Luxus discussion
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How long before the next update :) :)
probably another week.
OK, here is about 2k s/P with the fstop set to .3, it took over 24 hours, but I'm quite pleased. I like how the lights were all editable throughout the editing process.
joy to read, I came across this site ages ago but I've only just decided to stop back and learning about it because i've already got this.
I would like to say that this plug in is simply awesome! I just finished my first render with it and I am quite impressed with what it can do. I am not a pro with Lux and just got started on this but I like how things are very intuitive with the Luxus plugin. While I was having trouble with Reality, Luxus seems to be made for me, just because the controls seem to be easier for me. I am really impressed! Thank you for such a wonderful plug in!
I have my very first finished render. Okay... finished. It is still very grainy and has fireflies. I let it run overnight for 13 hours all in all and it was a little more than 1000 s/p. It is saved so I might let it run for even more time at some point.
No postwork other than the painted hair and the mild bokeh-effect.
I am very impressed and for a first try I think it came out not too bad! If anyone wants to criticise - feel free to do so since I am wanting to learn! :)
(Edit: put the picture here as an attachment and not as a link anymore...)
Glad you are liking the plugin.
Very cool images.
It is looking quite impressive, a bit gloomy and mysterious....
A distraction in the studio.....
Taking small steps at the time.... observing and learning the results
At the moment, I'm using Luxrender mostly for 'studio-type' renders
Mostly tweaking skin and hair with Ubersurface2 and let Luxus do it's conversion, other mats may be tweaked using luxus' lux-mat. options
Sorry if these have been asked before, but I don't feel like going thru 85 pages looking for the answers. :)
I have just bought luxus and when I render using it and tell it to use the Lux GUI nothing happens.Is it supposed to open lux?
Earlier in the thread I found where it save the lxs file. If I browse to that file and open it with lux then it works. If I close lux and studio the files disappear, and I cannot resume the file later. Is this supposed to happen? I admit I have not saved the file in lux, because I am used to it being saved automatically in Reality.
I would also like to know if there is any way to rename light so that I can adjust light individually?
Thanks for any help.
Saved the file in lux and still when both lux and studio are closed the file disappears.
In the advanced render settings, choose "render to file" instead of "render to new window".
For testing purposes the render to window option is fine but for the ones you want to keep, render to file.
Best guess on the GUI not opening is that the path to LuxRender is incorrect. In Luxus render settings, the top option is a browse to button to set the location of LuxRender.
If you want to keep a render you created with using the 'New Window' option, you'll need to move the files out of the temp folder. If the file open in LuxRender is d101.lxs, you'll need to move all the files starting with d101.
For anyone looking for the temp folder, in Daz Studio click on Edit->Preferences; on the General tab there is an option to set the location for Temporary Files. That folder is where the Luxus files will be when you render using 'New Window'. The temp folder gets cleaned up when Studio closes so don't leave renders you want to keep in there.
Also, if you want to save a finished render from the LuxRender GUI, click File->Export to Image->Tonemapped Low Dynamic Range Image. Save the file where you keep your renders (not in the temp folder). That will save the image as you see in the LuxRender window.
I have a general question for the render settings when we choose to render via Luxus in the DAZ Advanced render tab: Is there any traps? I mean... is there any settings that slow down a render for example, where we could set something different... or is there something that we should make sure to have so the render has a good quality or less grain or whatever. You know what I mean? Are the standard settings fine, when we choose the Luxus for the render? I must be honest, so many stuff there like "use variance" or "clamp settings" for example say nothing to me.
We should be good with the defaults. Mattymanx posted his settings a several pages back. There was some discussion when you have lots of layered transparency layers.
I really need to go through the last 80 pages and make a post that sums up what we have learned.
We should be good with the defaults. Mattymanx posted his settings a several pages back. There was some discussion when you have lots of layered transparency layers.
I really need to go through the last 80 pages and make a post that sums up what we have learned.
This would be great actually. I have read a lot in this thread but not everything. Sometimes it is easy to loos track here.
