Fiddling with Iray skin settings...



  • j cadej cade Posts: 2,310
    AndyGrimm said:

    There must be a reason why we rarely see a close up with bump in the promos smiley... On the other side... A real special made skin for Iray (or any pbr) means 5 - 10 times more workhours because of the bump then old style daz skins do...    Would we be williing to pay 100 - 200USD for a model with real microstructure and high res displacment ? hmm

    The problem with real microstructure and high res displacement is more than the dollar cost for me, my computer can't  really handle it either (seriously I tried to load the emily 2 maps and my computer said thank you but no)


    !6k maps are great if you're on a state of the art workstation, they have limited use for us peons on laptops with 8gbs of memory



  • evilded777evilded777 Posts: 2,466
    j cade said:
    AndyGrimm said:

    There must be a reason why we rarely see a close up with bump in the promos smiley... On the other side... A real special made skin for Iray (or any pbr) means 5 - 10 times more workhours because of the bump then old style daz skins do...    Would we be williing to pay 100 - 200USD for a model with real microstructure and high res displacment ? hmm

    The problem with real microstructure and high res displacement is more than the dollar cost for me, my computer can't  really handle it either (seriously I tried to load the emily 2 maps and my computer said thank you but no)


    !6k maps are great if you're on a state of the art workstation, they have limited use for us peons on laptops with 8gbs of memory



    what are these Emily 2 maps of which you speak?

  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,047

    I'll have to play with decals at some point... although given I'm attempting 'cover everything' I'm curious how it will work.

    But I'm getting good results with my initial experiment ... some tweaking of the bump map has yielded a good result. I'm trying to get a sense of moss growing up between cracks, and while I'm not sure I completely got that, the results are looking convincingly 'rock and moss.'


  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,293

    Really liking the TONE of the skin now.  I'd like to ask are there some examples of the total of maps needed to make things look as good as possible and what the depth of the grayscale maps should be?  I'm on board with Wills notion about freckles being baked in.  I'll need to, once again, redo these internal maps.  I guess save out a very plain map with just the skin, lips and other details I want and leave out the freckles but I do like the idea of the mole having some bump to it since it's a raised area. 

    So some feedback or list of maps ... like of course the Diffuse map and that should go in just the diffused chanel or is there another that it can be put in?  The bump and normal maps of course but then I get confused on the Glossy map and how it should look as well as any other maps and where they should be plugged in. 

    The below render is just using ONE distance light and the default rendering setup in DS.   This is just a makeup idea I'm playing with.....





    914 x 914 - 262K
  • j cadej cade Posts: 2,310
    j cade said:

    what are these Emily 2 maps of which you speak?

    Here, but be warned


    @ramwolff  The specular doesnt look like its being broken up by the bump at all unless you are including suplemental high density tiling bump I'd say stick to including a high contrast spec map, (look at a daz character like v7 or one of the old v4 elite textures for a reference point, they're nearly black and white) right now the specular is making it look like there's no bump whatsoever, and its in turn making the skin look really plasticy

  • @j cade

    Emily yeah - but THIS quality would then cost a little bit more then 100usd add one or two zeros ...smiley

    Emily is a great study object but loading the microdiscplament map... needs 32 GB up.  i also dont have a chance.... just tried last night again...  hoped mudbox can handle it...after 10 minutes of no response i gave up.. but that was the 16k microdisplacment map in 32bit  smiley...

    6k displacment - on one uv tile..  8GB should be able to handle it...where did you try? in Daz ?

  • ToyenToyen Posts: 1,923
    edited December 2015

    Another one, this time V7:


    Yep, she is in fact a very white girl in disguise. Her skin textures are rather pale and it feels more natural trying to get the skin shader right while staying true to her actual skin texture.

    I wonder why they decided to go with that fake tan look using too much translucency while her skin is actually pale.

    What do you guys think?

    I should make maps for glossy channel but I am too lazy atm : D

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • Gr00vusGr00vus Posts: 372

    Nice. I like the micro surface detail getting brought out by the backlight in that head shot. You'd probably never see it in a "normal" render because she'd have hair there, but it's a good indication of some quality details brought out in the shader. Are you using her stock bump/normal maps or did you customize?

    Toyen said:

    Another one, this time V7:


    Yep, she is in fact a very white girl in disguise. Her skin textures are rather pale and it feels more natural trying to get the skin shader right while staying true to her actual skin texture.

    I wonder why they decided to go with that fake tan look using too much translucency while her skin is actually pale.

    What do you guys think?

