I put this simple video together to try some 360 techniques. It consists of two renders taken with the Iray spherical camera. The viewer observes from the pilot seat and can look around the cabin while the ship rotates to face the planet.
I wanted to share some tests I've been doing with FACEGOOD, which now that Dynamixyz is no longer available, I'm hoping will be a good replacement. The reason I'm sharing here is although for now it is only a Maya and 3ds Max plugin, they are actively working on a blender plugin that should be out really soon (and which I know some of you use)
@coxcomics. That is very nice!, I can see some potential here when creating cinematics from the POV of the actor.. good job!
Thanks. It was accomplished with just two 360 images. Here's the next version with the added animation of planetary destruction. I'm trying to see what I can get away with using the least amount of rendered images and animations. (New footage starts at about 1:30).
@coxcomics. That is very nice!, I can see some potential here when creating cinematics from the POV of the actor.. good job!
Thanks. It was accomplished with just two 360 images. Here's the next version with the added animation of planetary destruction. I'm trying to see what I can get away with using the least amount of rendered images and animations. (New footage starts at about 1:30).
Very cool. You have done a great job thus far and we are looking forward to your updates. Thanks for sharing.
In the test, I'm using the Genesis 3 Female wearing the EXO suit for the previously mentioned character. The scene conisted of 3 360 degree layers. The helmet layer, a starship layer and a space layer. The helmet you're inside of limits your view, but you can still look at the back of the helmet. Owl neck is a thing I guess. The video is a bit plodding and slow, but I wanted a long drift away from the ship as the hull recedes revealing the expanse of space beyond. The explosion is a postwork effect.
More spherical amination:
In this video your POV is from the head height of a Genesis 3 Female wearing the Eclipse Outfit for Genesis 3 Female(s). The interior is the Odysseon Station Observation Deck where I've applied the iRay Emissive to the various lights and computer screens. A Hammerhead X7a Starship can be seen orbiting the station (Time 0:22-0:37) as the station spins. A fourth layer is added featuring the Robot Starwaiter seen to the right. Fast and dirty animation without 1000 frames and 60 hours of rendering. (The space layer is a product from elsewhere called Space Sphere that I picked up years ago and like Odysseon Station, I've retroengineered for iRay. Waste not, want not.) There's obviously lighting issues that can be nitpicked, but overall, it's still an interesting 360 experience.
I created my first ever Daz Studio anmiation, and at the same time, my first ever Youtube video. Yay!
It is nothing really fancy, just a simple rotation of a posed figure, using this product, which was on a huge sale yesterday, and I managed to grab for USD 2.99 only. I was surprised how much time it takes to render even such a simple animation, so hats off to all animators. I added some free music from the default Youtube library to it, using Windows 10 Photos app.
more artists should use Youtube, turntables are definitely a thing but even slideshows with music are recieved well, there are so many videos on the platform where uploaders "use an image they found on the internet " and think saying they own nothing justifies it, actual artists should be showcasing their own work.
more artists should use Youtube, turntables are definitely a thing but even slideshows with music are recieved well, there are so many videos on the platform where uploaders "use an image they found on the internet " and think saying they own nothing justifies it, actual artists should be showcasing their own work.
Thank you.
I need to create way more renders than my gallery contains to be able to create any slidehows worth watching, but I plan to do that eventually too.
Is it still the general consensus that DS is the last fully functional version that "works" for animation? (I don't pay much attention to all the threads on the betas, but seems like every version after that still has the dreaded keyframing problems, I haven't tried them all though)
and if thats the case, that means any GPU ugrade is limited to the 2xxx series or lower, correct?
I got it a few days ago , Its a great tool, super easy to set up, works 100x better than the daz ik-chains, I did a quick short demo using it of a girl riding a bike. took about 4 hours start to finsh rendering and all
Very nice video Thanks for sharing your experience with us. Looks like I will grab that utility. There ia also a utility for tracks that you can use for the bike tracks.
I think you'll like the limbstick if you use ik-chains alot. I know I will get a lot of use from it . Its limited to just hands and feet, but you can stick the hands and feet to anywhere you can parent a primitive such as a prop or obj or another character. its very easy to use. with straight up directions included.
