Looking for a vintage chauffeu…
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Looking for a vintage chauffeur uniform

There's a chauffeur variation in this set of textures: https://www.daz3d.com/army-general-uniform-expansion but he's much too modern looking. Anyone trying to recreate Downton Abbey has a number of maids uniforms to work with, could probably manage a butler, but m'lord and her ladyship are walking everywhere for lack of a chauffeur.
I'm after something with a double row of buttons, like this:
More examples here: https://www.google.com/search?q=vintage+chauffeur+uniform&tbm=isch
How about this one?

I'm not a comics person, so didn't know about Kato, but a 3D version of his costume would be a great fit for what I'm after.
Yeah, his collar is flipped up, which might be too Chinese for traditional taste.
Strictly speaking, the Green Hornet and Kato were not comics characters, but originally a radio show, then a short-lived television show with Bruce Lee. Kato was Japanese until Pearl Harbor, and then had always been Filipino.
Well, after the 60's TV show, it was a comic. Gold Key made a limited run of three issues. I have all three.
The vintage chauffer uniform was available at Rendo; but, sadly, it is now listed as unavailable.
Yeah, I found that item at rendo - https://www.renderosity.com/mod/bcs/chauffeur-uniform-and-driving-poses/39433 - but it looks to be for some really ancient figure, so even if it were available it wouldn't be worth the ten bucks they were asking for it.
I think I'm going to try to make something from this product - https://www.daz3d.com/uniforms-for-michael-6 . If I hide the belt and the buttons down the front, then layer a T-shirt on top of it, with an opacity map to make just the plastron panel on the front, and then add some buttons, it might work.
I'll post a picture if it does!
What about this https://www.daz3d.com/dynamic-uniforms-for-michael-4