    I should make maps for glossy channel but I am too lazy atm : D


  • ToyenToyen Posts: 1,923

    Her bump/normal maps are on default settings.

  • Gr00vusGr00vus Posts: 372

    On a different note - has anyone picked up and experimented with Olympia 7 yet? Seems like she's got some quality maps and may be a nice medium toned skin base to work off of, but it's impossible to be sure as all the promos have her caked on makeup textures applied.

  • AndyGrimmAndyGrimm Posts: 910
    edited December 2015


    in Iray you dont need many different maps for skin....

    Diffuse aka base
    Good Normal/Bump/Displacment...

    That's it.. specular is not really needed...

    The rest is in geometry and shader settings...

    I try currently to improve and understanding better tmc, tmd and scatter....

    what i think is clear to me....    transmitted  color is added to base - i think the invert color (absorbation) of tmc multiplied with translucency - based on transclucency weight  uses additive color mixing with base.. and the final result.. goes then in the scatter ... clear? laugh i did not mention what transmitted distance does with all this, because all the above applies to a tmd distance of zero smiley... lol.. sorry cheeky

    Post edited by AndyGrimm on
  • j cadej cade Posts: 2,310

    yup daz, blender might stand a chance, load It with no textures in the viewport and render in very tiny chunks



  • j cadej cade Posts: 2,310
    edited December 2015

    @toyen those are really nice. and yeah v7 is actually quite pale.


    @groovus  I have renders of olympa back on page 44 the second one shows her in no makeyo and the default sunsky

    Post edited by j cade on
  • XtraDimensionalXtraDimensional Posts: 509
    edited December 2015
    Gr00vus said:

    On a different note - has anyone picked up and experimented with Olympia 7 yet? Seems like she's got some quality maps and may be a nice medium toned skin base to work off of, but it's impossible to be sure as all the promos have her caked on makeup textures applied.

    This is using (mostly) Jag's settings with very minor tweaks to O7's natural-face maps. (on the SSS maps, I darkened the eyebrows and took a little of the reddish color from the ears and added it to the lips, trying to give them a more natural rosy glow.)

    Also, this uses the Beautiful Skin conformer brows on top of O7's brows because I didn't feel like they were full enough for the character design I'm working on. 

    506 x 910 - 270K
    Post edited by XtraDimensional on
  • Gr00vusGr00vus Posts: 372

    She's invisible! wink 

    Hanabi said:
    Gr00vus said:

    On a different note - has anyone picked up and experimented with Olympia 7 yet? Seems like she's got some quality maps and may be a nice medium toned skin base to work off of, but it's impossible to be sure as all the promos have her caked on makeup textures applied.

    This is using (mostly) Jag's settings with very minor tweaks to O7's natural-face maps. (on the SSS maps, I darkened the eyebrows and took a little of the reddish color from the ears and added it to the lips, trying to give them a more natural rosy glow.)


  • @Gr00vus your BEST yet... little bit to much translucency weight i think.. other then that - super.

  • The silly forum never uploads my pictures on the first try. >_<;; I always have to post, then edit and add them in after. I have no clue why. 

  • Gr00vusGr00vus Posts: 372
    edited December 2015

    While I'd like to take credit for that, you got the wrong guy (gal?) - that's @Toyen's render. 

    AndyGrimm said:

    @Gr00vus your BEST yet... little bit to much translucency weight i think.. other then that - super.


    Post edited by Gr00vus on
  • Hanabi said:

    The silly forum never uploads my pictures on the first try. >_<;; I always have to post, then edit and add them in after. I have no clue why. 

    YES- sometimes i must do this 5 times for one image! in a test serie with 3 - 5 marbles...  drives me crazy.. that's why i dont upload my marbels anymore i think crying

  • AndyGrimmAndyGrimm Posts: 910
    edited December 2015

    haha - @Gr00vus well that's your BEST posted link of a skin render then! .laugh

    how are you doing with your skin settings? 

    Post edited by AndyGrimm on
  • Gr00vusGr00vus Posts: 372

    There she is. Indeed it looks like she has good bump/normal maps. Can you take a look at the diffuse texture file and let me know if it really is a medium tone skin map rather than the shader darkening her up via translucency/SSS? I'll buy her directly if it's a real medium skin tone map (as opposed to, say, V7 who is a pale map made to look darker via shader settings).

    Hanabi said:
    Gr00vus said:

    On a different note - has anyone picked up and experimented with Olympia 7 yet? Seems like she's got some quality maps and may be a nice medium toned skin base to work off of, but it's impossible to be sure as all the promos have her caked on makeup textures applied.

