Zev0 has added some preview pics to the beginning of his Skin Builder 3 Thread. I looked, wanted, and then went back again half an hour later to look and want some more :) FaceGen is going to be getting itself a lot more use here soon :)
I have been experimenting a little to try and get better eyes. Here's what I'm doing in face gen that seems to minimize the eye distortion.
have been going in facegen under modify/symmetry eyes - tilt inward/outward to 0 then Modify - asymmetric - eyes - transverse shift & height disparity both to 0 it changes the look of the figure a little but seems to be helping the eye problem .
The following renders were done with the G3m default eyes and with the face gen texture eyes using "point at camera" in both renders. Tip: on the camera - don't put it right in the face for close ups. Move it back and use the focal length to zoom in.
sometimes I think we are all just characters in some cosmic alien version of the game The Sims cause there are so many people around the world that have same kind of features or even look like twins even through the ages I've seen several people online, in books and tv that really do look like my identical twin not just in the face but hair and even body shape some bigger so yeah with facegen you could in theory with just one face texture you could create hundreds of different characters using various morphs
sometimes I think we are all just characters in some cosmic alien version of the game The Sims cause there are so many people around the world that have same kind of features or even look like twins even through the ages I've seen several people online, in books and tv that really do look like my identical twin not just in the face but hair and even body shape some bigger so yeah with facegen you could in theory with just one face texture you could create hundreds of different characters using various morphs
LOL, I've had easier time telling about my identical twin 1st cousins then some of my aunts and uncles.
I have been experimenting a little to try and get better eyes. Here's what I'm doing in face gen that seems to minimize the eye distortion.
have been going in facegen under modify/symmetry eyes - tilt inward/outward to 0 then Modify - asymmetric - eyes - transverse shift & height disparity both to 0 it changes the look of the figure a little but seems to be helping the eye problem .
The following renders were done with the G3m default eyes and with the face gen texture eyes using "point at camera" in both renders. Tip: on the camera - don't put it right in the face for close ups. Move it back and use the focal length to zoom in.
It's not perfect but it's much better.
That's really good clean application of textures. Personally I think the developer has made improvements to the FaceGen program just between version 1.6 compared to 1.10 as far as accuracy.
I have been experimenting a little to try and get better eyes. Here's what I'm doing in face gen that seems to minimize the eye distortion.
have been going in facegen under modify/symmetry eyes - tilt inward/outward to 0 then Modify - asymmetric - eyes - transverse shift & height disparity both to 0 it changes the look of the figure a little but seems to be helping the eye problem .
The following renders were done with the G3m default eyes and with the face gen texture eyes using "point at camera" in both renders. Tip: on the camera - don't put it right in the face for close ups. Move it back and use the focal length to zoom in.
It's not perfect but it's much better.
That's really good clean application of textures. Personally I think the developer has made improvements to the FaceGen program just between version 1.6 compared to 1.10 as far as accuracy.
The default G3M eyes looks much cleaner. But, I still like the FG eyes better...They look real to me. I think it's because real eyes don't usually have hard edges to the iris. And, the sclera is rarely as bright white as most character eyes. With as many great eye resources that I've seen available on Daz, I don't think any of them has nailed it as far as realism goes. I do love the P3D eyes. But, I often use those in conjuction with my FG eyes to get a blended look.
That was my first impression, too.
Good catch. It suppose to be Drew.
Took a minute but that is Elizabeth Montgomery
For Drew Barry more I can only claim I've seen maybe 1/2 dozen pictures of her as an adult and none since Charlie's Angels.
You are correct, nonesuch00.
Clark from The 100?
Oops, sorry I see that the answer is above. Ignore my guess :)
Stumbled on a decent image of this actress and decided to give it a try
Scarlett J.?
Yes, Scarlett J. I've also thought about trying her with Facegen.
Zev0 has added some preview pics to the beginning of his Skin Builder 3 Thread. I looked, wanted, and then went back again half an hour later to look and want some more :) FaceGen is going to be getting itself a lot more use here soon :)
You mean Scarlett Johansen? Wow, I didn't recognize her. She's had plastic surgery.
I have been experimenting a little to try and get better eyes. Here's what I'm doing in face gen that seems to minimize the eye distortion.
have been going in facegen under modify/symmetry eyes - tilt inward/outward to 0 then Modify - asymmetric - eyes - transverse shift & height disparity both to 0 it changes the look of the figure a little but seems to be helping the eye problem .
The following renders were done with the G3m default eyes and with the face gen texture eyes using "point at camera" in both renders. Tip: on the camera - don't put it right in the face for close ups. Move it back and use the focal length to zoom in.
It's not perfect but it's much better.
She looks great! To me it looks like Alicia Silverstone.
Now you mention it I can see her too she's actually one I've been thinking of using too
sometimes I think we are all just characters in some cosmic alien version of the game The Sims cause there are so many people around the world that have same kind of features or even look like twins even through the ages I've seen several people online, in books and tv that really do look like my identical twin not just in the face but hair and even body shape some bigger so yeah with facegen you could in theory with just one face texture you could create hundreds of different characters using various morphs
Thanks divamakeup and ANGELREAPER1972.
I agree, it is amazing to see all these faces created in Facegen and then try to recognize them.
LOL, I've had easier time telling about my identical twin 1st cousins then some of my aunts and uncles.
That's really good clean application of textures. Personally I think the developer has made improvements to the FaceGen program just between version 1.6 compared to 1.10 as far as accuracy.
The default G3M eyes looks much cleaner. But, I still like the FG eyes better...They look real to me. I think it's because real eyes don't usually have hard edges to the iris. And, the sclera is rarely as bright white as most character eyes. With as many great eye resources that I've seen available on Daz, I don't think any of them has nailed it as far as realism goes. I do love the P3D eyes. But, I often use those in conjuction with my FG eyes to get a blended look.
My take on Drew. I'm disappointed because it doesn't look anything like Mr. Carrey.
Another FaceGen render.
I watch this thread and many of the faces I recognise but can't put a name to but this one I think is Abbie from NCIS?
Looks more like Elizabeth Olsen to me.
What? No way, that's a dead ringer for Scarlett Johansson. :)
Something I did a while ago.
I like it. His cheek is a little bumpy though.
New one.
Now you have done it, we need the Skipper, the Howes, the professor, Mary Ann and most importantly the movie star, LOL