To all Poser users

Hi all!
I don't know if it's only me or Daz really left all poser users out there to dry.
After Daz launched it's software things became ever and ever distant from those to whom daz catered in the begining, but it all came apart when the genesis figures emerged...daz droped the poser comunity...realy, like a stone in water...I have been a platinum subscriber since almost it's inception but I rarelly purchase anything anymore...I rarely visit Daz anymore, I just grew's all about genesis now, but the creativity there was in the begining is no longer's the same stuff allready for M4 and V4, revisited time and again...
I guess I'll be withdrawing my Platinum membership and just let Daz go...
What do you guys think?
I purchased a freebie (the hover tank) this month if that counts. lol
Other than's been a while, a long while.
To the OP, a lot of us feel the same. I do most of my shopping at the other stores now. I think I've bought a handful of things here in the last few months (a few of them freebies). New figures for Poser are on the way though, Antonia is here, and GND Anastasia if you have the newest version of Poser. Since Genesis/V5/M5 are not for Poser, hopefully the talented Poser using vendors will give the new Poser figures support as they did previous Daz figures. I still have my PC membership for now. I'll see how many Poser compatible products are released in the next few weeks or so and then decide if it's still worth it to me.
On average, I make about ten purchases a year at RDNA. I've made twelve already this year. I've been purchasing more at Rendo, too. I've bought a little at DAZ, but I used to do the bulk of my shopping there. So yeah, I do feel rather left out in the cold.
Off topic but I find it funny how the new forum software tells me when a post has been omitted.
Not sure if I like it like that...yet. May grow on me.
mostly i buy older stuff i didn't get when it first came out, critters, vehicles, not much clothing anymore
dante, are you even suppose to be here today?
With all the kool new features in Studio, i still find it a nightmare to work with, and it still does not have some of the core features i rely on in Poser
Good one LycanthropeX...
Snooch to the Nooch!
One thing everyone needs to remember is it all trickles down to individual PA's/Vendor's, and what they want to support. Yes, it does seem unfortunate that it seems DAZ PA's are lessening their production aimed towards Poser use. Or, is it that DAZ is lessening their acceptance of the more Poser friendly submissions?
We have all seen this great divide coming for years, and in the recent years it has become more apparent and prevalent. I feel bad for content creators, and end-users alike. This is even difficult on freebie creators as well, and I suspect, eventually in the coming years one will have to pick one platform or the other. So far I am still using both, but I only have Poser 3, 4, and 6 (and a very crippled Poser Debut), so I don't think I am feeling the dissociation as much as recent build Poser users.
We are all still brothers and sisters united by these two programs only soon (but not DAZ soon) to become very distant cousins.
I have Poser 2010 and Poser 9
I'd really like to get Poser 2012
Lots of good deals for it on ebay and amazon all the time. One for $185 on ebay right now.
I was hoping to get it how I get most of my software, win it in a contest
Ahhh ok lol. If only we were all that lucky :p
lucky? I bust my backside to win contests, its more work than people think
Ok, let me rephrase it then.... If only we were all that talented. Better? lol
lol better
but really i think anyone can do what i do
I dont know how this situation has affected me personally, just dropped by to unsubscribe to the Daz newsletter......
Part of the problem is unfortunately Poser users. When Genesis came out with out Poser support many Poser users jumped ship and started shopping elsewhere. Gen 4 sales are up at every store but Daz3D. PAs here will only make what is selling here. If no one is buying Gen 4 products then the PAs will not make them.
Most polls show that Studio users and Poser users are split about 50/50. The sales of Genesis products vs Gen 4 products should reflect this.... but they don't. Because many Poser users stopped buying here after Genesis, PAs are seeing that there is no money in supporting Gen 4 products here.
Support the PAs who make Gen 4 products and you will see more Gen 4 products. I have been trying to do this as much as possible. But I don't buy products I don't use, and many of the Gen 4 items that have been released are things that just don't fit my render style. But I do still buy Gen 4 products here, many older products I didn't get when first released.
So far I have only purchased 1 Genesis product, just to give it a try. I'm still lousy at Studio and so I haven't done much with it. All of my other purchases are Gen 4, critters and vehicles, props and stuff.
