Deleting Textures & Materials

Why was it deemed necessary to go through each and every one of the 40, 60 or 80 textures you create in your models one at a time to delete them?
Did it really not occure to anyone that being able to highlite the items you want to delete would be at least helpful?
With materials extending over several objects and multiple materials per object, no.
That might be something that's easier to do by exporting the file to an OBJ and using another tool to remove the materials, then re-import. But you'll also probalby lose the grouping of the sub-items, etc. It is an area where Hexagon could benefit from a scripting / customization API option.
Not sure coz I have not tried it (my PC is on a go slow at the moment) but would it be posible to group all the objects in the scene, give them a new material save the HXN file and load it back in again. Not sure what would happen to the Shading Domains, you'd probably have to delete them one at a time.
You could add a Feature Request and see if the techy's could do something about it in a future build.