How do I get the Instructional Videos to Work in the Hexagon User's Manual

The instructional videos in the Hexagon User's Manual will not activate. I've installed the latest version of Reader and they still won't work. Has anyone else had this problem?
as far as I remember in the Hexagon 1 days when it was eovia the videos linked to the install directory on your system, but that's gone now as much as eovia is gone
you can find plenty of video tutorials on YouTube - a good channel is geekatplay
Milo posted a link in the Hexagon Tutorial List post (which has the PDF file) -
While looking I found these -
Original Post -
Like Seegsons I'd recommend watching Gary Miller's tutorials (Geek at Play) but also check out Danny's quick start guide -
Long-standing problem. IIRC the videos *eventually* ended up on my local hard drive. They are short and to the point but many (I find) are TOO short so when they do their thing it's like "hold it, run that by me again"... but no matter how many times you replay the clip it's hard to figure out exactly what's happening.
Also, many of them were in French as I recall.
I usually just search "Hexagon" and/or "3D" in Youtube. There are a number of plug-ins for Mozilla Firefox, say, that let you save the resulting video clips to disk for later viewing. Unfortunately WHICH of the many plug-ins to use is a bit of an issue... I've tried a few that I didn't like and then I went back to a previous Restore Point in Windows 7.