submerging it in the water some. Around the shore If grass is added can look a little more
realistic. Going to change up for both dragon scene and Egyptian themed waterway.
@Nath Thank you so much! I really appreciate the renders.
Thanks for showing those!
Interesting little island setup too.
Really cool water posts going on here. Thanks to everyone who has shared renders.
One thing that helps get a less clear kind of water is to add a second plane under the first water plane to make water opaque. I have found this helpful with shader products recently released
I appreciate all the adviice on the water. :-) Very good info.
Was trying to find my Alsace render, it's my favorite. I had to do a search of my external hard drive.
I have it as my Desktop image. So now here's the question- and I asked this in Commons last year and it was quite fun to see the responses- what's your Desktop image? The first Alsace image with the boat is my Desktop, then thought you'd like to see the Alsace ones again as it's been awhile.
And love that boat! Yes, you can go inside and it's furnished. I featured it when I did the renders. Here's RGcincy's posts with the sailboat and more water examples, from these threads.
These are huge, click to enlarge.
I bought KindredArts Glassworx, that looks awesome! And take a look at Nikisatez's store for outfits that are 83% off. They're not my style but you may be able to use them. Also, some PC items are dropping down to a dollar+ (That is with a new release)
The Dark Fairy Wings is in both sales and even without a purchase it's 83% off. Same for Wish Granter and Bad Boy Outfit. (And there's more. Just use these links to pop into the store.)
I agree Glassworxs looks excellent. I will certainly pick that up.
Here's my desktop image (click for fullsize):
The Alsace renders are beautiful, and your desktop wallpaper is very relaxing @novica
Love your desktop image too @TabascoJack You've inspired me to attempt a sci fi themed wallpaper!
My desktop has one of my Boyd and Sarge renders on it. It is one I like best for some reason. I like the rim lights on Boyd's face.
I believe the floral glass can be seen in this promo pic if you look closely here (its the 2nd image):
Has anyone used or have renders with this product? . Looking for something
that can enhance or replace water with some products.
So, it's more frosty and swirls. I suppose the colors could be set differently and still have the patterns.