Selection disappearing when selecting sweep surface tool

Hi everyone,
I'm having a problem with my surface selection deselecting itself when I click on the sweep surface tool.
I have a simple cube and select 2 opposite sides with the select faces tool. I then click the sweep surface tool and continue my modeling.
Then if I select more surfaces and then click the sweep surface tool again my selection deselects itself.
I'm not sure what's going on here. I'm following a beginner video tutorial and they are able to this:
Any help would be greatly appreciated :)
I am using Hexagon on Mac OS X 10.7.4.
Sorry, can't replicate your issue.
Have you sought help here Hexagon Discussion Forum? All Hexagon users all the time. Just the people who might know the answer to your problem.
Yeah, it's really weird. The tutorial I'm watching just works and mine doesn't.
Thanks for testing it out though.
Thanks for the forum tip. Sorry for posting to the wrong forum.
No apology needed you did just right. I just pointed you to the people with the most experience.
That didn't happen to me when I just tried it. What all did you do between your final sweep and selecting the new faces? I can only think it has something to do between those steps. I find modeling in symmetry distracting and don't work that way so it's very possible I'm doing something different than you trying to recreate your issue.
Just for the record, because I don't model in symmetry, I also don't use the sweep or extrude tools. After selecting the faces/edges I want to extrude I simply hold the ctrl key and use the widget. No need for validating anything and I get don't loose any functionality other than symmetry.
Threads merged and repeat of the question has been removed.
Did you hit "return" or click "validate" or "double click" after extruding?
Also, if you want to extrude more than one surface, you must hold down the "Shift' key to select all of the surfaces before selecting the "extrude" tool.