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Catalyzer only works with AM's own models when specifically listed on the product page. I believe most (if not all) of AM's older LAMH models have been updated to work the Catalyzer.
LOL. So True!
Watch this documentary if you haven't already seen it: "The Lion in Your Living Room"
It explains everything about cats, including where they came from and their physical traits, it also explains how cat vertebrae are designed very differently than other mammals. Cats are very springy and able to twist and turn in impossible ways most other animals can't .. and leap incredible distances and heights. They do some slow-motion images of leaping cats in this documentary which will amaze you!
Good one!
Those were just my initial renders before working on the figures. They are rendered with sun and sky set for 14:30 in the Northern Hemisphere using the default settings so I can judge what I need to do to them. I also turn them so that the light comes across them from the left which lets me see the lumps and bumps :).
Here are the Orangutan and cat after working on the shaders. I have also turned them so they are facing the sun and lowered the F/stop to brighten the render.
Click on image for full size.
Click on image for full size.