Tell Us! Links To Favorite Gallery / Art Studio Renders

NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
edited February 2021 in Art Studio

Would you like to showcase your renders in the gallery? How about your Art Studio thread?  Post the links here so we can surf in and comment, and "Like" them for the galleries. (Products do not have to be all Daz, but shouldn't be 100% from other sites.) 

If you want to point out other folks' renders, that's fine too- and each render MUST HAVE ITS OWN LINK. Do not direct people to a gallery or Art Studio thread in general. This thread is very specific- the favorite or best renders. See the index for more information on how to get added to it.

YOU are responsible to ensure your links work. I may not have time to surf and check the links at that moment. If you find a link that doesn't work, please note it in the thread and contact the artist with an @ symbol in front of their name (no spaces.)

So strut your stuff! I'd ask that if you get indexed and want people to surf in and comment / like, that you also do the same if possible. Have fun, surf the Galleries and the Art Studio!

Post edited by Novica on


  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited April 2021


    Here is a sample of some of the gallery folks on the thread.  If you'd like to start a post with all your gallery entries, PM me and I will add you here. That page MUST HAVE THE DATE OF THE NEW RENDERS so folks know which ones are your latest renders. Post "new" by the ones approximately WITHIN THE LAST 30 DAYS.  Note having an indexed post is not a requirement to post on this thread. Feel free to simply do a post with the link to your gallery image. :) 

    You may post up to 50 links in your indexed post, I recommend dividing your Art Studio thread and Gallery into two separate sections. You may arrange it however you wish!

    Visit these folks to see how they did their index posts.

    Carola O     
    Charlie Judge     

    Post edited by Novica on
  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    Reserved for Index

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited February 2021

    Novica's Art Studio Thread

    Render 1    Tropical Beach scene. I liked my DOF and wanted my thread to start with a tropical feel. (2 renders in that post.) 

    Render 2    .Whynter    Practicing with the fill gradient and composites. Promo art done for GypsyAngel. 

    Render 3   A blast from the past, my Ellie Jane using shaders on a spacesuit.

    Render 4   VYK Rayne   

    Render 5    Reggie and Asteris Outfit    



    Please do NOT mix the Art Studio and Gallery.


    Novica's Gallery   
    Aldo     link updated
    Aldis Adigard  link updated
    Gwenbleiz   link updated
    VYK Raine   link updated
    Fiona    link updated  
    Babies First Bug   My very first render took two months to set up! 
    Ren   link updated
    Sympathy for a Stranger  new link of old render
    Never Go Alone   link updated
    Helena    link updated
    Seriously.   New Feb 23 2021

    Post edited by Novica on
  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548
    edited August 2019


    IceDragonArt's Gallery

    Render 1  -  Emilya New 02-01-2019

    Render 2  - Treasure Hunter  - My entry in the Not So Fast Contest

    5/2R1ender 3 - Wraith Dragon - 07-16-2018

    Render 4 -  Axarra Headress

    Render 5   - Mina 

    Render 6   - NOVA 8/27/2019

    Render 7 - Planet Fall -

    Render 8  - Well, Come On Then..

    Render 9  - A render using the Creech and the old Marsh Ruins.  Really happy with how this came out. 

    Render 10 -   A Wicked Fairy This Way Comes  New 02/11/2018

    Art Studio Thread



    This should make it easier to find everyone in the gallery as well. Thank you!



    Post edited by IceDragonArt on
  • StormlyghtStormlyght Posts: 666
    edited February 2021

    Stormlyght’s Gallery


    Render 1  “Dark Angel”

    Render 2  “Winged Pony”

    Render 3  “Fairy Girl”

    Render 4   "Beware of Dragon"

    Render 5   "Bunny Kisses" 

    Render 6    "Dragonflies II

    Render 7    "Ghost in the Forest"

    Render 8    "Misty Morning Encounter" 

    Render 9    "Early Evening" NEW May 3, 2020

    Render 10  "Harvest Moon" NEW February 20, 2021

    Thank you all for the comments and likes! 

