technical question to morph controllers and x/y/z translates of primitives

I have a question to morph controllers and x/y/z translates of primitives.
Is it possible to connect one of the translates of a primitive to a morph of a figure?
an example (really just an example just to show what I mean):
I have a bottle with morphs (wider,higher,deeper) and to fill the bottle I put a cylinder in it and parent the cylinder to the bottle.
I don`t scale the bottle via translates I use the morphs but the cylinder doesn`t change, so is it possible in some way to connect the translates of the cylinder (x/y/z) with the morphs of the bottle?
Yes, but you need to use a script to set it up.
okay, thanks first but...
I am programming at work sometimes but not in scripts and in a different programing language, so I have no clue what I have to program or how such a script should look like :blank:
This assumes you pass two nodes, first the one you want to have the ERC-controlled property, then the one you ant to be the controller, each followed by the name of the property that you want to use as a string. Then type is the name of the ERC type from DzERCLink (see script docs), multiplier and addend are the numbers that adjust the link.
but I do need to have a software or software update/plug in or something like that, right? it is not possible to write a script with the standard daz studio 3 or studio 4 pro version, right?
Sorry, I tried replying earlier and the forum kept insisting I was logged out. If you are reading this it was more cooperative this time.
No, you don't need a separate tool to write scripts - any text editor will do the job, though DS4.5 does have an integrated IDE again (and DS3 had an IDE and docs in the Scripting Development Kit).
no problem ;-) it is nothing that can`t wait :)
thanks for the help and I will try it and maybe I can get it work :)