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Please do and please make it better. How you would like to describe this?
Auto Muscle Enhancer HD for Genesis 8 Male(s)
Bring your character muscular and vascular detail to the next level with Auto Muscle Enhancing HD Physique Shaping for Genesis 8 Male(s).
This tool conveniently adds isolated sculpting to male anatomy that will elevate your characters' expression of strength and power. Easy-to-use for beginners and professionals, this set of expertly crafted HD morphs can be added to any male character with the minimal controller or slider scrubbing required.
Special Features:
here is the Animation test scene for AME. Also some Icons for the Folders.
I have moved all the Auto shape folder into shapes for me to remember. I had it set up as. Why Daz changed it ?.
I have to move the folder to it. Just copy the folder and move them, with the file manager I used. But it is up to you.
How easy is to use?
I have purchased AFE before, but never used it, because of the user reviews.
Will give AME a try.
too easy for me. 2 clicks and this is what you get.
on/off and adjust % how much muscle to add to your characters.
Please note: You need to have Auto Shape Enhancer to work with Auto Muscle Enhancer.
......You should start using the AFE. It is a real expression in HD.
I did not know about the bigger bicep control. Thanks. I was in too much of a hurry to play with this last night.
Yes. Dial-in some bigger characters or add muscle.
Also, belly in to make the pose.
Nice! So do you suggest not using the characters HD morph if you are using AME?
Where is the bigger bicep control?
You adjust. Always add and test to see. For me, the camera position dictates the percentage blend. Thus I may have shapes setting like BOB close up, BOB mid-range, and BOB far away.
The HD morphs on the character can also enhance the AME details or it can also take away. You must try and see. That is the fun of it. It is your vision, your arts.
Remember: "Only ignorant critique arts and intelligence will only convey one opinion."
Good quote!
I still can not find the bicep control?
see in the images they have the sliders and the link beside
I'm thrilled to see AME in the store this morning. And you even have ASE on a very generous discount. Thank you, DMaster!
Can confirm, just two clicks!
Wonderful product DMaster!! Thank You!
Thank you!
Alawa comes out and all of a sudden Dasan starts lifting
haha! This is a gorgeous render, @Lindsey ! Showing off all of the hard work of @DMaster so well (and the hard work of Dasan, obv #armday)
Using the GenX products I load multiple generations of male AND FEMALE morphs, then, with a TON of experimentation, I can get female BREAST MORPHS to shape male pecs. Don't ask me for details, because there are a million combinations of settings. I just know it's possible to get the kind of pec shapes you show in your post - on the different generations of MALE Genisis figures. If I can find any of the examples I created in the 43 million files on all my hard drives, I'll post them for you - but don't hold your breath.
Yuzuru 8 with AME -
Nice. Remember don't just add 100% of AME on top of your character.
Try to control the body. Start with yuzuru-8 body 50% + 50% AME
These ways the Muscle will not get swash and squish. Below is about 50% yuzuru +50% Billy+ 65% AME = image
and if you need bigger + more muscle to add the 2X and the details.
What does this file manager do? Could you post an image or two? I don't understand where the folders would be moved to. Anyway, I'd need some explanation before I'd attempt to use this. But it sounds very interesting, and perhaps would make the identification of AME folders easier, if they had icons on them. I'm game. Just need more explanation.
I haven't bought the product yet. I'm going to in a moment. But, looking at the images posted, I don't see a "Bigger Bicep" control or dial either. Is it part of the AME Flex Size? Or is it part of the Upper Body? Or is there actually a "Bigger Bicep" control? I need more information on this.
Is there a way to stop 00 AME Flex Size from being turned on automatically with every male figure? It will disrupt my workflow, and now whenever I load G8M, it is on.
1-no bigger bicep control
Can you change the setting to 0? It seems to be down at the end of the scale (on the left), but what if you click on the widget dial on the far right and select Parameter Settings? Can you uncheck "Use Limits" and then put in a 0?
Can you click the little "settings" icon on the slider and change the limits so it starts at 0% instead of %50?
OK. Thank you.
Yes, you can do that.
It just a setting. It is not on unless AME is active. That is if AME is 0 then all morphs are at 0. The Flex is a blank controller that controls the muscle morphs - that has to have a limit of 50%. if AME is 0% Flex control no morphs.
Thank you again. Good to know.
No it can't be dialed out.
The reason I care is I prefer things not to load when they are not in use. If you save your other characters and then decide to remove this product, it will error since it can't find it.
understood. finding a solution.