I wish I knew where there was a track making tool but the only one i know if is nerds3d trails and dust tools https://hivewire3d.com/shop/shop-by-artist/nerd3d/dust-and-trail-tool.html. But its no longer avilable anywhere to buy. Even though it still works in daz studio . Its only made for 3delight and there is no way to convert it to iray either. Do you know of one?
I tried, but I failed miserably, most probably because I am a clueless hobbyist who has no idea how many things work in the studio, though. I wanted to make a simple animation of a walking female, holding a rifle in both her hands, using this: https://www.daz3d.com/genesis-8-female-s-flat-foot-walk-aniblock
I loaded the figure, gave her the rifle, posed her, then applied the LimbStick (so far so good), and as soon as I added the animation block, she immediately went for the animation base pose, with her hands along her body.
This is what I wanted to do, but with a rifle in her hands:
Also, if anyone wonders, I find the "bouncing" option in the AniBlock quite over the top, it looks to me more like jelly bags in the epicentre of an earthquake, than human body parts.
I tried, but I failed miserably, most probably because I am a clueless hobbyist who has no idea how many things work in the studio, though. I wanted to make a simple animation of a walking female, holding a rifle in both her hands, using this: https://www.daz3d.com/genesis-8-female-s-flat-foot-walk-aniblock
I loaded the figure, gave her the rifle, posed her, then applied the LimbStick (so far so good), and as soon as I added the animation block, she immediately went for the animation base pose, with her hands along her body.
This is what I wanted to do, but with a rifle in her hands:
Also, if anyone wonders, I find the "bouncing" option in the AniBlock quite over the top, it looks to me more like jelly bags in the epicentre of an earthquake, than human body parts.
Very cool BTW. You can mix aniblocks for Arms different from rest of body. Look over in the left section as you epand it you will see that you can apply different animation to different body parts.
A lot of animation work i do, there is no aiblocks or animated presets created for, so over time i just learned to do everything by hand, its faster, the results to me are just better. Plus when your using deforce and other scripts in the animation you need to bake the aniblocks to the timeline anyway in order for most tools to work. like limbstick. so if you learn to do it by hand. They you can custom animate anything thats rigged on the fly like these.
A lot of animation work i do, there is no aiblocks or animated presets created for, so over time i just learned to do everything by hand, its faster, the results to me are just better. Plus when your using deforce and other scripts in the animation you need to bake the aniblocks to the timeline anyway in order for most tools to work. like limbstick. so if you learn to do it by hand. They you can custom animate anything thats rigged on the fly like these.
My name is Erick Esquilin. I have not really see to much character animation with Daz3D software. I started with 3D Studio Max and Maya many years ago. I am currently under the mentorship of Sir Wade with character animation. He want to Animation Mentor online school. He then was hired by DreamWorks Studio to in a teaching position role. He help mode animators during "How to Train a Dragon 3".
Sir Wade's Story:
He's help me with the infamous foundation animation with Bouncy Ball, Ball with Legs. I have a better understanding of animation because of him. I animated and render from DaZ3D software to After Effects.
I use Epic Pen software to help me form nice arcs for animation. Daz3D models dont come with IK feet. I had to create an IK Chain for both hands and feet.
I made the render in PNG sequence and then ran it in After Effects. Took me 10 hours to animate to render to After Effects to get the final product.
I forget how long this animation took me. I think the planning two me two months to do and it can be found at https://youtu.be/_2y4AjVuYok . I drew a stick figure to plan the shot out.
Mentor is important for Character Animation. Its hard work and it will pay off when you get that help to create character animation. I didnt use any of the preset animation for aniMate window. I animated these character frame per frame with my experience. Hard work pays off. If you are looking for a mentor then you can check these Pro animators out for help.
Not YouTube, it's Vimeo.
Vimeo doesn't embed, I'm afraid.
I put this simple video together to try some 360 techniques. It consists of two renders taken with the Iray spherical camera. The viewer observes from the pilot seat and can look around the cabin while the ship rotates to face the planet.
Hey everyone, how are things?