    Post edited by Stormlyght on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,692

    I look at the galleries daily. I enjoy seeing what everyone comes up with.

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited April 2017

    Here's a tip:

    If you want to comment on someone's Art Studio image, and it may not be their most recent- you can use the "Quote" and then select the image(s) and go up and click the image icon (that sun with two mountains, right above this textbox),  RESIZE the image (about 300-400 wide or in height) and then you have a nice, tidy reference image without showing a large image again that has already been posted. 

    Also, if you think about it (not required) it would be nice to have your links as New Window so folks won't accidentally (by habit) X out and leave the thread. I've already done that once LOL. I am going to all the links, and liking, and commenting on most. If I don't comment, know that I have been there and Liked. Talk about variety so far, I'm loving them!

    TIP: in Chrome, you can use the middle mouse wheel to click and open the links in a new window! Don't know about the other browsers. Just hover over the link when you click. Then you just X out to leave.

    Post edited by Novica on
  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    I do appreciate the short descriptions- it really is helpful when I go back to click the next link. Instead of trying to remember the render number, I see the description and think, "I just visited that one." So I would encourage folks to do that (but still not required.) 

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited April 2017

    I wanted to post it so you can get a feel of how to do other people's render links.

    Here's some of my favorite Art Studio renders from folks who posted in my threads. I'm going back to 2016 and Thread 6 for some of this first batch:

    RGcincy:   Render of a barn and horse.  (The Old Barn, Daz Horse 2)  Two versions- Iray and 3DL. Have fun comparing!
    RGcincy:  The Artist's Nook
    RGcincy:  On The Shore (Night render)  and Daytime

    Tjohn:   Oh what fun- put Leather and Fur Iray Shaders on a Siamese Cat!
    Tjohn:   Briley

    MelanieL   Had fun with the Egyptian Mega Bundle and Samira

    Sasje    Underwater Render- Amazing!

    Barbult:  FWSA Sushmita HD
    Barbult:  Heath Hair

    Llynara:   Unlucky Charm Book Cover

    Serene Night:  Sarge And Men On Patrol
    Serene Night: Cyclops HD Suit and Nanoflight Jetpack
    Serene Night:   Owen in Chinatown

    @RGcincy  @tjohn   @melanieL   @sasje   @barbult   @llynara    @serenenight

    Post edited by Novica on
  • DarwinsMishapDarwinsMishap Posts: 4,087

    I'll toss in a couple.

    Trystan for M4  - my first M4, my first character in Iray.  Loved how he turned out.

    Calm  - an old Carrara 7 Pro render.  Still love this program

    Darkness - one of my top fav's, featuring Damen

    Modern Day Pirate - loved the lighting in this one, for once

    Things to Come - a happy accident of lighting on this one!

    Guard Tower - finally a render that didn't need much tweaking and finishing how i wanted it

    Amused - KILTS. S'all

    Djinn - this one was a PITA, but I'm very happy with how it ended up.


  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    Transferred to the "Art Studio" forum.

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    I'm going to catch up and comment and like on everyone's today.  I am really glad that you started this, I honestly have the worst time to remember to go and look at the galleries, and despite my best intentions I don't do it nearly enough. 

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Also, how do you want us to comment on your personal picks?  I don't know if you want us all to comment on them on the original thread or not since its the showcase thread?

  • dracorndracorn Posts: 2,345
    edited February 2020

    Dracorn's Gallery:

    Bishop Takes Queen.  Placed 2nd in New Users' Contest. The sailor looks almost real.  3DL

    Mandala - Mermaids. One of my absolute favorites.  Required some math and a good eye to place all the figures.  3DL.

