installing "DAZ only content" into Poser Pro 2014?

Hey guys,
does anyone know if it is possible to install content which is only made for DAZ Studio (Shop Info: Compatible Software: DAZ Studio) into poser (pro 2014)?
I´d like to use poser instead of DAZ Studio but I have bought a lot of stuff which is made only for DAZ Studio. Therefore I hope there is any possibilty to use also this stuff in poser.
thank you for any answer ... :-)
It depends on what kind of content it is, and what format it's provided.
Shaders, plugins, DS scripts, DS dynamic clothes definitely won't work.
Item provided as .duf files (intended for DS 4.5+) have a good chance to work via the DSON Importer. You will need to create poser companion files for those items in DS if they're not provided in order to see them in your Poser library, and if no Poser materials are supplied you'll have to adjust them in Poser as DS materials probably won't translate well.
Items provided in older DS formats (for example .daz files for scenes, or .ds files for poses) would need to be resaved as .duf in DS first, then imported via DSON Importer.
Do you have examples of DS items you would like to use in Poser?
I install it into the runtime folder where I install my Genesis stuff. It can be loaded in Poser using this free script...
Open the script and browse to the folder where the item lives. Note that the materials will likely need to be adjusted at least, and all models don't work properly, but most do...
With last week's Genesis sale, I almost got caught out with the 'Daz Only' content as well. I'm surprised that the vender haven't retroactively added the Poser files needed - I'd certainly have bought quite a few models if they had.
Generally it's not feasible to update older products, especially for an older generation. The hours to fix items and get them through QA will not generally justify the resulting sales, especially this one where things were knocked down to an extremely low price. Adding Poser support to things like clothing isn't simple if for instance the outfit wasn't grouped to begin with (with will not work in Poser) or the outfit relies on smoothing to fit different shapes (smoothing/collision is a DS-only feature). Most of the sales are now on Genesis 2, as there are more vendors on board with a Poser background to make items that are compatible.
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That's one of the biggest problems DAZ had with Platinum Club items which were always $1.99.
edit: I agree having big sales almost all the time is not a good idea either though, as it also leads people to not buy things as "it will be on sale again later".
They need a healthy balance of sales and "quieter" periods IMO.
I recently deleted a lot of stuff from my W/L both here and at R'osity when there were 70-80% sales at both places; if I won't buy them at that discount, I likely never will....
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There should be a focus on Compatibility of Daz studio with poser and Carrara .. , carrara is no longer developed and there is a big lack of compatibility with poser..
1) Actually the DSON importer and the current beta of Carrara (if you check the Commons forum you'll see the beta link) shows that DAZ does try to make things compatible where possible. But at the same time they need to keep their products innovating as well, so some things won't be compatible as those other apps don't support the newer features that their current products have. I doubt the compatibility differences will close between the apps any time soon.
2) But really what is released is based on the PAs themselves as they are the ones that supply content to the store. They have bills to pay and spending hours updating old products just to generally get 5 to 10 extra sales is not feasible when making new items is where most of their monthly income are made. I updated two older products to be poser compatible and after the re-release, they got a whopping 4 extra sales. Won't do that again as most of the sales were made during the intro period. Luckily I had a new release that coincided with that so I made my month. But in other threads, if you do some searching, is that PAs have their various reasons for stopping support or not supporting the Poser format, but I'll let you find it rather than get into the points again.
I would have bought the UEF Arachnid Class Destroyer Escort straight up if it was readily Poser compatible. Oh well. I don't have time to buy stuff, fiddle endlessly with it, maybe get it working right in Poser, maybe not, then request a refund if not. Bleh.
Ya! I know! I feel your pain. That is one cool model.
For what it is worth, I ended up buying UEF Arachnid Class Destroyer Escort and it does export cleanly and nicely to Poser! It also renders AMAZING in DAZ Reality!! I'm VERY happy with this model and so glad I took a chance.
How did you export it to Poser?
If anyone knows a better, easier way, please don't hesitate to chime in!
1. Load the model into a scene in DAZ (my DAZ-Foo is not very strong, but I manage to figure things out eventually, usually with help :o)
2. Make sure the figure/object is selected in your Scene tab.
3. On the top of the screen, go to File > Export and choose a directory to save the model and give the file a name (i.e. Arachnid_002). It will be saved as a Poser .cr2 file.
4. Now a window will pop up called Cr2 Export Options. I literally just pressed buttons like a monkey at a typewriter and got it to work!
- Figure Type : Base Figure
- Base Path (Must be a Runtime directory for Poser) I chose my primary Poser Runtime - just the root, no need to go further down).
- Cr2 Path: Must be in this path: Runtime\Libraries\Character\ (I chose a subfolder in my Runtime called 'Vehicle' and 'Arachnid' like this: \Poser Pro 2012\Runtime\Libraries\Character\Vehicle\Arachnid Cruiser\Arachnid_002.cr2
5. I left ExP Path blank, Unique Figure ID was left blank as well and ticked the box 'Collect Files: also select In a Base Path Runtime. Then press Accept. DAZ will chug along for just a few moments and then you are left with your DAZ scene.
