Hello from a new guy!

I just bought Hexagon, and downloaded DAZ Studio 4.6 Pro.
I'm a professional wood worker, with a CNC router table, and my goal with this 3D software is to create models that can then be converted to reliefs so I can tool-path them and route them out of wood & other materials on my 3-axis CNC machine.
I'm just getting into this 3D thing, and will have a million questions.
Howdy and welcome!
The people on this forum are very helpful so feel free to stop by if you need advice or get lost in the software :)
Thanks for the welcome... I'm already lost, so I'm sure I'll be in here often! Haha
Welcome on the site. Hope you enjoy.
I just typed '3-axis CNC machine' in the Google-Images search field to get an idea, but it was like expected.
For my curiosity, in what formats (.obj, .STL, .3DS) can you export to machines like that?
The file types that can be used to create 3D tool paths depend on the tool path software you have. I just bought the entry level ArtCAM Express to expand my current 3D machining capabilites. As far as 3D models, it's able to tool path obj, stl, 3ds, 3dm, 3da, 3dp, u3d, rlf, & dmt. It'll also handle 20+ 2D raster & vector files.
The (very) simplified process goes like this:
Open a new job in ArtCAM - Bring in your 2D or 3D model - create your tool paths - save the tool path(s) G-Code to a file - load that G-Code file onto the CNC machine control computer - load the material to be routed in to the machine - then run the G-Code.
Voila! You have something you can sell on Etsy!
Hi there and welcome. :)
Welcome to our world - happy modeling:)
I see you found us! Welcome and "happy modeling" :-)
Happy to have you and welcome.:cheese:
I am also new and hope no one minds me asking some things here. I am trying to figure out how to use the scale manipulator. I created a cube. Now I want to scale it. I select the scale manipulator and then what? I know three axes are supposed to appear to do that but I can't get them. (Actually, I am trying to do this with a model I created in a tutorial but it's the same problem.) I did already clicked on validate. Does that mean it's carved in stone?
That also brings up another question. If you are selecting multiple faces, is there any way to deselect ONE face? I can cancel them all but I can't figure out any way to change ONE.
Help appreciated.
First select the U on the keyboard. This will give you the Universal Manipulator. You should get used to work with this one since that will make all the modeling go smooth and fast.
To hide and show the manipulator you press the Space Bar on yr keyboard. It's common that one does this by misstake and have it hidden.
For scaling the whole model just click on the middle tiny cube on the manipulator to scale it up or down.
For selecting and deselecting polygons just hold Shift down while clicking.
Thank you for that. I am sure that will be helpful but I'm still stuck. I made a cube. I can move it around but I did what you said to no avail. To be clear, I used the 3D primitives and made a cube. I can now look at it from any direction and can even move it but not rotate it. I also can't scale it. I have tried changing the manipulator but obviously I am missing a step.
Thank you for that. I am sure that will be helpful but I'm still stuck. I made a cube. I can move it around but I did what you said to no avail. To be clear, I used the 3D primitives and made a cube. I can now look at it from any direction and can even move it but not rotate it. I also can't scale it. I have tried changing the manipulator but obviously I am missing a step.
Sounds to me that yr not in Object mode. Hit F1 on the keyboard and then select the object.