    Watchful    Hivewire's Mule Deer Buck with Stonemason's Willow Creek.  I used a little morphing for the does.  Working with such a great environment, it didn't take much to produce a lovely render.  Sun rays done in postwork. NEW 02/06/20

    Master of the Hunt  Book character, Centaur 7. 

    Two Edges  Another book character.  She's very serious and got stuck with very powerful, but rediculous armor. 

    Firemane  Custom book character with serious map customization.  Elf with earth-fire powers.  Gives new meaning to "flaming red hair."   

    Demonette   Updating Arki's old Lilithai Strigoia to G8F with the new Arki's Wings, using the Aves Irae texture. 

    Best Friends  Arki's SeaFolk mermaid and Seahorse for Hivewire Horse.  It was an unfinished render that I came back to and using Plane Easy Atmosphere, was able to get the background to look fishy.  

    Queen of the Dark  Halloween render featuring Summoner's Hell Horse and Ron Diviney's brushes.  

    Ghost Fleet  This is one of my best, and one of the most involved.  I rendered the elf, skeleton and ships separately and composited the image in Photoshop.  I erased through the elf so that the skeleton showed up underneath.  I'm really proud of this one. 

    Post edited by dracorn on
  • evilded777evilded777 Posts: 2,466
    edited March 2021

    I'll play.

    1. Topher Gets a Massage
    2. Union
    3. Danger, Will Robinson (2)
    4. Boys Kissing Boys 13: Haven't We Been Here Before Well, its been awhile, nice the galleries are back and seem much improved. New 3/2/21
    5. The Wizard and the Warrior inspiration struck a little while ago, lets see where this goes New 10/23/18
    6. Fuller and Red -- Its been a while since I rendered these two. New 11/12/18
    7. Boys Kissing Boys 1: Hallway Kiss (iRay version) -- a second pass at one of my favorite images
    8. It's Been a While -- more personal mythology. Sometimes a piece is frighteningly and horribly prophetic.
    9. Bath Time -- serving another muse, I needed some art therapy New 10/25/20
    10. In the Morgue, With the Dead -- Its been far too long. I promise to catch up. Life is a whirlwind.... New 2/1/20


    Post edited by evilded777 on
  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited April 2017

    Also, how do you want us to comment on your personal picks?  I don't know if you want us all to comment on them on the original thread or not since its the showcase thread?

    If you want to comment on Art Studio thread picks, I would simply grab the image URL,  and then shrink the original down to 300 or 400 pixels (whichever is more, the height or the width) and yes, do feel free to comment on them. Some of those renders didn't get the attention they deserved. In the case of my Art Studio thread, it's not sidetracking the discussions because my thread jumps around all over the place, which I like. We interrupt things all the time to discuss a product that just went on Flash Sale or Fast Grab, etc, and I am going to be going back to 2014, 2015, and 2016 to grab some neat renders from those oldies.

    Those threads are locked, so if you click on the images, you can grab the URL and use that then use the 300/400 pixels on my current thread. A bit more work, but kinda fun to do an "oldies, remember this one?" post. 

    Post edited by Novica on
  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Great thanks!

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,364
    edited April 2017

    Well, I've seen some of these already in the Michael or the iRay thread in the Commons and they are still good months later. 

    Post edited by nonesuch00 on
  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited April 2017

    I will be visiting the gallery pages later tonight. Haven't forgotten about you! 

    Post edited by Novica on
  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,994

    Nice idea Novica, now lets see what I got for you.. to tired to make thin links work probperly tonight, will come back to fill in.

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    No problem. I haven't surfed because my internet is down, doing this on cell phone. If this goes on all weekend I am going to be ticked!

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,994
    Novica said:

    No problem. I haven't surfed because my internet is down, doing this on cell phone. If this goes on all weekend I am going to be ticked!

    aw that sucks, I feel for you!

  • evilded777evilded777 Posts: 2,466

    Thanks for all the comments folks, especially on some of the ones I thought deserved a little more than they were getting.

