Ron's Flying Dirt & Debris Particles CS and up

ruekakaruekaka Posts: 346

Maybe a dump question, but does CS and up means really CS (PS 8.0) and up or only some later CS version?

(Usually a version is added at his products, but not this time).

Thanks in advance.


  • ruekakaruekaka Posts: 346

    O.K., found it.

    Photoshop CS6;CS5;CS4;CS3;CS2;CS;7 :

    That's great!

  • sapatsapat Posts: 1,735

    Yeah, that was my question too.  I've been burned before buying those because it say CS and up, then you find out when you try to use them your PS says 'this brush isn't compatible for the version of PS you are using' or whatever.  Grrrrrrrrrr..  I had written Daz a couple times and told them it was deceiving since the product page kept saying CS and up, and even when you open the zip it has all the older PS versions in the file that ruekaka posted above.  But no bueno when trying to use.

    This is what the new one says.  I'd like to know if that's for real.  Cuz I only have PSCS2 and that's it.

    What's Included and Features

    • Ron's Flying Dirt & Debris Particles:
      • 80 High Resolution Overlays 4256px X 2832px @ 300ppi. (.JPEG)
      • 80 Photoshop Brushes Cs and Up (.ABR)
      • 80 Photoshop Brushes CC (.ABR)
  • RuphussRuphuss Posts: 2,631

    did someone try with Photoshop Elements ?

  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,255
    edited July 2017
    Ruphuss said:

    did someone try with Photoshop Elements ?


    PSE14 no probs smiley


    quick example

    Bag Pipe Bird small.jpg
    800 x 504 - 405K
    Post edited by Stezza on
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