Painfully SLOW DIM uninstall. Why?

I am uninstalling all of my products through DIM. And then I will re-install to save the product install folders. WHY is the uninstalling process taking ages just to uninstall one product, let along all of the products. Is there a faster way to do this and accomplish the same thing?


  • It isn't usually slow for me - what security software are you running? How big are the products?

  • Security is Trend Micro Maximum Security. The products are all of my DAZ products installed through DIM for my laptop, but without saving the install files. I'm changing that. My other Desktop install is not slow at all.

  • I've shut down the security, but that made no difference. Is it possible to simply delete some folders, since I've not saved any of my install folders (except for the Content folder, which I will deal with as I did on my Desktop computer).

  • I'm going to save the "UserData_1" file and copy the folder locations to be inserted in a new install. This is taking too long. I'm only through 30 products out of 2100 products. Might as well install it from scratch. I'll look up the best procedures for that.

  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,975

    Out of interest does installing an updated product also take ages?

  • TaozTaoz Posts: 9,914
    edited October 2021

    Uninstalling just a single file with DIM is very slow for me too, takes several minutes.  I have almost 20.000 products, not sure if that matters.

    Installing an updated product seems to be just as fast as a fresh install.

    Post edited by Taoz on
  • Out of interest does installing an updated product also take ages?


    I have been working with a wired desktop and a laptop. This thread is for the laptop. I'm going to place this laptop on a wired connection to see if that helps.

  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,975

    john_97a982ce said:

    Out of interest does installing an updated product also take ages?


    I have been working with a wired desktop and a laptop. This thread is for the laptop. I'm going to place this laptop on a wired connection to see if that helps.

    The reason I ask is that at some point (nebulous as to cause) I have had ongoing issues with installing updates and uninstalling pretty much anything (I think plug-ins  or naything without smart content is not affecteed), taking 5 minutes to time-out before going ahead.


    The reason I ask is that at some point (nebulous as to cause) I have had ongoing issues with installing updates and uninstalling pretty much anything (I think plug-ins  or naything without smart content is not affecteed), taking 5 minutes to time-out before going ahead.

    I have the same issue. It just suddenly started a couple weeks ago. New products install fine, but updates take 5 - 10 minutes of waiting before moving ahead. I have not determined a cause yet.

  • john_97a982cejohn_97a982ce Posts: 309
    edited October 2021

    It does seem recent. Downloading doesn't take too long. But installing seems to take forever. Why? DAZ?

    How do you like my picture showing a spitting trough beneath my chin? Handy, huh?

    Post edited by john_97a982ce on
  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,975

    3141592654 said:


    The reason I ask is that at some point (nebulous as to cause) I have had ongoing issues with installing updates and uninstalling pretty much anything (I think plug-ins  or naything without smart content is not affecteed), taking 5 minutes to time-out before going ahead.

    I have the same issue. It just suddenly started a couple weeks ago. New products install fine, but updates take 5 - 10 minutes of waiting before moving ahead. I have not determined a cause yet.

    I suspect it has to do with me starting to use Content Wizrad to get some smart data added to older and/or non-Daz products, plus some use of the db maintenance tools - nothing 'unofficial' as Content Wizard should be using relevant APIs/functions. The issue is not helped by resetting the databse and re-build, so I suspect I now have a bogus piece of information within a .dsx file that is used to create metadata.

  • LeticiaLeticia Posts: 126

    Does anyone have any thoughts on this?  I noticed the problem at least a month ago now, maybe two.  Installs can take a very long time, usually/frequently timing me out of my connection to the daz store and making me log back in.  They reach 100% then freeze.  I figured it was some kind of database slowdown, haven't yet tried reseting the DB and rebuilding, though I've done compacting and etc, noticed no particular change.  Is there any way to track down the problem files?

    I have used content wizard on a couple of older or non-daz products.

  • I always download the products and then install them at my time... 
    And wait... you let dim install everything into the default location? 
    And how big is that folder with how many items in it?*
    I have 50 content directorys each with some of the 2tbs of data 13k products. 
    My downloads suck because sattelite but once they're down install updates uninstalls move fast. 
    And I never ever delete downloads..  hmm, program runs off C, E and G have data and install downloads got to K where Dim installs them to the other drives as I tell it to. 
    *I did a rescue on a disk last year that was from lowest level of 1 tb drive. There huge numbers of files in the rescue folder ...  moving a couple hundred to the trash would take a minute or two and then rebuilding the window took a long time



  • LeticiaLeticia Posts: 126

    It's nothing to do with location products are installed to.  Very large folders do have performance issues, but since the Daz libraries aren't a flat folder structure, it'd take a *really* large library to have issues with number-of-files-in-folder.  If you're keeping all your downloads untouched in the default DIM downloads folder, you have 26k files in there for 13k products (one zip and one manifest each) so, that's almost certainly larger than any single directory listing inside your library.