  • DarwinsMishapDarwinsMishap Posts: 4,087

    We all have those!  There are times I think I really got a good one and don't get one comment. lol  I plan to go through the rest of the list, but I'm exhausted and Englishing is difficult atm.

  • dracorndracorn Posts: 2,345

    Thanks for all the comments folks, especially on some of the ones I thought deserved a little more than they were getting.

    I agree!  Also, I am happy to view the gallery images - there are some really great ones out there I had missed.  Thanks everybody!

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    I'm always amused that the ones I love the least are the ones that get the most comments and  vice versa.  Its nice to have more eyes on them, sometimes things move so fast in the gallery stuff just gets lost in the shuffle.

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,994
    edited June 2018

    Ok I managed to get the links together, all are from my gallery, as the only ones I post to my thread that don't go into the gallery are WIPs, hope you enjoy

    Page8-panel3standalone.  Portrait of Master Xiu from my comic story at webtoons

    Stealth.  testing the possibilites of g8f here Elisabeth for Vicky Scifi ninja actiongirl  new

    Your sweetest nightmare.  as naughty as it will get with me new

    Out of the Box.  Technofay on discovery

    The magic of a story.  Storytelling in Morocco new

    Froggy.  just a lil frog

    shattered.  a women and her reflection before a shattered mirrow, I am very glad this one turened out so well, lost of experimenting

    bad beth.  Bethany beating the daylights out of Elijah, Action and emotion with lost of blurred light, the posing was taking days

    Apsara small.  Statue of a dancing godess

    Seelenvogel.  dark winged woman brooding in a church window, lots of emo realated to this one

    Post edited by Linwelly on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,692
    edited April 2017

    I find it interesting which image people tend to like the most of mine.

     I think some styles resonate more with people. As does some subject matter. My more painterly images are at the top. But not always-

    My favorite image, is steadfastly in the center of my gallery. smiley


    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,994

    That was a pleasnat surpirse this morning to open my mail and see all the image comment notifications, thank you so much everybody!

  • jakibluejakiblue Posts: 7,281

    Welcome Party - this was one of my faves, with how it came out. I was quite happy with it - and I'm probably happy with maybe 1 in10 renders I do LOL Like many people, clowns creep me out. And MortemVetus make the coolest creepiest unique characters so I was stoked when they did Nas-t Boyz for G3M. What I had in my mind was a post-apocalyptic feel - world is gone to ruin, mutants abound (such as that gargoyle hound which is one of my all time fave animals/creatures to use) and people are just nuts. Such as these dudes who wear the clown makeup to seem as horrifying and scary as they can, so they can attack the small groups of travelers. (iray render)

    Bad Day - I'm crazy in love with Belle 6 - I think she was the best teen/young figure we got. I wanted a feeling of 'menance' here - a pretty young girl, dressed simply....but she's got guns and a kind of creepy crazy look on her face. Same clothing adn same figure with a smile on her face in a contemporary setting, she'd be just a pleasant portrait of a pretty teen. But I feel I did capture that menance in this one. (3delight render)

    Paige - I have absolutely no memory of how I achieved this. LOL. I really liked the grey, washed out look to it - yet her eyes and red clothing and tatts are quite vibrant. I don't think I could recreate this look if I tried my hardest now. LOL. (3delight render)

    Roar! - oh man, i was SO thrilled with how this ended up! It's still one of my favourites. That subtle gleam/shine around his body made me so happy. I love the vibrant colours on him, and the flames behind him. (3delight render)

    Time Out -  ok I admit it, I'm in love with this man. LOL! It's plain ol' Michael 7 and I have no idea how I did it, but gosh dang it, there's something about this render that had me fall totally in love with him. I don't know whether it's the moustache or his facial look or what, but this one thrilled me with how it turned out. In retrospect, I should have put a subtle light in the building behind him, so the windows weren't black, but he had me so blinded with love with him, I didn't see anything else. LMAO. (iray render)


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