    This is using (mostly) Jag's settings with very minor tweaks to O7's natural-face maps. (on the SSS maps, I darkened the eyebrows and took a little of the reddish color from the ears and added it to the lips, trying to give them a more natural rosy glow.)

    Also, this uses the Beautiful Skin conformer brows on top of O7's brows because I didn't feel like they were full enough for the character design I'm working on. 


  • j cadej cade Posts: 2,310
    edited December 2015

    since its quite a few pages back now oh, heres my olympia render from page 44 with the default sunsky groovus

    Shes got some of the best textures to dat, I think the textures were set up with 4.9 in mind, so they need a lot less tweaking to be correct


    Shes actually medium toned

    Post edited by j cade on
  • Gr00vusGr00vus Posts: 372

    Definitely a beautiful character. As I asked above - are her base difuse maps a medium toned skin, or are they getting her "tan" via shader settings? 

    j cade said:

    since its quite a few pages back now oh, heres my olympia render from page 44 with the default sunsky groovus

    Shes got some of the best textures to dat, I think the textures were set up with 4.9 in mind, so they need a lot less tweaking to be correct


    Shes actually medium toned


  • ToyenToyen Posts: 1,923

    Oh I wish I had olympia! She is such a beauty!

  • Gr00vusGr00vus Posts: 372

    My settings have been on hold since my last sad efforts. It just took too long workflow wise with my hardware to make progress. Renders took so long I forgot what the heck I was testing/adjusting by the end of them.

    I just spiffed up my computer with more memory and a 980 Ti, so I'll get back to work on this soon. Problem is I'll be out of town the next 2 weeks so it won't happen right away. Something to look forward to after the holidays are over I guess.


    In truth I like what I've seen from @jag11 so much that I might just go with his set up for now and call it a day until something better comes along. I never wanted to attempt to become as knowledgable about setting up skin shaders as you guys are, I just wanted the results so I can get better looking images. I've got a story I'd like to tell graphic novel style, but rendered as realistically as possible. So I need to budget my time well if I'm to have any chance of working that hobby in around my family and work life. Figuring out these shaders seems like almost a full time job! 

    AndyGrimm said:

    how are you doing with your skin settings? 


  • j cadej cade Posts: 2,310

    The default shader settings are actually very true to her texture color, they need a lot less tweaking than the other charasters, that is pretty much ther actual texture color


    (the above render are my tweaked skin settings, but the same is also actually true for the default shaders to, which are much better set up than the earlier ladies)

  • Gr00vusGr00vus Posts: 372

    Gracias. Time to inflict more pain on my credit card... 

    j cade said:

    The default shader settings are actually very true to her texture color, they need a lot less tweaking than the other charasters, that is pretty much ther actual texture color


    (the above render are my tweaked skin settings, but the same is also actually true for the default shaders to, which are much better set up than the earlier ladies)


  • Gr00vus said:

    There she is. Indeed it looks like she has good bump/normal maps. Can you take a look at the diffuse texture file and let me know if it really is a medium tone skin map rather than the shader darkening her up via translucency/SSS? I'll buy her directly if it's a real medium skin tone map (as opposed to, say, V7 who is a pale map made to look darker via shader settings).

    On a 51x51 average sample in Photoshop from the forehead region, I am getting #ca9d7d

    Which is this color:


  • For reference, the same 51x51 average sampling gives me these results on the no-makeup base diffuse maps for

    Victoria 7:

    Arabella 7:

    Bethany 7:

    Eva 7:

    Karen 7:

    Micheal 7:

    Teen Josie 7:

  • Gr00vusGr00vus Posts: 372
    edited December 2015

    Muchas Gracias. I really appreciate the information, she's officially been added to my skin resource roster.

    It's somewhat sad, but I've never really looked at the characters for their shapes, just their textures/shaders. I hardly every use the shapes, I like to dial spin with the various morph kits. So these days, whenever a new character comes out, I pretty much just scroll down to the file list first to see if they included normal maps. At this point, I don't even bother looking at the rest of the character package if they don't. 

    Hanabi said:
    Gr00vus said:

    There she is. Indeed it looks like she has good bump/normal maps. Can you take a look at the diffuse texture file and let me know if it really is a medium tone skin map rather than the shader darkening her up via translucency/SSS? I'll buy her directly if it's a real medium skin tone map (as opposed to, say, V7 who is a pale map made to look darker via shader settings).

    On a 51x51 average sample in Photoshop from the forehead region, I am getting #ca9d7d

    Which is this color:



    Post edited by Gr00vus on
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