6. Close DAZ, Open Poser, and open a blank scene the size you want to work with. Go to your Library and navigate to the folder where you saved it. I know I did something wrong (perhaps in the ExP path etc) because the directory was there but no figure. I found where DAZ saved the figure and copied the files from there using Windows file manager. Be sure to get both the files! Arachind_001a.cr2 and Arachind_001a.png. Once copied over I refreshed the directory and the model showed up in the Library just like any other Made-For-Poser model.
7. Add your lights, set your camera (I used 35mm as 70mm was too zoomed in - it's a BIG ship!)
- Note, I'm not sure if I actually needed to do this or not, but I turned OFF 'Use displacement maps' and 'Smooth polygons' in the Render Settings. Sometimes things blow up (i.e. a broom handle will render shaped like a football).
The top image below is the unretouched Poser 2012 Firefly render. The only exceptions to the 'Works Great' comment would be any glowing bits. Poser and DAZ use different materials and lighting. You may need to swap in a Poser glowing material on any DAZ glowing materials. You'll see an odd dot pattern on both the glowing bits (blue and white dots) and a pattern on the cockpit glass.
In the second image below I swapped out the glowing materials "Glow_Grid" using Fabiana's glowing LED material EvenGlow 1-16. I also enhanced the glowing lights with a little bloom effect in Photoshop.
For the cockpit glass I went to the material room and selected 'Hull_glass' and replaced it with PD Sci-Fi material, PVC - Transparent\PVC TR Blue 1, cutting transparency to 35%. I just didn't care for the chickenwire look.
I didn't buy the alternate materials/skins pack for the Arachnid - but might still. I can't say I care for the green and white stripe near the back of the ship at all. I may go in and modify the materials files myself to get rid of that.
There was a time, not too long ago, that I would have thought all this way too much bother, but it is not so bad once you have done it a time or two. :) Ultimately you have to decide if it is worth the little bit of hassle to modify a non-Poser friendly model's material.
If you have any questions or problems, I'll be glad to help out if I can. I am open to other methods too!
This of course makes you a genius. I really don't know what is EXP file is. I've looked at the file, the diagram and realized I'm still a caveman. It appears you didn't need it which I think makes things easier. the displacement map is really more for texturing (making transparencies or something disappear (I think), smooth poly's sounds like a good idea but I can't really tell the difference sometimes.
The rest of your 8 step procedure looks pretty simple to follow and I hate wasting my monthly coupon. I like collecting fighters, destroyers and carriers as I figure sooner or later I'll have a need for it or just want to play around with it and see what scene I can come up with.
Thanks for taking the plunge! I think it's still 30 percent off. I do wish I knew for how long but there is some type of psychology working here. But I do like that this works. It might be worth taking the plunge on the RA of Egypt if the same method works.
EXP files are for V4/M4/K4 morphs - you don't need them here.
Another step by step how-to
If it is a prop (no moving parts) you can export as FBX
While the Gen 4 figures use EXP morphs, they can be used on other figures. I think the SubDragon uses them too.
If there were an easy way to export the Genesis morphs as EXP files, one could add then morphs to the exported figure; it would just be a matter of copying files and reinitializing if the cr2 is set up for. However, if it weren't, why would the option be there?... :smirk:
Same here. More and more stuff is Studio only - and I simply will not be going there. Makes me wonder how much they are missing out on, sales-wise, if they would only keep making props and basic scenes at least, Poser compatible.
They lost me as a regular spender here when the whole revamp unceremoniously dropped me from the PC club and switched to Genesis. I came back a year and a half later, really tried to use the DSON plug-in, even tried to use Studio... but DSON is SO laggy... and I couldn't figure out how to move a damn camera in Studio. I want to figure it out... I know there are online sources, tuts, videos, etc - but REALLY? The MOST BASIC need, to move a camera, isn't in-your-face-obvious right on the UI?
Needless to say, I gave up. I am a freelance illustrator and that kind of nonsense is a waste of time when I am on a deadline. Studio is great if you are a hobbyist and have the time for all the rigamarole, I'm sure. But I am finally about to give up entirely. Besides, there are other stores and other figures. Got the new Horse 2 and can't use it. Hivewire has a better one that works. Guess who get my money now?
I really wanted many things here - but they just won't work in Poser anymore without all kinds of hand-waving.
What happened to this being easier to use?
I know, the thought police will be here any minute to take this off the thread. Have fun.
For what it's worth, moving a camera in DS can be done with the tools top-right of the viewport - drag the cube to rotate (or click on it to snap to an angle), or click and drag on the icons to the right for movement and zoom (hover for hint text - most respond to left and right drags with different functions). You can also use modifier dragging in the viewport - and can customise the modifiers used to match your other 3D apps if desired (Window>Workspace>Customise, the options are at the bottom of the dialogue) - I can't recall the defaults as mine are set to match modo.
Well, thank you Richard. If I ever decide to re-install it, I will now at least have that much.
