Issue With Renders and Car Windows

I purchased the and when I try to do a scene inside, I get black windows. I have 4 lights pointing at the car but I can not figure out how to get the windows to show the outside world. Can anyone help?
Check your ray tracing limit. For Iray, under Optimization -> Max Path Length, set it to (-1) to let Iray use what it needs, or at least to 5 (more if needed, but uses more resources) to allow for all the surfaces a ray will touch between the light and the camera. Light source -> scenery -> window (2 hits if it has thickness) -> car interior surface -> camera. Surfaces can add more layers if they are complex with top coat, metal flakes, thin film...
Edit: Oops, didn't realize which forum this was (I follow Recent Discussions). Still , the priciple probably still applies...