Weight map brush problem
Daz 3D Forums > Software > Daz Studio Discussion>Weight map brush problem
Weight map brush problem

So I did blondie's rigging tutorial and everything went perfectly. I'm in the process of repeating the tutorial with my own modeled figure. When I got to the weight map brushing step, this happened with my figure (image attached). It's like the weight map is leaving the actual mesh behind? This didn't happen with the gingerbread man in blondie's tutorial. What could be wrong?

1280 x 800 - 335K
Post edited by Chiza.alba on
Looks to me as if you may have a problem with your mesh, with two layers in that area.
Agh. You're right, that's what happened. I exported a retopo mesh out of 3d-Coat with 2 layers w/o realizing it. Back to Step 1 with my mesh, I guess... :(