How to copy entire scene

I see how to copy a pose from a figure and move it from one scene (time) to another scene (or time) but how do you move everything (figures, cameras, props, etc.) from one time to another? I've got some scenes in my timeline out of order and would like to correct it. I recall in POSER there was a copy all that would do it.

Thanks as always


  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,658

    Not on my computer to test but maybe

    Create a group

    save the group as a heirachyable pose preset current frame on the right fourlined menu icon right click tick/check everything 

    apply it at the beginning

    I May have some terminology wrong



  • cm152335cm152335 Posts: 421

    you can load twice the same scene,,
    just keep pressed "ALT" and move the saved scene in the view where your mouse it show a target 

  • Syrus_DanteSyrus_Dante Posts: 983

    First with the Universal Tool right-click the Viewport: Select All, then go to the Parameters pane Option Menu (the lined button) choose Memorize Figure and Memorize Selected Item. Next change the timeline to the desired frame and Restore Figure and Restore Selected Items. Yes Daz Studio makes a difference between Items and Figures you should be aware of: clothing, hair, shooes count all as figures, while a primitive plane, camera, light, group are all Items. If you need this more often maybe go to the Window>Workspace>Customize dialog and add some keyboard shortcuts.

  • edited May 2019

    Not on my computer to test but maybe

    Create a group

    save the group as a heirachyable pose preset current frame on the right fourlined menu icon right click tick/check everything 

    apply it at the beginning

    I May have some terminology wrong

    I tried this and it worked. Thanks. I'll try some of the other ideas too.

    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • First with the Universal Tool right-click the Viewport: Select All, then go to the Parameters pane Option Menu (the lined button) choose Memorize Figure and Memorize Selected Item. Next change the timeline to the desired frame and Restore Figure and Restore Selected Items. Yes Daz Studio makes a difference between Items and Figures you should be aware of: clothing, hair, shooes count all as figures, while a primitive plane, camera, light, group are all Items. If you need this more often maybe go to the Window>Workspace>Customize dialog and add some keyboard shortcuts.

    Tried it and it worked.

    But, all the frames inbetween got screwed up. On some frames the camera moved and on others the whole character rotated or moved.

  • Not on my computer to test but maybe

    Create a group

    save the group as a heirachyable pose preset current frame on the right fourlined menu icon right click tick/check everything 

    apply it at the beginning

    I May have some terminology wrong



    And I just tried this version and it worked too. But the same thing as above happened again. Frames inbetween screwed up, character moved.

    Any idea?

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