How to scale down a texture in…
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How to scale down a texture in DAZ
Hi, I'm used to working in Bryce. I can choose a texture/material whatever it is called for a patterned image from any file I designate. I use "my materials" in content. It pulls in the texture and then if the pattern renders unrealistically large for the object I want to apply it to, there is a scaling tool in percentages of x y and z. But I don't find such a tool in the DAZ surface tab.
When I use the surface diffuse option to import the same texture into DAZ, for example a knitted texture, the stitches render impossibly large. How do I adjust the pattern size in DAZ?
In the Parameters pane, change the values of the parameters "Vertical tiles" and "Horizontal tiles". For example if your material defaulted to 1 for each of those, if you changed them to 2, the image will be used twice in the same space and thus be half the scale. Of course if the image texture you used isn't designed to be tileable you'll see a repeating pattern. You can also set them to values less than 1.
If you are using different shaders, there might be other parameters that control scale, not sure.
EDITED TO ADD: The tiling affects all the parameters BTW, not just the Diffuse.
@Sean Riesch
thank you for such a speedy answer, and also you answered something I forgot to ask, must the bump pattern be set also. Most of my purchased materials state they are tileable, such as the knitted ones I mentioned. I'm looking forward to changing some shirts into sweaters, even in these dog days!
Changing the vertical and horizontal tiling will affect every image map that is being used, all at the same time. Diffuse, bump, displacement, opacity, etc. are all included. You have to watch out for the opacity one. If the item uses a transparency map to hide part of the mesh, that will also be tiled and you could end up with holes in your item in unusual places.
thank you for pointing that out. I do plan to use some lacy patterns.
So here is my 1950s Jacket and Top with my imported textures-purchased elsewhere, default 1950s pants, and veranil shoes that I also changed the colors on. Sally Mae hair. I am very pleased with the argyle patterning. I could fuss with it some more to center it better, but it turned out pretty good by accident. Same for the gingham patterning on the blouse. Thank you all for your advice.
So that turned out pretty well. Rendered in DAZ4.0. In my experience, I noticed something minor,I don't know how that could be designed. I and my companions, and our mothers wore "Capri" pants, back in the late 1950s and early 60s, the pants opened on the left side with either a zipper or buttons, or the back, never in the front, too suggestive I guess. Also, my teen here has on lip gloss and nail polish, which my dad and my friends' dad did not permit. I am sure there were girls who did wear makeup, but I was going for nostalgia.
The thongs are not quite right. They are rumpled from the auto fit process. I do not know how to make them unrumpled. I tried the 50s pumps, and the toes made the shoe skin rumpled. I tried Sensible Shoes, and same thing. The toes seem to affect the smoothness of the shoe skin, and the soles are rumpled. So thongs it is. I think they used to be called just sandals, or mules.
The sweater looks great. Flip-flops are what we would call the shoes. Why they are crumpling and how to fix it is outside of my expertise.
I remember as a 13 year old girl, my dad was very opposed to pierced ears. My mom had to intervene to get him to agree to let me pierce mine. By the time I was out of high school, I had 5 piercings in my left ear, 3 in the right, LOL.
The rippled shoes will happen if you try to use V4 (or V3?) shoes on Genesis, so possibly the shoes you chose aren't compatible with the character you chose? I don't know of any way to fix it though, other than a different pair of shoes (or I suppose lots of work with dFormers or something.)
There is this product here to make to do a better job of auto-converting shoes and the like. Again though, it is outside of my area of expertise on how to use it.
@ DestinysGarden,
smiling at the pierced ears. Yep! No permitted by either of my parents, or my friends parents either those days. We had screw back or clip ons. Ow! Those things would turn the lobes purple. No dangling earrings either, just the sedate pearl or gold bead. Got my ears pierced just the one per each lobe traditional after I turned 18 and got lots of dangly earrings.
Tnank you for pointing me to the Sickleyield Morph and Rigging product. Looks very interesting. I have no clue about those things. But I did like the shoes example, which I've had distorted like that or worse, and the dress with the smooth front instead of the clinging to the bosom like paint. The price is a little out of reach for me. Maybe it'll go on sale. We just had to replace our water heater this weekend---at weekend, late night Labor Day charges! Ow!
@Sean Riesch
I don't know any of the Dformer or what rigging means, either. I'm always amazed when something works, and just go with it. I guess one of these days.... The few tutorials I've watched at Youtube on Dformers have not been very helpful. Always more to learn!