Sent G2 figure from DS to Hex, saved as OBJ, quit, opened OBJ, now UV scale is totally off.

As described in the title, I'm opening a G2 base figure in DS, then sending it to hexagon. There, preview looks fine. So I save as OBJ using default options.
After re-opening the obj file, the textures are oddly scaled and positioned. I made no changes, just saved files and opened them.
Is this a known problem? Do I have to save G2 figures in any special way? I export obj for test rendering in Octane. And funny thing is, octane has no issues with the textures, they render correctly. But Hexagon preview totally messes them up.
I've tried exporting obj directly from DS, but the problem persists. It looks as if Hexagon uses a wrong UV scale factor on textures...
Post edited by tmtmtm_f56c8d4bda on
Are you sure you're using the same UV set as you exported with? I've heard of problems with the objs if the scale exported at (DAZ/HEX/MODO etc) was different than the one on import, but not the uvs being different.
The purpose of the bridge is purely for making morphs - if you export as .obj, the scale will be off. If you are using the bridge to make morphs and don't finish in one session, rather save the as .hxn.
I have only ever used the G2F with default textures, so can't say anything about the various UV options. If you import any textured .obj (including G2F) into Hex without having the "Flip textures" option ticked, the texture will be messed up - same on export.
BTW - I found that using MCJ's Teleblender a very good method of exporting a figure from Daz Studio to get faithful reproduction of textures. It is mean for Blender Cycles, but should work equally well for Octane. It exports as .obj and gathers the maps into a single folder for easier editing.
Ah, thanks, Roygee, I didn't catch the bridge was being used.
Well, there is a detail I was totally unaware of :)
Thanks for the hints. Didn't know bridge was just meant for morphs. I'll stop using it.