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I'll go ahead and honor the RGcincy Hagred move. Yeah, it's me sending to RGcincy again.
And I have a delightfully adorable cackle.
The one between me & 3DCheapSkate got canceled because the luggage he wanted to move was used by another player in an NSF move prior.
I'm set with number of different players & numbers of NSF! moves. I do need a prop assigned to me after an earlier NSF! #7 Steal move.
Where is Old Hagred? Do I have her? Has she moved on in my absence? I see where nonesuch00 tried to move her from LaPetiteVerita to RGcincy before my time was up, but he can't do that because LaPetiteVerita doesn't have Old Hagred anymore after giving her to me. I don't see where anyone moved her from me to anyone else yet, so
I will move her to RGcincy myself, to make things easy.
Oh, Novica moved Old Hagred while I was typing my message. RGcincy has her so the result is the same.
Posts are done in the order received. No matter when you post, if you have kept up with previous posts and use moves that are correct, your posts get approved before anyone following you. I put holds on props that required someone to make a decision (before I removed option #7, as that was the troublemaker) so things were locked down. Discussing things back and forth with someone isn't an NSF move until you post it as such, perhaps that's what bogged you down? Or did I mess up somewhere? (always the first thing that comes to my mind!) And I'd say you definitely got the moves down, you're doing really good!
I did that about 15 minutes ago. You got adorable Scrappy the Robot.
barbult I know you just got on, any moves you want to make I'll stay on for about fifteen more minutes. I'm going to do a few myself.
Players barbult and LaPetiteVerita
Poor LaPetiteVerita still has an original item, so I'm going to bail her out. And man, the set isn't what I thought it would be. Look at that Old Country Farmhouse, more like a little mini-castle!
SO, to start NSF #9 Fetch Now You Two Swap
LaPetiteVerita is going to ditch Industrial Storage Unit Interior
And retrieve Old Country Farmhouse from the main list
And give it to barbult (who also owns it)
And barbult gives her Abandoned Gas Station. (hey, at least I got LaPetiteVerita out of a storage unit!)
Person: IceDragonArt
NSF2. "We're Swapping Says Me" Make another contestant swap products with you. Both people must own the same things and they must be the same TYPE. (a prop for a prop etc) This is a harder one, both items must be in their possession at the time.
IceDragonArt takes Jacuzzi Room (set) from barbult
barbult takes Tree and Swing (set) from IceDragonArt
My NSF History:
NSF 5 StormylYght Aug 12
NSF 7 RGcincy Aug 12
NSF 4 Novica xmasrose Aug 12
NSF 2 RGcincy Aug 13
NSF 2 Kismet2012 Aug 13
NSF 6 jakiblue Aug 13
NSF 2 Saphirewild Aug 13
NSF 5 dreamfarmer Aug 14 illegal move
NSF 2 IceDragonArt Aug 14
@Novica, go ahead and take some well deserved time off now.
Okay this is where I believe I am at after the last move by Barbult
Jacuzzi Room (set) Set 2: Fantasy Tavern
Props: Hood Huntress Collection
New Colony Props (Module 3e) Black Market Blades Silent Death (Prop: Any Blade)
Character: Sharks By AM Great White Shark
And I have done NSF 2,3,5,6,7,7,8
against players RGCincy (2), 3Dcheapskate, Barbult, Nonesuch (2), SapphireWild, Dreamfarmer
Go get some sleep and/or something to eat Novica!
And this is where I think I am;
barbult Had Old Hagred
Set 1: Tree and Swing Set 2: Old Country Farmhouse
Props: Kick Scooter Signs of Protest (Sign Left Hand) Lemonade Stand (The Stand)
Character: Morpheus
Edit: strike that. It was based on an illegal move I made.
3. "We Agree To Swap" One time use by a player during the entire game: Two contestants AGREE to swap products. DIscussion is allowed but NOT strategizing future moves. (See Communication rules.) In other words, you can discuss swapping one item, but not strategizing why you're doing it or what you plan to do after the swap.
That rule has firmly been in place since the beginning. It is a one time use. People could just keep invalidating other people's moves. We might increase it if we do the game again, I'm open to suggestions. For this game, it stands as once.
@barbult thanks, but let's address this first- I am not seeing at this point in time (when you posted that, I am going post by post in order) that dreamfarmer has Regenerator in her possession.
Ah that makes sense, thanks for clarifying. Although i doubt I even remember who I did what with when at this point lol.
