Facegen in my experience is terrible at skins, period, full stop. Maybe with a high res source pic like the ones divamakeup found, it's doable, but if you're looking for a particular face (that doesn't belong to someone you can know well) rather than searching in general for something interesting and hi-res, your chances of finding what you're looking for go way down.
But it comes with 58 textures of its own that can all be altered right in the app to be any ethnicity and other coloring changes and can be brought into Photoshop later for further enhancement and has some good elderly character textures, has facial hair for men and non-beautiful/flawed skin character textures. And if you search for high res face textures you can find them online. If you're using any photo you haven't shot yourself or is copyrighted, you can still use it for the morph and create your own skin similar to the original or a Daz/PA texture with your new morph. You wouldn't be able to use someone else's photo pulled from the web anyway unless you purchase it from a stock company or use royalty free images licensed for commercial use... (Unless it is just for personal use and the person is a public figure and you wouldn't really need hi res textures for print really if it's for non-commercial use...)
Wonderland: I apologize, it sounds like I've not even scratched the surface of this program yet. :)
Tjohn: thank you! I turned safe search on to filter out some of his more, er, envelope-pushing works, but his portrait works are a nice mix of "everypeople" from different ethnicities and cultures, and modern celebrities.
Here's what I have so far. I cleaned up the face skin. Removed the eyelashes, blended out the nose, smoothed parts of the lips, color adjustments. I threw out the eyes and used another models and they still look a bit wonky. Can't use point at "camera" because they look cross eyed, and look that way in default load. I still think they look a little strange, but way better then when I started.
Looks great, deathbycanon. Just wonder, how did you fixed that eyes in Photoshop?
Any tips on that?
I used the eye ball from another character, but the skin around the eyes I redid using a merchant resource skin,. I just cut out the eye area, toned it to match then blended it into the skin I had. There was also a pretty bad seam line that I had to fix, and the area around the nose.
Update: So my problems with the skin misaligned were somehow to do with Genesis - whether it's just the way the export works, or I need to update/reinstall Genesis, I don't know. I moved on to G2M and the problem was elminated. So here's my test render of Peter Capaldi (the 12th Doctor). For some reason FaceGen made his eyes look alien (which I didn't notice in FaceGen, but obviously I'll have to go back and improve it), so I changed them somewhat in DS and I also added some age morphs. What do you think?
Also anyone know how to fix the eyes from looking sunken? I'm not sure why that happened, and I could only change them so much in Poser.
Now an unrelated question. When I use Iray it looks bad because the shadows are throwing off the likeness. I don't really know much about lights/rendering settings in DS and would prefer now to have the ability to move this to Poser eventually. Is there anything special I need to do? I'm not sure I've actually exported a morph before, but I assume it's just like anything else you convert/save out to Poser. Or is there a way to take the morph directly from FaceGen that I missed?
So I've been experimenting with another face and having even more problems than with the last - for one it came out really asymmetrial, which I think is due to the photo not being exactly correct. I changed all the settings so it lines up ok, but I'm still getting horrible results on his nose - which is why I wish you could move around points after the fact! Anyway, I'm not sure what I'm doing that I'm getting skin color under his nose that is cutting off his mustache. It seems like the point under his nose is wrong, but I don't know. I've tried it with using a profile photo and with only using a frontal photo. Any suggestions?
Looks great, deathbycanon. Just wonder, how did you fixed that eyes in Photoshop?
Any tips on that?
I used the eye ball from another character, but the skin around the eyes I redid using a merchant resource skin,. I just cut out the eye area, toned it to match then blended it into the skin I had. There was also a pretty bad seam line that I had to fix, and the area around the nose.
So I've been experimenting with another face and having even more problems than with the last - for one it came out really asymmetrial, which I think is due to the photo not being exactly correct. I changed all the settings so it lines up ok, but I'm still getting horrible results on his nose - which is why I wish you could move around points after the fact! Anyway, I'm not sure what I'm doing that I'm getting skin color under his nose that is cutting off his mustache. It seems like the point under his nose is wrong, but I don't know. I've tried it with using a profile photo and with only using a frontal photo. Any suggestions?
I don't know why it's happening but you could always pull the texture into photoshop and edit it there.
BTW is there a rule against posting texture files? If so - sorry, I missed that one.
So I've been experimenting with another face and having even more problems than with the last - for one it came out really asymmetrial, which I think is due to the photo not being exactly correct. I changed all the settings so it lines up ok, but I'm still getting horrible results on his nose - which is why I wish you could move around points after the fact! Anyway, I'm not sure what I'm doing that I'm getting skin color under his nose that is cutting off his mustache. It seems like the point under his nose is wrong, but I don't know. I've tried it with using a profile photo and with only using a frontal photo. Any suggestions?
You can move around points after the fact in Facegen. Go to: Modify>Interactive.