Thank you! :)
These are the settings I am finding to be good overall -
Please see the Lux Render Wiki as to why you would want to change them though.
Thank you!
I really like how realistic the character is, but s/he looks a bit large perhaps for the scene?
ROFLOL She is meant to be that big and realistic..I worked hard on getting her right. :P
Thank you for the reply. I didn't think of changing it to render to file.
If the path was not correct then it wouldn't work when I don't use the lux gui. And It does work without useing the gui. I have pointed luxus to the folder that lux is in. The luxrender.exe file is in the folder LuxRender_64_NoOpenCL, and that is the folder that luxus is pointed at. And the GUI will not open when I click on the render button. I changed the render options to render to file and it still will not open the gui. Any other ideas?
Are these render stats good or bad? Been cooking for 2.5 hours and only at 78 S/p. My scene is kind of large (1000 x 800) and has a sky/sun and 3 overhead lights (I'm using Jack's West Park Ward, which has lights hanging from ceiling). I still have fireflies in a few areas and of course the noise hasn't settled yet, but I wasn't expecting it only 2.5 hours in. I would show you the current progress, but want to wait until it finishes. What has rendered looks fantastic, so I don't really want to change any of the lighting.
Since I know it will be asked, I have a dual core pc, 4G RAM, onboard Intel graphics card. I am using the No OpenCL version of LuxRender since my card does not support GPU. I hope I am using the correct terms, I'm going by memory.
The stats tell me that even though your render efficiency (Eff) is through the roof your contribution rate (kC) is very very low, I have west park ward myself, im trying to visualise how your set it up but is the sun light making any impact on the scene, sun lights are very wastfull when used in rendering. What the stats are saying is the light rays are not hitting targets hence the very low sample count after 2.5 hours.
The stats tell me that even though your render efficiency (Eff) is through the roof your contribution rate (kC) is very very low, I have west park ward myself, im trying to visualise how your set it up but is the sun light making any impact on the scene, sun lights are very wastfull when used in rendering. What the stats are saying is the light rays are not hitting targets hence the very low sample count after 2.5 hours.
Ah, I see. Well, to be honest the scene lights pretty well without the sun, but I wanted to get some light coming in through the windows and also to light the large rectangle I have outside the window with a background pic on it. I can't seem to figure out any other way to show a sunny outdoor scene through the window. Using backdrop only shows in viewport and does not render (what is the point?) If I used the plane as a backdrop, but don't light it, it doesn't look right. Any suggestions?
Darn it, accidentally closed my LuxRender window instead of this browser window. Then, lost the backup .png that Lux creates. So, I have to start over. I'm trying it without the sun/sky light
Hi @esarge,
I was rereading your posts. In the Lux interface render settings for DS, the default to use the LuxRender GUI is "off." Have you turned it on? I have made that mistake several times. See attached jpeg.
If it's on I don't know the answer to your question. I'm also new to using the LuxRender engine via Luxus.
Hi can anyone help me with Callad’s free lights from Renderosity. Everything works but the Gell light which I can’t seem to get working.
Aparently its set up for use in reality but everything works amazingly well in Luxus as long as you turn the lights on in Luxus materials.
Everything but the Gell lights. I am sure I am missing something basic here.
Add the Gell turn the Reality Light Gell to luxus light and switch on, and then nothing.
The Projector works. The spots work, everything but the Gell.
How have you set up the gel? Don't forget that the gel itself needs a transmission color. Set the gel to glass (not glass2) with the transmission color as the gel texture. Then set up the light inside the gel projector. It will then render just fine.
Thank you very much, I had tried changing the gells to glass, but I didn't realize you had to change the transmission colour as well.
86 pages with more on the way WHAT IS THE RELUCTANCE WITH NOT STICKY-ING THIS THREAD. Nothing against Stonemason who has great content but what merits a contest with 12 pages as opposed to this plugin which will be a dynamic resource in need of support through this thread(or a thread of it's own), If not here why not put a sticky in the appropriate forum.
Moderators please answer this question, what is the RELUCTANCE.
rant over.