5:15pm GAME PLAY PAUSED. (2am through 5:15pm everyone should have had a chance to play.) I will restart the thread at Midnight central time even if I am NOT ONLINE. Remember you can send Old Hagred on her way according to these guidelines.
Starting at Central time midnight tonight until 8am every two hours she can be passed along if someone doesn't get her moving. Her graphics will be OPTIONAL beginning at midnight Central time tonight.
FROM 8AM UNTIL 9AM she can be passed along every half an hour if the person doesn't get her moving. I will remind you who has NOT had her.
From 9am until 10 am, every TEN MINUTES (if the person doesn't do it.) NO GRAPHICS ARE NEEDED AT THIS POINT.
If I am not online, will the first person do an updated list IN THE POST showing who has NOT had her? Then everyone should use that and not the Currrent Status list.
Player: dreamfarmer and RGcincy
4. "You and You Swap." Force two other players to swap items. YOU decide what they swap. Again they must be the same TYPE. (prop for a prop)
Dreamfarmer will trade i13 Dreams of the Past with RGcincy’s Steampunk Vent (Gears)
Edit: posted after game play was paused
Whoo! Whoo! I was a bit worried that Genesis Cupid wasn't going to have anyone to make lovestruck!
Gee, go out sight-seeing for a few hours and I come back to so much love. Three different people fought over who was sending me Hagred, one even writing a special poem. Although I enjoy her visits, I'm also happy to see her go on to another deserving player. Let's stir the pot and see who wins another visit: it's
I'm out of storage!! I was just plotting a way to try to get rid of that. Of course, I'm stuck with a creepy abandoned gas station - so yay?
@Novica (and everyone else) - When the game restarts, what do you think about having a mandatory pause for, say, the last 10 minutes of every hour? That way, Novica will have a bit of time to catch up, and the rest of us can take the time to catch our own breath and plot our next move. Good idea/bad idea?
Is the Game still paused?
Yes, still paused except for Hagred
ok well I am going to take this time to bath the grandbabies and get them in bed bye for now bbs.
Beats me. I thought that she had just received it in a recent move, so I was fairly confident that she still had it. Were some recent moves invalidated/deleted? I guess you will have to void this one, too.
Edit: I think dreamfarmer doesn't even own Regenerator, so this NSF I did looks totally BOGUS!.
@dreamfarmer @RGcincy
4. "You and You Swap." Force two other players to swap items. YOU decide what they swap. Again they must be the same TYPE. (prop for a prop) Players must own both items and have them in their possession.
dreamfarmer please see your astrologist about those wierd i13 Dreams of the Past (Prop: Centerpieces) because you need to vent and you will be able to after getting RGcincy's Dream Home: Great Room Accessories (Prop: Bench)
for me, nonesuch00, that makes about 10 NSF! moves (or so) & 10 different players (or so)
NSF #6. "I'll Take That, Thanks."
I'll take your Kick Scooter (Prop: The Scooter) and you may replace it with your Everyday Groceries (Prop - Toilet Paper) because that's some really bad lemonade your Morpheus has been selling. Where's that Port-A-Potty?
I drop my prop Urban Warrior (Prop- Large Sword) to the available list.
That gives me (I think)
a) 10+ NSF moves
b) NSF moves to 6+ different players
c) made 6+ NSF! move types: #1, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8 (attempt at #2 failed, #9 wasn't attempted)
d) Hagrad assigned twice and received once
@nonesuch00, Novica says the game is stopped. We should not be making moves until midnight central time, except for Old Hagred.
10 minutes of every hour seems not nearly enough for her to catch up. Some of us (like me) are making bad moves, because we can't keep it all straight without up to date lists to rely on. I will never get 10 vaild moves at this rate. We are currently paused for about 5 more hours, I think, if I have time zones right. I think the number of required NSF moves should be put back to 3, which is what the rule was when we "signed up". That would take some of the pressure off people who are struggling and let those capable of keeping it straight do their thing up to 20 moves. I'm looking forward to the end of chaos, so I hope it isn't extended again.
Nonesuch00, you attempted to pull the exact same move on me that Kismet2012 did. I'm flattered that the Gears seem to be destined for me and I CERTAINLY didn't intend that when I gave RGcincy the gears NO WHY DO YOU ASK? but I don't think it can count as a move for you.
ETA: And Barbult, you probably got confused by a move where I gave the Regenerator to somebody else.
I think probably next time we should either stick with the original template requirement, or even set up some sort of move-submission-form that auto-tracks who actually has what in their Product Library.