Although, I don't know what "Modifier dragging" is. I did know one can customize the entire setup, but that kind of requires some use to know what you want.
The other biggest hang-up for me with Studio, was also the complete lack of support for any 3D devices like 3DConnexion mice.
Anyway, time is money and playing with software doesn't get the art done. If it isn't compatible or work seamlessly, I can't make the deadlines, so it isn't worth the hassle.
Although I'm a notorious Poser user, I do have Studio 4.6 installed to create Poser Companion files and to export stuff, and my 3DConnexion Space Pilot is supported for manipulating the camera...
By modifier dragging I meant holding down some combination of keys and just dragging in the viewport, without having to go to specific tools or icons. You can do the same in the latest versions of Poser. So, I use alt-left drag for orbit and alt-right drag to rotate the camera, for example.
You can switch the view to the camera you want to render from at the drop down in the top right corner of the view port. Can quickly be done by selecting the camera then switching to perspective model to see the guidelines to manipulate. 4.7 has the keyboard shortcuts to simulate a fly through of your scene so you can set up cameras as well then copy the current position for a new camera.
Although I'm a notorious Poser user, I do have Studio 4.6 installed to create Poser Companion files and to export stuff, and my 3DConnexion Space Pilot is supported for manipulating the camera...
That's good to hear - I am sure there have been changes since 4.1, so maybe it is time to take another look.
Provided, of course, I can get it to install on a remote drive - all of it, including the database - and get it out of my shared and home folders (Mac OSX 10.9.5).
Dosnt work tryed it 4 times now still won't work
Dosnt work tryed it 4 times now still won't work
What are you trying to load with it?
I wish you could convert daz3d lights to poser
Yeah, I don't have time for all that rigamarole. I pretty much have just given up on anything that doesn't have Poser files. Which means all those who have stopped providing them have simply lost my business, except for the older stuff I don't already have. No one seems to care anymore though. It's no longer about loyalty, providing a good product for everyone, or even giving good customer service. It is only about making products that sell large numbers, and here, the client base is slowly becoming only those who use DAZ Studio and the Genisis figures.
I suppose I can't blame them. Everyone has bills to pay. So do I. If it isn't quick and easy to use in my program, I simply can't afford to spend money on it anymore. And there you have it.
I should add that I don't even bother with the PC free items that don't have the Poser files, it's just a waste of space and time for me. In fact, it looks like I am leaning towards simply painting in Photoshop more and more.
I am an almost exclusive Poser User. The New DAZ takes longer for me to render, finding my content is harder and just getting around the program takes longer. I'm sure some of that is practice.
Everything that mitchman says has a ring of truth to it. Still, I love the models and won't give up on them due to lack of effort on my part. Time IS important and I don't blame him for not wanting to go through all that rigamarole. Thankfully, when I've needed help converting a model with no poser companion files, I've been able to find a solution with the kind help of people here. It's not that difficult. The quality of the models can not doubted and I like having the best out there. Still, like mitchman, I want to be able to get to the models and start rendering right out of the box.
I'll probably reup my PC club next year but DAZ don't forget the Poser users. Loyalty should be rewarded and if the buck is the bottom line, Poser users speak with that as well. I know the vendors that I support the most are the ones that didn't forget Poser users. DAZ, keep up the good work but please don't forget us.
I've had mostly good luck with it except some props just don't transfer over too well. It's better to do an export from DAZ Studio instead of using the DSON exporter which often puts items in the wrong folders. From my experience,, DSON is good for materials and poses. I also like to "customize" my OBJ files and get rid of the garbage characters created in the file name. I want to know what the OBJ relates to. It also helps to edit the CR2's for figures.
For props, sometimes it's easier to just export from DS as a scene then save separately in Poser. I've had to do this with two products: Army Vehicles (Bricabrake) and Motel (Bluebird 3d). This was to preserve the articulation of some of the items. I had to give up on the "Hot Dog Cart" because it just wouldn't transfer over correctly without a lot of work. The individual props that go with it were all over the place and the textures were hard to reapply because I didn't know where they should go.
I just purchased the model "NFXstudios Summer Camp" which I could not export a DSON converted file for. I had better luck exporting as an FBX Collada (dae) file then I was able to save the individual props. I should try that on the ones I mentioned above.
As was mentioned, it is very time consuming and boring to do for every single thing you've purchased.
After exporting from DS and importing into Poser, I have noticed a big improvement in speed for those items. It takes a lot of trial and error and I've had to do some models a few times to get it right. Using the DSON importer then saving in Poser 2012 sometimes doesn't work too well. I've gotten large CR2 files that were unmanageable to edit or parts of clothing disappeared (Voodoo Dress). Also you have to find the OBJ file in whatever Runtime DSON folder it's hiding in. Usually the morph file is in there too.
I know it would be easier to just switch over to DAZ Studio, but after all these years I just can't get the hang of creating scenes in it. I also don't like the yellow highlight that shows over whatever is in the scene. I can't see what I'm doing. I'm sure there's a way to turn it off, but there are so many options I wouldn't know where to look.