BTW is there a rule against posting texture files? If so - sorry, I missed that one.
Yes, unless they are solely your own work textures should not be posted to the forum.
I owned everything but the eye slits and what facegen filled in but they don't have any restirictions......Guess I'll have to make my own eye slits. :D
So I've been experimenting with another face and having even more problems than with the last - for one it came out really asymmetrial, which I think is due to the photo not being exactly correct. I changed all the settings so it lines up ok, but I'm still getting horrible results on his nose - which is why I wish you could move around points after the fact! Anyway, I'm not sure what I'm doing that I'm getting skin color under his nose that is cutting off his mustache. It seems like the point under his nose is wrong, but I don't know. I've tried it with using a profile photo and with only using a frontal photo. Any suggestions?
You can move around points after the fact in Facegen. Go to: Modify>Interactive.
Male face is Jack Nicholson...I think somebody from Friends and dunno who she is/was....
Nice. Driver looks good! It's hard to see the people in the shadows. I recommend ignoring the FaceGen made eye mats and just use your favorite eye mats from another character - I've never once seen the FaceGen eye mats look as good as the Daz PA made eyes. They always look a bit "off".
What bothers me about the regular eyes is that they seem too small. Like when a child draws eyes, they put the whole circular eyeball fitting between the lids.
That kinda alerts me to 3-D people. The eyes are always too small in the socket. Real eyes, you never get too see so much....roundness and eye balls fill the eyes
and- there's like, a little white trangle in the corners- that's it.
I also think they are too crispy. Like artificial.... contacts.
I like the eyes a little blurry to be honest. They are a moist surface and not ....dry marbles.
Hard to explain, but I prefer the Facegen eyes. I've switched them out before and always put them back.
Hi guys. So I think the tool gives some great resuts. The problem I'm mostly been having is in the eyes. It doesn't seem to like small eyes during the transition to Genesis. I've noticed this problem in some of my own attempts as well as others on this thread.
Here's an example of a big eyed person and it seems to work well.
In this second example the person has small eyes and it leaves the eyes on the Genesis mesh FAR too wide, but compensates by putting some of that lower (and sometimes upper) eyelid texture on the eyeball itself!
Before anyone says "Just get rid of the eye texture", the problem there is that the eyes then very obviously reveal themselves as the incorrect size/shape and requires manual correction which atleast for me can be quite time consuming.
When I contacted susupport they recommend the person open their eyes wide. In all honestly this doesn't help much when a person has small eyes. I'm not trying to get pictures of people straining to open their eyes unnaturally wide. On further enquiry they said they have no solution to the problem.
Has anyone else noticed this? I'm wondering if it's not as a big a problem for Genesis 3 perhaps (I can only do this on Genesis 1 and 2, and all my test cases so far have been Genesis1)?
But it comes with 58 textures of its own that can all be altered right in the app to be any ethnicity and other coloring changes and can be brought into Photoshop later for further enhancement and has some good elderly character textures, has facial hair for men and non-beautiful/flawed skin character textures. And if you search for high res face textures you can find them online. If you're using any photo you haven't shot yourself or is copyrighted, you can still use it for the morph and create your own skin similar to the original or a Daz/PA texture with your new morph. You wouldn't be able to use someone else's photo pulled from the web anyway unless you purchase it from a stock company or use royalty free images licensed for commercial use... (Unless it is just for personal use and the person is a public figure and you wouldn't really need hi res textures for print really if it's for non-commercial use...)
Try googling the name "Martin Schoeller" for images. A lot of large scale well-lit color portrait photography.
Sometimes the resources you choose to share on Daz.....what a link....THANK YOU, kind sir.
Wonderland: I apologize, it sounds like I've not even scratched the surface of this program yet. :)
Tjohn: thank you! I turned safe search on to filter out some of his more, er, envelope-pushing works, but his portrait works are a nice mix of "everypeople" from different ethnicities and cultures, and modern celebrities.
Here's what I have so far. I cleaned up the face skin. Removed the eyelashes, blended out the nose, smoothed parts of the lips, color adjustments. I threw out the eyes and used another models and they still look a bit wonky. Can't use point at "camera" because they look cross eyed, and look that way in default load. I still think they look a little strange, but way better then when I started.
He turned out awesome!
Here is one straight from FG and then again after I pulled it into photoshop and edited the texture.
Looks great, deathbycanon. Just wonder, how did you fixed that eyes in Photoshop?
Any tips on that?
It is an excellent tip - has spent many hours for hunting of such well-lit photos.
Very, very cool, Diva! I like what you've done with good old Boris! :)
Here is one straight from FG and then again after I pulled it into photoshop and edited the texture.
I used the eye ball from another character, but the skin around the eyes I redid using a merchant resource skin,. I just cut out the eye area, toned it to match then blended it into the skin I had. There was also a pretty bad seam line that I had to fix, and the area around the nose.
