Links to Useful Threads
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Links to Useful Threads

As the title says this is a list of threads which contain many useful tips for Bryce Users. It is not to be confused with the Tutorial list.
Bryce Animation Brain Dump (Was “Key-Flame: A.M.L. (Basic Intro)”)
Bryce Lightning for Dummies
The Moon by TheSavage64
Horo’s Terrain Editor Filter Recipes
It took me a while to find this thread, so I’m adding it here for future reference.
The Moon by TheSavage64
Horo’s Terrain Editor Filter Recipes
Wouldn't it be better to add the links into your original post and that way they are all together in the one post?
good thinking batman :coolsmirk:
Methinks it cool to add this link here;
Most of us really battle with lighting a scene.
There is lots of reading but a wealth of information between the lines.
Another must-have link for this thread
A couple of years back someone mentioned a program that made Bryce think it had more memory than it actually did. Does anyone have that link?
Navim - here is a link to a video that shows how to make Bryce large address aware and also shows the link to the small tool
Quick reference for anyone having problems installing Bryce
Anyone who finds a way to improve the hair material for G3, 8, and 9, let me know.