Need help ID'ing character
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Need help ID'ing character

Hi all
I do wish DAZ would include credits in their promo images, would likely generate more sales for them! I'm trying to ID this chap:
Anyone know who the character and texture is?
Many thanks!
maybe one of the new Hiro textures?
is a lot of eyeliner.
Still, where possible, I'd love to know too. :)
With Genesis it's highly possible that it's a blend of different characters.
usually if the credits are not listed then I sitemail or pm the vendor & ask them my question.That is sometimes a good way to go.
Yeah, emailing the vendor and asking them directly is often the only thing to do. I also wish DAZ would include promo credits (I seem to recall that they used to, but not so much since the store changeover). I'm buying most of my content from Renderosity these days, and even there, promo credits are pretty spotty -- I'm constantly emailing vendors about the items in their promos (with about a 50% success rate).