Would anyone like Monsters lik…
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Would anyone like Monsters like these?

Hi ya'll
I wanted to test and see if you would like and/or buy monsters like these if made available in the DAZ Store.
Please let me know what you think. I have been wanting to get into monster creation but don't know if people really want this type of thing. If there is enough need and I can get some interest I think we may be turning out some hi quality monsters.
Anything Lovecraftian/Giger-esque would get my vote. And anything with additional limbs also does.
So, definitely would. :)
I was thinking that as well as a Kaiju line, creepy line. I have all types of monsters in my head as well as the modelers I will be working with.
Awesome thanks for your comment.
They are a bit too melted in the torso region. For my taste preference. I tend to like my monsters leaner or beefy to make good combatants. There may be an audience for this though, it’s just not to my specific tastes.
Oh no...the beefies will come as well. Really I want to know how monsters in general would be as a market.
I think male monsters sell okay here.
No love for the sexy Monster girls? LOL
Well you were asking in this style. So people seem to prefer their male monsters monstrous and their female monsters pinup style. They are sort of different entirely I think. Lol
Cool. I'll keep that in mind. Thank you so much for the feedback.
Those look beautiful. Definitely interested! Really liking that third one!
Need to be a G3/G8 model, to be able to use outfits and poses. Would like to see these textured.
Personally I buy pretty much every monster, I am a monster kind of guy.
+1 if they are able to take outfits/poses from G3/G8.
creeper the better
Yes, but here's the thing... monsters need clothes. I own a few monsters, but I feel awful having them run around naked all the time because it kind of doesn't look right and most of the clothes available are not monster suitable.
Wha...? You'd put Godzilla in a 3 piece suit? Then again, Marvel Comics was forced to place shorts upon the dragon Fin Fang Foom in his earliest adventures, so nothing should surprise me.
Just kiddin;, Evilded.
Double post, sorry.
Yeah I have like 3 shredded outfits for monsters to wear. One is the survivor outfit for G3m. If I find a piece I place it in a specific folder so if my monsters go out on the town they are tos friendly.
oh, looks gorgeous!
The second alien is my favorite, I would buy it even if it was a standalone character, but usually I only buy Geneis, Genesis 2, Genesis 3 and Genesis 8 monsters
Awesome and glad to hear.
You should check best DAZ sellers of monsters and find your keep your unique style
compatibility with genesis 8 or genesis 3 seems the key to be sellable here in DAZ, usually only older stuff have standalone characters
After seeing these, my head is swarmed with ideas of potential renders.
I personally would love to get these beautiful creatures! They really remind me of some Warframe-esque characters! You may as well sign me up for the fan club and as a buyer!
Do i like it, hell i love the Guyver, would i buy it... i want to but probably won't. Simply because i have no projects in mind that would use a character like that, and if i would i would like to see a plural of characters/outfits/sets that would accompany eachother.
But really, you can't put out all kinds of monsters without a couple of super ninja hero morphing high skool power teenagers in colorful uniforms... caus whos gonna fight these evil lookin bruh's?
If Daz3d would put out a Sentai/Kaiju themed series of products i might be slightly interested.
That sounds, uh... Awfully specific. :) I think most people who would buy these would just use them for general horror purposes, not Japanese animation-type stuff.
If you're in need, however, there is a G3F Power Ranger-style costume in the store.
Don't forget to give them anatomical elements or at least the option to use those made available by other shops. Monsters have a tendency to show up in renders featuring barely dressed or mostly undressed maidens in peril and anatomical elements often are a main focal point of those renders.
Reminds me monstrosities from Bloodborne :) Would love to see
Are there images in this thread? I can't see any pictures.
Love these designs. Some really cool ideas and anatomy. Four arms is cool, and the flat face of the third picture is reminiscent of the angel of death from Hellboy II.