    In my case, specifically, I really started to notice the problem while uninstalling everything that was installed in a directory that only had a small fraction of my products in it, as I wanted to reinstall them in another folder.  It's all to do with the database.


    So, at least at the moment, I seem to have cleared up my problem.  If I had to make a guess, it's a problem with the postgresql install.

    At the moment I can uninstall and reinstall basically instantly after displaying the same symptoms others were having - getting to 100% then freezing for minutes at a time when uninstalling or updating a product (but not installing a new product).  I don't have any product updates waiting right now so I can't swear that's also better, but instant uninstalls is a good sign.


    Here's what I did.

    1) Reset the database.  Quit Daz.

    2) Via DIM, uninstall CMS.

    3) Download the manual DAZ Studio .exe from the product library.

    4) Install the manual Daz Studio .exe, letting it do its uninstall of Studio as well.

    5) Run Daz Studio and reimport metadata.  (This step takes a while if you have a big library.)

    I don't know if it's NECESSARY to reset the database or if just reinstalling the CMS would help, but I just decided I wanted a clean slate for better chances.

  • LeticiaLeticia Posts: 126

    Well, so much for that.  It's slow again.  It was fast immediately after the re-import, but seems to have slowed down again now.

  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,975

    A short while ago I did the reset database, re-install mambo again as the smart had left, if not the building, the content. And, after that the DIM installs of updates which had been havig tiemout issues causing each one to take at least 5 minutes has gone awy, For now, at least!

  • jbowlerjbowler Posts: 779

    SimonJM said:

    A short while ago I did the reset database, re-install mambo again as the smart had left, if not the building, the content. And, after that the DIM installs of updates which had been havig tiemout issues causing each one to take at least 5 minutes has gone awy, For now, at least!

    Right click on the "Content Library" tab (i.e. on the tab, you don't need to have the pane open), select "Content DB Maintenance" and you get a small pop-up with a number of checkbox options.  Check "Re-import Metadata..."/Accept, you get a pop-up window.  Uncheck the options at the bottom (unless you really did modify content meta-data, in which case you need the bottom one), click Accept.  It will rebuild the smart data in the CMS, i.e. it will rebuild the whole CMS.  The CMS doesn't auto-build itself.  It takes a long time if you have a lot of products, but less time than de/re-installing them all (which doesn't work anyway if you have multiple content base directories...)

    Make sure you put the CMS on a fast disk.  My CMS is 1GByte from around 5100 products/6200 packages.  Make sure the DSON cache is on a fast disk too - that's even more time critical for DAZ Studio.  My CMS is on a PCIe SSD (but then so is my installed content) and my DSON caches (one for General, one for Public) are on my Raid root (C:) partition.

    Leticia said:

    In my case, specifically, I really started to notice the problem while uninstalling everything that was installed in a directory that only had a small fraction of my products in it, as I wanted to reinstall them in another folder.  It's all to do with the database.

    You can just rename the folder to somewhere else so long as it is a a CMS base directory.  You don't need to "Re-import metadata..." - the CMS only stores the path relative to each CMS base directory, so you can move things around as you see fit between the base directories in the Content Directory Manager; you must edit the base directory name that is there too when you move the whole base, or just add the new base directory.

    You need to fix-up the Install Manager after doing this for "Uninstall" to work.  Do this by using MKLINK /D on Windows or ln -s on Mac OS to replace the original base directory (which you moved) with a link to the new location.  Install Manager will then just blindly re-install using the old directory.  This does not work to move just some of the products in a base directory; I know of no solution which allows Install Manager to correctly uninstall/re-install after doing this other than editting the .dsx files in the "Manifest Files" directory (which is possible.)

    It's also possible to use symbolic links within a base directory to push all the data from different base directories into a shared directory.  I've done this while trying to fix the slow-G8F-load problem, it works, but it doesn't fix the problem (because the files which cause the slow load are in vendor-specfic sub-directories).

  • LeticiaLeticia Posts: 126

    Oh, right, I thought I'd update this: I completely blew away my database.  (Technically, I just backed it up elsewhere and let it recreate, on my SSD instead of my platter bulk storage drive, where I had it before.)
    Then I completely reinstalled all my products.  (I didn't remove them; I just let DIM reinstall EVERYTHING over itself.  Took days.)  Now I can uninstall and update products in a reasonable amount of time without DIM timing out and disconnecting from the store.

    There's probably a faster way to do it.  Probably just blowing away the database and reimporting metadata would have done it.  But I was sick and tired of it so I went nuclear, and it's lasted for a month or so at least. :)

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 6,673
    edited June 23

    I happened to see this old thread. I would like to share my solution with the folks who still have such an issue. This issue had been a PITA to me for a very long time till one day around the beginning of this year... I by chance completely fixed it.