I wanted to share some tests I've been doing with FACEGOOD, which now that Dynamixyz is no longer available, I'm hoping will be a good replacement. The reason I'm sharing here is although for now it is only a Maya and 3ds Max plugin, they are actively working on a blender plugin that should be out really soon (and which I know some of you use)
Here's a video with some extreme expressions https://vimeo.com/637203507
The other reason is that it is cheap, here's what their pricing schedule starting in November will be
@coxcomics. That is very nice!, I can see some potential here when creating cinematics from the POV of the actor.. good job!
Thanks. It was accomplished with just two 360 images. Here's the next version with the added animation of planetary destruction. I'm trying to see what I can get away with using the least amount of rendered images and animations. (New footage starts at about 1:30).

Very cool. You have done a great job thus far and we are looking forward to your updates. Thanks for sharing.
In the test, I'm using the Genesis 3 Female wearing the EXO suit for the previously mentioned character. The scene conisted of 3 360 degree layers. The helmet layer, a starship layer and a space layer. The helmet you're inside of limits your view, but you can still look at the back of the helmet. Owl neck is a thing I guess. The video is a bit plodding and slow, but I wanted a long drift away from the ship as the hull recedes revealing the expanse of space beyond. The explosion is a postwork effect.

More spherical amination:

In this video your POV is from the head height of a Genesis 3 Female wearing the Eclipse Outfit for Genesis 3 Female(s). The interior is the Odysseon Station Observation Deck where I've applied the iRay Emissive to the various lights and computer screens. A Hammerhead X7a Starship can be seen orbiting the station (Time 0:22-0:37) as the station spins. A fourth layer is added featuring the Robot Starwaiter seen to the right. Fast and dirty animation without 1000 frames and 60 hours of rendering. (The space layer is a product from elsewhere called Space Sphere that I picked up years ago and like Odysseon Station, I've retroengineered for iRay. Waste not, want not.) There's obviously lighting issues that can be nitpicked, but overall, it's still an interesting 360 experience.
I created my first ever Daz Studio anmiation, and at the same time, my first ever Youtube video. Yay!
It is nothing really fancy, just a simple rotation of a posed figure, using this product, which was on a huge sale yesterday, and I managed to grab for USD 2.99 only. I was surprised how much time it takes to render even such a simple animation, so hats off to all animators. I added some free music from the default Youtube library to it, using Windows 10 Photos app.
I hope you like it.
more artists should use Youtube, turntables are definitely a thing but even slideshows with music are recieved well, there are so many videos on the platform where uploaders "use an image they found on the internet " and think saying they own nothing justifies it, actual artists should be showcasing their own work.
Thank you.
I need to create way more renders than my gallery contains to be able to create any slidehows worth watching, but I plan to do that eventually too.
Is it still the general consensus that DS is the last fully functional version that "works" for animation? (I don't pay much attention to all the threads on the betas, but seems like every version after that still has the dreaded keyframing problems, I haven't tried them all though)
and if thats the case, that means any GPU ugrade is limited to the 2xxx series or lower, correct?
Has anyone tried the "LimbStick for Genesis 3 And Above" asset? looks like it could be useful for some animation tasks.
I got it a few days ago , Its a great tool, super easy to set up, works 100x better than the daz ik-chains, I did a quick short demo using it of a girl riding a bike. took about 4 hours start to finsh rendering and all
click to see demo https://vimeo.com/653255463
Very nice video Thanks for sharing your experience with us. Looks like I will grab that utility. There ia also a utility for tracks that you can use for the bike tracks.
I think you'll like the limbstick if you use ik-chains alot. I know I will get a lot of use from it . Its limited to just hands and feet, but you can stick the hands and feet to anywhere you can parent a primitive such as a prop or obj or another character. its very easy to use. with straight up directions included.
I wish I knew where there was a track making tool but the only one i know if is nerds3d trails and dust tools https://hivewire3d.com/shop/shop-by-artist/nerd3d/dust-and-trail-tool.html. But its no longer avilable anywhere to buy. Even though it still works in daz studio . Its only made for 3delight and there is no way to convert it to iray either. Do you know of one?
