Do you make custom characters?
Daz 3D Forums > General > The Commons>Do you make custom characters?
Do you make custom characters?

What are your favorite custom characters? I really like this one (called The Wanderer - intended for scifi and post-apocalyptic scenes). Most of my custom characters aren't pretty people because most of the earth is populated with average looking people ;). I like how his skin looks dirty in this one. I used Holt's skin for the base. The clothes are kitbashed and there are so many morphs in the character I couldn't possibly remember them Sorry it's so small - my desktop is down and I'll get a render on my laptop this century if I keep the renders Still not satisfied with the hair.
What's your favorite custom character?

981 x 1080 - 729K
Post edited by AllenArt on
Nice one ... and, yes. I make them ...
I make so many! Since you asked for only one and it's hard to choose I'll go with this one. I used skin manager on Noemi's skin and OutOfTouch's Gown of Fantasy 2 and mega updo hair and a bunch of different morphs
I don't have just one favorite but love how she turned out best is my little Leela here she is at 6, 9, and 19.
...bugger been having issues all day with bad gateway and gateway timeout errors messing things up just had ahd a couple back to back.trying to post this.
It's something I'll have may to do when I get to the actual publishing stage of a game but no, not really. DAZ & their PAs do a good job of creating a variety of characters. No one can really be called ugly, and no ugly isn't average and being injured and scarred isn't either, sorry; but they can be inflicted with characteristics that make people instictively worried and upset like scars and deformities from disease and injury. The people that have these feeling instictively and politely will seek to hide them and that's fine. After all, who actually wants something like a huge scar running done the side of their face? They clearly didn't ask for it. Those that see it will instictively worry and comment. I know, I've been told by strangers to get myself into the hospital when they saw me outside after just getting released from the hospital from reconstrictive surgery. I good a big laugh out of that but I did feel very appreciative of their concern. LOL, I did check myself in the mirror when I finally got home though as the hospital had none that I could get to.
Shargad is my favorite custom character. He's made using mostly the Dark Guard HD.
He's rather short.
I almost never use characters without kitbashing. Or at least slightly adjusting them.
A girl and her mom:
Orcs. Men and women made to look like they belong to the same species:
Same with goblins:
Tavari species. It's a young civilization from the outskirts of the third galactic quadrant. Made using Genesis 8 Female.
They look a little plain but this base morph leaves some room for different face/body types.
I never remember what sliders and textures were used for what. Material presets and ERC freezes do this for me.
All the time. I never use a character out of the box, be it a core character or a PA one, especially the body morph. Every character i purchase is just another addition to the gene pool
Most of what I do is all custom characters. I do a lot of fanart, so I try to recreate NPC's with my own interpretation, or my player characters -
Rosawyn (my player character from The Lord of the Rings Online) -

Lelu (my player character from Star Wars: The Old Republic) -

Gloriana (my player character from Star Wars: The Old Republic)

Razi'ilziveri aka Raz (my player character from Star Wars: The Old Republic) -

Braham (NPC from Guild Wars 2) -

Frida (my player character from Guild Wars 2) -

Geralt (my interpretation which was trying to bring together Geralt from the show and Geralt from the games) -

