Realistic Fabrics Shaders [Commercial]



  • I grabbed the Brocade-Geometry shaders on release day and getting these this evening. Honestly, I didn't think I'd ever buy any more clothing shaders. I have so many already, but damn, these are just so wonderful and they were hard to resist purchasing. Very beautiful work on their creation, Sade. I really love all the detail.
  • SadeSade Posts: 883
    GlenWebb said:
    I grabbed the Brocade-Geometry shaders on release day and getting these this evening. Honestly, I didn't think I'd ever buy any more clothing shaders. I have so many already, but damn, these are just so wonderful and they were hard to resist purchasing. Very beautiful work on their creation, Sade. I really love all the detail.

    thank you! I loved to make them!! <3 <3
  • alexhcowleyalexhcowley Posts: 2,392
    edited August 2019

    These remind me of the "Ye Olde Clothe" bundle that came out for 3Delight quite a few years ago. It was by far my most used shader when I was using 3DL.

    I do mostly fantasy stuff set in a mock tolkienesq fantasy multiverse so the geometry shader doesn't quite work for me but the roundabout shader will definitely figure prominently in next week's shopping.  I love it!

    Are there any  more of these planned?



    Post edited by alexhcowley on
  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,912

    Those fabrics look great :) 

  • SadeSade Posts: 883

    Alex: no, i dont plan more, at least for now. :) Im happy you like them!

    Leana: thank you, i hope they will be super useful :)


  • jardinejardine Posts: 1,206


    those are just beautiful, sade.  the patterns, the


  • Leonides02Leonides02 Posts: 1,379

    Superb creation! I'm pick these up ASAP.

  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,759

    Wow, just beautiful. Well done.


  • SadeSade Posts: 883
    Jardine: thank you! Leonides:thank you! Artini: thank you! Please if you make anything with it share with me! Also if you have wish or feedback or suggession, feel free tell to me too!!
  • alexhcowleyalexhcowley Posts: 2,392

    Stuff the budget!  I bought this last night and I'm looking  forward to playing around with it over the weekend.  Archmage Serena will not only be the scariest woman in heroic fantasy, she's going to be the best dressed as well.



  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715

    Damn, these I have a use for.

  • SadeSade Posts: 883
    Alex: can't wait to see them! Nicstt :))
  • alexhcowleyalexhcowley Posts: 2,392
    edited August 2019

    This is one of the best fabric shaders I've ever used. As noted above, the detail on the stitching has to be seen to be believed.

    Here's my latest creation:

    How would you like to meet Archmage Serena, head posterior-kicker of the sisterhood of scientist-magicians the Future Mages?  She has a reputation so scary, in fantasy bad-guy circles, that even dark lords have been known to go several universes out of their way in order to avoid meeting her.  She is shown here modelling one of her favourite hunting outfits.  (It is considered extremely unladylike and vulgar behaviour, among her peer group, to go after huge evil monsters dressed in anything less than an absolutely awesome frock.)



    The Bigger They Are.JPG
    3000 x 1875 - 1M
    Post edited by alexhcowley on
  • SadeSade Posts: 883
    Wow! Thank you! (However if you need any other kind of shader, let me know! I just finished a fashion/military/scifi patches
    720 x 674 - 311K
  • Picked both fabric shaders up in a jiffy! Can't wait to use them. I would love to see more fabric shaders of this quality...almost don't care what kind they are; if you make them, I'll find a way to use them.

  • SadeSade Posts: 883

    Picked both fabric shaders up in a jiffy! Can't wait to use them. I would love to see more fabric shaders of this quality...almost don't care what kind they are; if you make them, I'll find a way to use them.

    These was procedural, but i scanned a gazilion fabrics too :) im so happy you lik3d them <3
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,964

    I bought one, and the other is in the wishlist. I'm trying to manage a reasonable level of spending ahead of the PA sale. I'm not doing very well at that goal!wink

  • DoctorJellybeanDoctorJellybean Posts: 8,750
    edited August 2019
    sade said:
    However if you need any other kind of shader, let me know! I just finished a fashion/military/scifi patches

    Silk? Denim? Lace? List is endless laugh

    Post edited by DoctorJellybean on
  • SadeSade Posts: 883
    I have two silk shader pack, 2nd lace pack is on way also the denim :)
  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,288

    I really dislike Iray, and I still felt that I had to get these...

  • SadeSade Posts: 883

    aww, thank you! i dont use 3dlight, but i have seen a converter, it would work?