Texture image removed
I'm finding reducing the caricature-shape slider helps reduce eye distortions on G3F.
Is that a dial in Facegen or DS4?
It's in Facegen under the Modify > Demographics tab.
I've done the same with the mouth too, as well as the eyes; make sure you use a merchant resource unless you're positive it's for personal use.
Update: So my problems with the skin misaligned were somehow to do with Genesis - whether it's just the way the export works, or I need to update/reinstall Genesis, I don't know. I moved on to G2M and the problem was elminated. So here's my test render of Peter Capaldi (the 12th Doctor). For some reason FaceGen made his eyes look alien (which I didn't notice in FaceGen, but obviously I'll have to go back and improve it), so I changed them somewhat in DS and I also added some age morphs. What do you think?
Also anyone know how to fix the eyes from looking sunken? I'm not sure why that happened, and I could only change them so much in Poser.
Now an unrelated question. When I use Iray it looks bad because the shadows are throwing off the likeness. I don't really know much about lights/rendering settings in DS and would prefer now to have the ability to move this to Poser eventually. Is there anything special I need to do? I'm not sure I've actually exported a morph before, but I assume it's just like anything else you convert/save out to Poser. Or is there a way to take the morph directly from FaceGen that I missed?
So I've been experimenting with another face and having even more problems than with the last - for one it came out really asymmetrial, which I think is due to the photo not being exactly correct. I changed all the settings so it lines up ok, but I'm still getting horrible results on his nose - which is why I wish you could move around points after the fact! Anyway, I'm not sure what I'm doing that I'm getting skin color under his nose that is cutting off his mustache. It seems like the point under his nose is wrong, but I don't know. I've tried it with using a profile photo and with only using a frontal photo. Any suggestions?
Here is one straight from FG and then again after I pulled it into photoshop and edited the texture.
I used the eye ball from another character, but the skin around the eyes I redid using a merchant resource skin,. I just cut out the eye area, toned it to match then blended it into the skin I had. There was also a pretty bad seam line that I had to fix, and the area around the nose.
I don't know why it's happening but you could always pull the texture into photoshop and edit it there.
BTW is there a rule against posting texture files? If so - sorry, I missed that one.
Yes, unless they are solely your own work textures should not be posted to the forum.
You can move around points after the fact in Facegen. Go to: Modify>Interactive.
I owned everything but the eye slits and what facegen filled in but they don't have any restirictions......Guess I'll have to make my own eye slits. :D
Thanks for all the tips.
My latest Facegen work.
Great program. It made one of my favorite new characters.
Three people, mob boss, driver and the dame..
Male face is Jack Nicholson...I think somebody from Friends and dunno who she is/was....
Something bad is happening here....in post. lol
Nice. Driver looks good! It's hard to see the people in the shadows. I recommend ignoring the FaceGen made eye mats and just use your favorite eye mats from another character - I've never once seen the FaceGen eye mats look as good as the Daz PA made eyes. They always look a bit "off".
What bothers me about the regular eyes is that they seem too small. Like when a child draws eyes, they put the whole circular eyeball fitting between the lids.
That kinda alerts me to 3-D people. The eyes are always too small in the socket. Real eyes, you never get too see so much....roundness and eye balls fill the eyes
and- there's like, a little white trangle in the corners- that's it.
I also think they are too crispy. Like artificial.... contacts.
I like the eyes a little blurry to be honest. They are a moist surface and not ....dry marbles.
Hard to explain, but I prefer the Facegen eyes. I've switched them out before and always put them back.
Hi guys. So I think the tool gives some great resuts. The problem I'm mostly been having is in the eyes. It doesn't seem to like small eyes during the transition to Genesis. I've noticed this problem in some of my own attempts as well as others on this thread.
Here's an example of a big eyed person and it seems to work well.
In this second example the person has small eyes and it leaves the eyes on the Genesis mesh FAR too wide, but compensates by putting some of that lower (and sometimes upper) eyelid texture on the eyeball itself!
Before anyone says "Just get rid of the eye texture", the problem there is that the eyes then very obviously reveal themselves as the incorrect size/shape and requires manual correction which atleast for me can be quite time consuming.
When I contacted susupport they recommend the person open their eyes wide. In all honestly this doesn't help much when a person has small eyes. I'm not trying to get pictures of people straining to open their eyes unnaturally wide. On further enquiry they said they have no solution to the problem.
Has anyone else noticed this? I'm wondering if it's not as a big a problem for Genesis 3 perhaps (I can only do this on Genesis 1 and 2, and all my test cases so far have been Genesis1)?
I had all sorts of little problems with making Genesis characters. I gave up and just stick to Gen 3.
Plus, there's a lot more work in Daz to get the new textures and faces on the genesis base model.