    Well, I'm a heavy and advanced user of postgreSQL, DIM & Content Wizard. I use them to install products from both Store and 3rd-Party sites, as well as correcting metadata issues. I also heavily customize metadata in Smart Content, therefore I'm not able to re-install nearly 27K products. Resetting cms database + Re-Importing metadata never works for me. Trust me, I tried it for times in many ways but to no avail ~~ Anyway, if you have the same issue and similar case like me, and are willing to try my solution, pls check below:

    - Issue -
    0. When uninstalling Products in DIM, it takes around 5 minutes at average to finish an uninstallation of a single Product.
    1. When updating Products, of course it takes much longer as DIM firstly unintalls the product before installing the updated IM package.

    - How to Fix -
    (Pls be noted that though this procedure is pretty simple, it still requires some basic database knowledge... If you're not comfortable with the process, pls abort ! )
    0. Needed Tool: a database management software. I recommend Navicat postgreSQL. Free trial will do! Download and install.
    1. Fully close DS and DIM ! Go to : %appdata%\DAZ 3D\ in File Browser, there's a cms folder where Daz content cluster locates. Fully back up this cms folder to one of your non C drives.
    2. Open Navicat, create a connection to cms (screenshot 1 - 2)
    3. Expand: dzcontent > Content > dzcontent > Tables, locate tblDescription, dbl-click to open it. (screenshot 3)  Important ! : If you find records in this table, pls proceed. If it's empty, this solution won't work for you ( there should be other culprit for your issue ! ). Pls abort !
    4. Click the Gear Icon in the lower right corner of the data sheet, uncheck Limit records. You'll fetch all records. (screenshot 4)
    5. This table could be Empty. Ctrl + A to select them all. Click minus button on the bottom toolbar to delete.  (screenshot 5)
    6. Pls be noted this process of deletion will take some time because the database checks data integrity in related tables. It took appr. 15 minutes with 2.6K records on my side. (screenshot 6)

    After deletion is done, open DIM. Choose a Product in Installed tab to uninstall... you'll see the issue is fixed. I verified this solution for times, it was proved to be working with zero harm to the correct product medadata !

    In case... if it fails you, just fully close DS and DIM, restore (copy / paste) the cms folder that you backed up to %appdata%\DAZ 3D\

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  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,076

    When I do a DAZ "clean install" after wiping out Windows 11 with a clean install:

    a) How is your DAZ configured now?

    i) I keep all my DAZ ZIP install files and all that other DIM data on 1 2TB SSD on USB, the installed DAZ models (My Content Library) goes on a 2nd 2TB SSD.

    2) I don't deinstall DAZ 3D at all until after the clean install of Windows

    3) After the clean install of Windows and DIM, I use DIM to batch deinstall My Content Library. without the My Content Library SSD being plugged in. It goes superfast because it's not R/W data. I really only care about updating the DIM configuration files to the "uninstalled state".

    4) I then plugin the My Content Library and batch installed via DIM after configuring DIM correctly.& purposely reassign my SSDs to have drive letters X (DIM content) & Y (Installed DAZ content (My Content Library) to not be have drive letters changed all the time. 

    i) I first use DIM to install DAZ Studio & then start DAZ Statio so I can update it's config, latest versions filly don't need this extra step as DAZ uses the DIM config.

    ii) I then batch install all my DAZ content with DIM.

    iii) I then log into DAZ on the web & copy paste all my serials out of the browser into DS Pro.

    I have 8000 plus products and it takes DIM many hours, but not more than a day, to patch install all that, even on a USB 3 SSD with 1000+ mb/s RW I/O

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 6,673
    edited June 23

    Continue of My Post Above ~ Cause of the Issue ~

    It's an issue results from the messy data in tblDescription, and these accumulated data came from certain Products ( old products... probably before a certain SKU# 5XXXX ) plus maybe some misprocess or DS bugs...

    1. Some "old products" has metadata defined in *.dsx file in IM package, which write a Descriptioin (Product Name) to each user-facing file in cms database.
        Here's typical example:
        I think people never or rarely check these info.... but you can see them in Content DB Editor (screen shot 1). Product Name is assigned to 24 DUF files.

    2. For some reason, the records in tblDescription table were messy, then each time when uninstalling a Product in DIM,  DIM just triggered a "db delete" timeout error. You may see this error in DIM's log (screenshot 2). In postgreSQL databse, the SQL statement_timeout value is 300 seconds, which means you have to wait at least 5 minutes before an uninstallation is finished.

    Well, I'm not able to verify the "messy data" one by one to find a root reason for the time being... but I know from a certain time point, DAZ stopped giving asset item level "Description" in *.dsx files for the products. Logically they're useless if they're just as same as Product Name. Besides, they're not even shown in Content Library info. tab.

    So my above solution is very simple, you just need to wait for a while. But if you do care about those "Description", it'll be also simple to bring them back, as long as you can first of all identify the products you bought having this sort of metadata. Certainly you can generate a query in Navicat postgreSQL before deleting Description records....Then re-import their metadata or re-install them via DIM. ( I recommend a script to re-import metadata, neat & quick -

    Then after that, check if the "slow issue" comes back or not. As long as the data is clean and correct, it should be good ! Good luck !



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    Post edited by crosswind on
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