Make skirt go up

Lets say I have a skirt like this
it dosen't come with skirt morph

and I want it to go up so it looks like something like this (SFW)

how would I do that? I do have Zbrush but I don't know how to do it there either other than with the move brush but it dosen't look right...


  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019

    I usually use this, but I don't think it will help your problem:

  • ZBrush, or dForms in DS, or take the mesh into an application with a cloth simulator and a wind force (or use an Optitex item in DS, though the wind force there is aprt of the paid for control plug-in not the free base)

  • in your favourite modeling program edge loop select the hem and use soft select (proportional editing mode in Blender) and drag it up and out

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165

    you might try using a deformers,that should do the trick , that allows you to make a custom morph  right in studio to things like skirts etc..  

  • brainmuffinbrainmuffin Posts: 1,213

    If you figure it out, I'd love to see a tutorial video.

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225
    edited October 2017

    Studio has a built in bridge to Hexagon, a modeling program that Daz purchased.   You can load your figure in Studio, use the file menu to send to Hexagon, edit the mesh, and use the bridge to send your edits back as a morph.  Very easy.


    - Open Studio and load your figure and clothing

    - Select your clothing and go to the File menu at top.  Use "Send to Hexagon."

    - Hexagon will open with the mesh loaded at proper scale.

    - Make sure the mesh smoothing is zero and soft select is checked.

    - Use the selection and manipulaiton tools to shape the mesh the way you want.


    - When satisfied, use the File menu at top to send back to Studio.


    - Return to Studio and you should find the morph menu already opened

    - If desired, change the name and location of your morph

    - Go to shaping menu, find your morph and test.



    aa01 load figre and content.JPG
    1918 x 942 - 171K
    aa02 file send to hexagon opens hexagon and see skirt mesh.JPG
    1908 x 1035 - 172K
    aa03 smoothing zero soft select select geometry.JPG
    1896 x 1032 - 194K
    aa06 select grow or shift plus.JPG
    1822 x 950 - 179K
    aa07 use seelction and manipulation tools tools as desired.JPG
    1806 x 939 - 162K
    aa08 file send to daz studio and go to Studio to see morph loader menu.JPG
    1920 x 1032 - 190K
    aa10 find and dial morph.JPG
    1361 x 962 - 156K
    Post edited by Diomede on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225

    If you want a wind simulation, as opposed to morph, consider VirtualWorldDynamics (VWD), which has wind forces and tools to adhere the belt to the waist, etc.  VWD can also adjust the stiffness of the skirt for different fabrics, tools for buttons and zippers, etc.

  • brainmuffinbrainmuffin Posts: 1,213

    Did Hexagon ever get a 64 bit upgrade?

  • Did Hexagon ever get a 64 bit upgrade?

    No, still 32 bit only.

  • AtanaciusAtanacius Posts: 333

    Did Hexagon ever get a 64 bit upgrade?

    No, still 32 bit only.

    Hexagon will die if it become even more unstable in Windows 10 (future versions). Hexagon must be carefully maintained by Daz... That's sad it has no updates since ages. Hopefully Blender still exists and is even updated regurlarly!
  • FistyFisty Posts: 3,416
    Diomede said:

    If you want a wind simulation, as opposed to morph, consider VirtualWorldDynamics (VWD), which has wind forces and tools to adhere the belt to the waist, etc.  VWD can also adjust the stiffness of the skirt for different fabrics, tools for buttons and zippers, etc.

    Or you could just download the Daz Studio beta and use the built in dynamic simulation to litterally blow wind up her skirt.. for free. cheeky

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225

    Good news.



    Fisty said:
    Diomede said:

    If you want a wind simulation, as opposed to morph, consider VirtualWorldDynamics (VWD), which has wind forces and tools to adhere the belt to the waist, etc.  VWD can also adjust the stiffness of the skirt for different fabrics, tools for buttons and zippers, etc.

    Or you could just download the Daz Studio beta and use the built in dynamic simulation to litterally blow wind up her skirt.. for free. cheeky


  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225
    edited December 2017

    Now with Hexagon getting a stability update and 64-bit version, good to have the bridge in your toolkit.  Believe me, you don't want to export and import to Blender every time you want to lengthen a sleeve or widen a collar.



    Diomede said:

    Studio has a built in bridge to Hexagon, a modeling program that Daz purchased.   You can load your figure in Studio, use the file menu to send to Hexagon, edit the mesh, and use the bridge to send your edits back as a morph.  Very easy.





    Post edited by Diomede on
  • jan_8b323741jan_8b323741 Posts: 15
    edited July 2019


    I tried to follow your description as my first visit to Hexagon ever.

    My first experiment with a simple figure and a dress, worked fine. But when I did in a acene, even a very simple one, the morph moved all of the dress away instead of changing it. 

    Any explanation? I may overlook something obvious. 



    Post edited by jan_8b323741 on
  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,845

    Did you maybe move the whole object from where it loaded in Hexagon?

  • jan_8b323741jan_8b323741 Posts: 15
    edited July 2019

    No, I didn't. I was very careful about that. At least not deliberately. :-)

    Post edited by jan_8b323741 on
  • FistyFisty Posts: 3,416

    If y ou had the figure posed or moved at all when you sent the clothes to Hex you have to checkmark reverse deformations in the morph loader popup box, that's usually the cause of that moving clothing thing.

  • FistyFisty Posts: 3,416

    Oh, if you used the send to Hex option instead of exporting an OBJ and when you send it back you only get a small popup box wanting the name you can change that box in edit->preferences->bridges tab, change Hexagon to advanced so you can see the reverse deformations option.

  • @Fisty Thank you, that solved the problem. I'm sorry that haven't replied sooner. I got away from it and haven't tried it until now. 


  • FistyFisty Posts: 3,416

    Great, glad I could help.  smiley

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