Theron (NPC from Star Wars: The Old Republic) -

Lots of great characters folks :). Keep em coming :D
..speaking of game characterss here's my decker, Violet, from Shadowrun Missions.
nice thread, The only character I used out of the box is Lee 6 (well skin adapted to iray by me) everybody else is highly customised
Taiduo07-12 the MC of my graphic novel
her mentor Zhu Xiu
Jishu, a somewhat shady Lady
these are all from the first part, there are a lot more
Do I make new characters? ALL THE TIME!
But I have the most fun making new sets.
A few. But I use one more than any other. The image below was created when trying to test out hair colour and skin shading - and comparing them to see all in one image.
I only create custom characters. Even when I TRY to render a character "out of the box" to test it, I always make changes. My "favorite" cuatom character changes every few months although I'm still kind of partial to the Catwoman character that is my avatar here that was created in Poser & photoshop.
I guess it depends on what you call custom characters. I am working on heavy AU fanfic right now so the characters aren't 100% custom because they're based on another character, but they're custom enough I guess.
Here's two of the characters
this one is from another fanfic i was working on but she never got introduced
I have others but they're from the Poser days and I don't know if I still have the pictures
Yes, sometimes. I created these two elves. A High Elf, and a Dark Elf.
Prayer in the woods
Thought I couldn't hear you over the thunderstorm, little bugger?
They left in a hurry
Got one for you too, right here.
As far as I'm concerned, as long as you change them from the original, they are I like to mix morphs together and get something no one else has. Sometimes I'll spend all day long just mixing. I'm a weirdo that finds it relaxing. LOL
Great looking characters everyone!! :)
I like Daz figures... so I blend the heck out of them with other dials LOL.
I find it hard to use base figures as they are. I have a visceral reaction where I don't want to do that. I try to not make them look like themselves.
I've mostly been working in Genesis 3 lately. I don't know why. I just feel like it. Can't be bothered to use figures as they are, even if I like them. Even when they look great in promos, I can never make them look like that, so I make them look like how I want them to look instead.
This G3M figure is loosely based on Leo 7, converted to the new PBR just because, and desaturated to create a feeling of an older photograph. A little Zeppelin action, a little Captain Nemo/Jules Verne going on in this idea.
And then a female figure, just because...
Another Genesis 3 experiment using a Maddelirium figure as the base, PBR conversion, etc.
I render scenes with Daz assets for the D&D campaign I run. All of the characters are customized G8 figures. It's certainly worth the effort as my players get a kick out of the images I share.
I used to make a lot more custom character when I was actually drawing more regularly, since I needed proper consistent references. Not so much, nowadays. For the sake of this thread, I'll share the character I use for my icon. (Slightly different scene setup because I didn't save it the other time and forgot what I did.) It is supposed to be a G8F version of myself, though the skin is what makes it seem like an idealized portrayal (no acne, etc.) Ideal for "virtual cosplays."
It is also the "character" that taught me that if people see it enough, they subconsciously want to buy it. Some people have sent me messages asking me who she was or where they could get her. (As much as I don't mind sharing my recipes, I don't trust what other users would want it for, since many people's renders tend to be on the kinky side.) Depending on the lights, I alternate between a Mousso skin (Joanna) and a Maelwenn skin (Lydia or Evelyn). The body is Latonya 8 at 100% because it's very close to my proportions, at least based on Measure Metrics. This render and my icon both use a Maelwenn skin. Though nothing is stopping anyone from eyeballing an approximation of it for their own projects. Just know it's based off a real person.
...part of the reason I primarily stay with G3 (besides budget) is because I can use GenX to bring other shapes and morphs into the "gene pool". I also have the G8 ➨ G3 character converter (both genders) to mix in G8 shapes as well.
While I often do some minor tweaks it's not enough that I would call it custom characters. I literally have hundreds of characters in my DAZ library and can usually find someone with the look I want for the moment. Also saves me the trouble of naming the character when they already have a name. But if giving a character their own character, so to speak, with clothes, hair, accessories and stuff counts then this would probably be my personal favourite character:
The Preacher
(And yes, she's wearing heels. So sue me!) After looking at the scene file, the base character is Kira HD for G8F by Mousso, pretty much "out of the box". So I don't think it really can qualify as a custom character in that regard.
But I have one character that I've customized quite a lot. Was going to use her in a story, but that has yet to happen and all I got is this presentation shot. The base character is Zelara 8, but after all the changes I did I couldn't call her that anymore. As I couldn't think of a name, I just called her...
The Ambassador
Ooooh, I really do like that average home kitchen.
There's a lot of inspiring content in this thread so far!
Almost human ;)
I have to agree! Hopefully this thread will inspire users that don't think outside the box to be more creative and try new things instead of just clicking and rendering premade assets.
My Longlus character. I'm continually tweaking things ;). I redid his nosepiece a bit. Anyway, think I'm done now. LOL He's meant to be half human/half alien. No one seems to know who his father is or where he's from, including Longlus.
I love making custom characters too!!
I wish I had more time to just play with the stuff I have. Since my runtime drive died, My collection has shrunk by a lot (lost are gifts and things/presets that I made for myself)
I tend to play for a while and never finish and post any pictures
I know you have your own plans, but he'd also make a fantastic "Ming the Merciless" from "Flash Gordon"!
I don't go in for fantasy figures but I tend to buy characters to use as a base for my own adaptions. Quite often I only buy characters if I like the look of the skin and I also load a character from one PA and apply the skin from another (then start playing with the dials until it looks nothing like either original).
Here's one from today. This is not an artistic render - only the HDRi for lighting.