  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,288

    Don't know for sure. Of course, if the proper texture files are there I can probably re-build and save as material presets for Fabricator (which is kind of the gold standard for 3DL shaders). That just needs a difuse, bump and opacity (which doesn't appear to be an issue with any of these) and a displacement if it's available. Being Iray, displacement probably isn't. Normals don't seem to have been a widespread thing when the Fabricatior was released.

    Possibly a map for specular as well. I'll doodle with it and see what I get. 

  • SadeSade Posts: 883

    easy to make specular, just invert the roughness  (i dont use displacement, because i asked the daz official pov when i started, and they told i shouldnt use them.)

    (why do you use 3dlight? is it because of hardware?)



  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,288

    I'm on a Mac. No Nvidia, I also despise progressive rendering, which is all you seem to be able to get with Iray. In 3DL once something renders, it's rendered. No damn noise to have to mess with.

    Plus, photorealisim isn't my thing. I want my illustrations to look like illustrations, not photographs.

    Thanks for the info in the roughness=specular once inverted. I'll post what I get by doodling. Although it will probably be a couple of days before I get to it.

  • SadeSade Posts: 883
    Thank you for the infos too :) it was very informative! I was thought i should get a mac, but this way i forget it fast :) Silly idea, but the 3dlight would fit more the prebaked textures, what some of game engines uses? I will play with it :) Thank you for all of feedback, and useful informations, cant wait to see ehat u do
  • JonnyRayJonnyRay Posts: 1,744
    edited August 2019
    GlenWebb said:
    I grabbed the Brocade-Geometry shaders on release day and getting these this evening. Honestly, I didn't think I'd ever buy any more clothing shaders. I have so many already, but damn, these are just so wonderful and they were hard to resist purchasing. Very beautiful work on their creation, Sade. I really love all the detail.

    I felt exactly the same way. My thoughts went like this...

    "More fabric shaders? I already have so many of these. I'll take a look, but I don't think I really need..." *click* "Oh. Oh my! Yes, I guess I do NEED some more fabric shaders after all!"

    sade said:
    However if you need any other kind of shader, let me know! I just finished a fashion/military/scifi patches

    Silk? Denim? Lace? List is endless laugh

    You need to check out Sade's Iray Silk Shaders 01Iray Silk Shaders 02, and Iray Lace Shaders 01. All of these are simply stunning in the patterns and details she puts into them.

    Post edited by JonnyRay on
  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,288

    Okay, this was a quick-and-dirty conversion. The lights are from Khory's Carresed with Light set from some years back. 

    I found that I was able to use the normals, after all, so I didn't mess with trying to build displacement maps . I plugged the height map into the bump channel. and just saved it back as a shader preset in my fabricator collection. I set the tiles at 5. 

    I'll be going through the whole collection and saving them out. I daresay they look better in Iray, but I'm not likely to be dealing with that unless I absolutely have to,

    797 x 799 - 305K
  • SadeSade Posts: 883
    JonnyRay: thank you! I hope we will release more soon! Next come the patches (military and astro) after laces. But i scanned too (these are procedural yet) JOdel: wow! This is what i call daz woodoo. Tell the truth, i could not say it's not iray! I dont like iray because some things looks like unnatural, but these are pretty cool! Just wow. (You know i have a partner, Moonscape Graphics (and sometimes GHDesign), because even if i understand the pbr texturing and the anatomy of materials, i just fail properly implement into daz. (Iray is acceptable sometimes but the 3dlight is just terrible for me. So .. daz kind of magic you do :)).
  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,288
    edited August 2019

    I'm going to got back and redo things, I' think I'll to see how plugging the metalic into something like the displacement, or reflection channels works out. Since you provided the files that are actually needed (apart from specular, which you told me the work-around for) I have enough to test things with.

    Khory's Carressed by Light series is very good.

    BTW, that wasn't actually a full render. It was a screenshot of a spot render, reduced to under 800px and exported from photoshop.

    At some point soon after the Fabricator was released, someone posted a tut for building tiles to use with it. But I suspect that what you get from that is just standard shader presets, since it doesn't seem to call for any of the Fabricator's features. Although I find that the tiling system that is built into it works just fine with any of my roll-your-own examples.

    Post edited by JOdel on
  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,912
    JOdel said:

    Okay, this was a quick-and-dirty conversion. The lights are from Khory's Carresed with Light set from some years back 

    Nice result! Glad to see what you managed to do with this as I also plan to use those with 3DL (for anyone wondering why, I’m not at all interested in creating photorealistic renders and simply like what I get from 3DL way more than what I get from Iray).

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