Daz 3D Forums > General > Technical Help (nuts n bolts)>Facegen

I have facegen and liked the faces I was able to make, but I can't get it to export into Daz to use on any characters. No matter which figure I try exporting to the same error message pops up.
I tried doing the modify>manual search for the meshes, but can't seem to find them. Suggestions please!

Facegen errer.jpg
462 x 193 - 26K
Do you have Genesis 2 male isntalled? Not that that would help you with other figures. Which version of Facegen is this?
It is FaceGen Artist Pro 1.10. I have all of the Genesis base figures and using Daz studio 4.9 (the newest update right before genesis 8 came out).
Are you pointing Facegen to a Connect Library?
I have a feeling the software only works using a non connect library - I can't test that as I don't use Connect
I buoght a new computer a few months ago and when installing everything I did it from Dazstudio. Should I reinstall figure bases using download manager?
You could just reinstall any of the base figures you want to use with Facegen by DIM - Perhaps just try with one to test the theory first & let us know how you get on :)