As some who started with studio 2 and then moved to poser as it offered far more of what I needed with out having to fork out for add on's, (that then stopped working with the next build), I am feeling very peeved and cold shouldered right about now. Another good old saying comes to mind "if it an't broke, don't fix it!"
Exactly! If it ain't broke, don't change anything! This is why we're all still happily sitting around a barely lit fire pit, in our caves, wearing raw animal skins, and gnawing on freshly killed antelope, while grunting and pointing to get our meanings across.
Mmm...bloody venison.
Two things people tend to forget, I think;
One, DAZ has tried working with Smith Micro (the current developers of Poser) to get Genesis working in Poser. SM chose not to continue with that effort, however.
Two, and more importantly, DAZ is an independant company from SM, with their own program and content. It only makes sense that they would support that program and develop content for it. In this way, they encourage more people to purchase their program, the same way SM supports and develops content for Poser to get more people to buy it.
And while Genesis may not work in Poser, I haven't yet encountered a Poser product that doesn't work to some degree in DAZ Studio.
Honestly, I haven't bought anything since the website changed and I'm "scared" to. ;-P
I downloaded the odd freebie but that's about it.
I've tried Daz over and over again, downloaded the free 4Pro version because I really like to work with Hitomi but me and Daz are just not friends. I can't get it to work on my PC.
And since I have no problems with Poser or Carrara I have decided to leave it alone and go for Poser2012
Maybe in the near future when Carrara comes with an intergrated Genesis I might, but untill then I will leave the PC for what it is and not renew. Esspecially not with the new changes and rules they made in the new PC.
When it becomes more beneficiary for me, I might become a member again, I don't know.
Like Daz I look at this in a bussiness kind of way, if it suits me I'll buy, if not I'll go elsewhere. No hard feelings :-)
I'm neither sad or angry about it, it's brought me plenty of good stuff, it's just one of those things.
I don't look at it as a "personal relationship" and I don't take it personally either so I don't feel "dumped" as a Poser user.
But that's just me
In the latest Newsletter DAZ offered 7 items for Poser (4 Props / 3 Clothings/Textures). To speak about "forgetten Poser Users" isn#t really true.
I has been said there are 10,000 Poser compatible items in the DAZ store. I don't see that as not supporting Poser users.
Those are mainly older products and if you have been around this site for a long time like me most of the stuff you wanted you allready bought.
When you pay for a membership it should be of equal value to both Daz and Poser users and at this time it is not.
The latest clothing items released for Poser are pretty expensive if you ask me and for the rest it is just some furniture props that I can find for free on other sites.
I don't have a problem with Daz going all in on their new Genisis figure but it will surely cost them some customers.
Those are mainly older products and if you have been around this site for a long time like me most of the stuff you wanted you allready bought.
When you pay for a membership it should be of equal value to both Daz and Poser users and at this time it is not.
The latest clothing items released for Poser are pretty expensive if you ask me and for the rest it is just some furniture props that I can find for free on other sites.
I don't have a problem with Daz going all in on their new Genisis figure but it will surely cost them some customers.
Collateral damage:) KIll a few to support the new. Sometimes it must be done. To be honest I don't care where the product I want is being sold as long as it is available and contributes to my cause.
Collateral damage:) KIll a few to support the new. Sometimes it must be done. To be honest I don't care where the product I want is being sold as long as it is available and contributes to my cause.
Very true, the days that customers were valuable and were listened too are gone, now you use them and throw them away.
I do not think this will change as long as people don't punish stores for this behaviour.
I think Daz has ben more than reasonable with their gen4 support. Hell, most come from vendors anyway. Remember some companies do a full "we do not support previous versions". EG microsoft who stopped Win XP support and forced win7 on us. Now we all love win7 and dont wanna move to win8 lol
And - go to Rendo and look at how many products arn't even tested in DS let alone supported.
I can't run get Poser 9 to install on my computer and when I tried Poser 8 I was amazed at how much stuff I couldn't do that I could in DS, and if I did want to do it I had to buy a plug in, (which I would have to buy again for Poser9).
I understand the OP's frustration but I'm tired of seeing threads damming Daz for supporting their products as if this is some sort of unforgivable sin.
You wrote...
So what you are suggesting is that vendors should make products, which you will then refuse to purchase?