V4 Elite not working

This is rather vague, sorry. After the new install manager, I am reinstalling everything. The V4/M4 Elite body shapes, and
everything relying on that do not work. The log file shows the scripts installing everything without error. but no new morphs
appear. Any ideas?
Do you have more than one \Runtime\Libraries\!DAZ\Victoria 4 folder among your content folders?
Just one. Enclosed is the log file entry (V4++ is already successfully loaded)
Loaded file: INJ Morphs++ V4.pz2
Importing file
Importing INJ Elite V4.pz2 ...
Reading file INJ Elite V4.pz2
Reading file InjDeltas.EliteAll.pz2
Reading file InjDeltas.FBMFantasiaBody.pz2
Reading file InjDeltas.FBMSylphBody.pz2
Reading file InjDeltas.FBMUtopianBody.pz2
Reading file InjDeltas.FHMFantasiaHead.pz2
Reading file InjDeltas.FHMSylphHead.pz2
Reading file InjDeltas.FHMUtopianHead.pz2
Reading file InjDeltas.PBMGenitalCrease2.pz2
Imported: INJ Elite V4.pz2
Building Scene...
WARNING: .\rendering\dztexturebaker.cpp(334): Texture Baker (auto): Temporary directory for auto-baking is: C:/Users/stan/AppData/Roaming/DAZ 3D/Studio3/temp/Baked Files/
File loaded in 0 min 0.2 sec.
Loaded file: INJ Elite V4.pz2 "
All the pz2 files are in:
\Runtime\libraries\!DAZ\Victoria 4\Deltas\Elite
With V4 selected this is what I get.
This is a 100% DIM install content Folder.
A couple of things you might try, if you haven't:
Click on the All category in the Parameters pane, then type Fant into the filter box at the top - does the Fantasia morph appear?
Right-click on the Parameters pane's tab and from the menu select Show hidden properties - does the morph appear then?