Try these https://www.renderosity.com/rr/mod/bcs/namib/92152/
There was also a plugin for DAZ that makes tracks. I'll have to check
I have Namib , its a desert environment set& the tire tracks are only made work with the set i they are just a transmap in the texture
Nerd3d use to have a track making tool https://hivewire3d.com/shop/shop-by-artist/nerd3d/footsteps-tool.html
but like i said you can no longer buy anywhere
I tried, but I failed miserably, most probably because I am a clueless hobbyist who has no idea how many things work in the studio, though. I wanted to make a simple animation of a walking female, holding a rifle in both her hands, using this: https://www.daz3d.com/genesis-8-female-s-flat-foot-walk-aniblock
I loaded the figure, gave her the rifle, posed her, then applied the LimbStick (so far so good), and as soon as I added the animation block, she immediately went for the animation base pose, with her hands along her body.
This is what I wanted to do, but with a rifle in her hands:
Also, if anyone wonders, I find the "bouncing" option in the AniBlock quite over the top, it looks to me more like jelly bags in the epicentre of an earthquake, than human body parts.
I used that to make this video.
Very cool BTW. You can mix aniblocks for Arms different from rest of body. Look over in the left section as you epand it you will see that you can apply different animation to different body parts.
A lot of animation work i do, there is no aiblocks or animated presets created for, so over time i just learned to do everything by hand, its faster, the results to me are just better. Plus when your using deforce and other scripts in the animation you need to bake the aniblocks to the timeline anyway in order for most tools to work. like limbstick. so if you learn to do it by hand. They you can custom animate anything thats rigged on the fly
like these.
LOL those were very cool. Thanks for sharing.
quich test with 3delight
@Z Family
looks great
just something fun to watch
My latest animated short. created and rendered in Daz Studio with iray
Thank you IVY for sharing this thread.
My name is Erick Esquilin. I have not really see to much character animation with Daz3D software. I started with 3D Studio Max and Maya many years ago. I am currently under the mentorship of Sir Wade with character animation. He want to Animation Mentor online school. He then was hired by DreamWorks Studio to in a teaching position role. He help mode animators during "How to Train a Dragon 3".

Sir Wade's Story:
He's help me with the infamous foundation animation with Bouncy Ball, Ball with Legs. I have a better understanding of animation because of him. I animated and render from DaZ3D software to After Effects.
Here are a few of my shots.
1) Blast Shot Animation:
I used Genesis 1 model with 1950 wardrobe from https://www.daz3d.com/casual-1950-for-genesis-male and Gothic Mohawk for the hair from https://www.daz3d.com/gothic-mohawk-hair-for-genesis-1-2-male-s
Blast Effects with FSL Rigged at https://www.daz3d.com/fsl-rigged-and-morphing-new-magics-for-iray and the Smoke from https://www.daz3d.com/sy-rigged-speedy-smoke-iray for the chest animation from the blast.
I use Epic Pen software to help me form nice arcs for animation. Daz3D models dont come with IK feet. I had to create an IK Chain for both hands and feet.
I made the render in PNG sequence and then ran it in After Effects. Took me 10 hours to animate to render to After Effects to get the final product.
2) Angel Flight
Genesis 8.1 Male Model with Vitruvian Exosuit https://www.daz3d.com/vitruvian-exosuit-for-genesis-8-males and Morning Star Wings https://www.daz3d.com/morning-star-wings-for-genesis-3-and-genesis-8-male-s
I forget how long this animation took me. I think the planning two me two months to do and it can be found at https://youtu.be/_2y4AjVuYok . I drew a stick figure to plan the shot out.
I finished the shot the rough draft here https://youtu.be/otaO5MMhoPk
Mentor is important for Character Animation. Its hard work and it will pay off when you get that help to create character animation. I didnt use any of the preset animation for aniMate window. I animated these character frame per frame with my experience. Hard work pays off. If you are looking for a mentor then you can check these Pro animators out for help.
Sir Wade (DreamWorks Studios): https://www.youtube.com/user/SirWadeFX
Jean Denis Hass (Lucas Studios/WB Studios): https://www.youtube.com/c/JeanDenisHaas
Rusty Animator (Worked on Star Wars VIII, The Incredibles 2, or Overwatch): https://www.youtube.com/c/RustyAnimator/featured