Trying to match Maya OpenSubDiv to Daz Studio OpenSubDiv

I have a genesis 8 character that was subdivded in Daz Studio to level 2, then I have a SubD 0 mesh that I am attempting to subdivide in Maya to level 2 so it can be used as a morph for the Daz SubD2 character but when I subdivide in Maya using OpenSubDiv (the same algorithm that Daz Studio uses) the vertex orders do not match so the blendshape of course will not work correctly. Has anyone been able to figure out if it is possible to subdivide in Maya in the same way Daz Studio subdivides? I have a considerable amount of geometry to convert and I can batch convert in Maya whereas in Daz studio I have to do them one at a time so it would be a great time saver to figure out. Thank you for any help!
I don't think you can do it because the problem isn't the subdivision but the index of new vertices.
Why not export the divided mesh and morph that? Though don't forget that the rigging is designed to work with the base cage mesh, using a divided mesh (rather than having SubD applied to the final shape) is likely to present probelms, especially in the inner angles of bends. If you are wanting to load an HD morph on the base cage with live SubD, that isn't possible - only Daz pas have the tool, for use only on content for the Daz store.
Thanks guys, the issue is there are just so many files to process it takes forever doing it manually out of Daz Studio. For instance last night I did all the Genesis 8 JCMs and it took an hour and a half
I have Maya and Blender and I can export any G8 character with subdivisions Level 2 and all body shapes perfectly inside Blender, but the same process doesn't work for Maya (First: with subdivision level 2 or 1, the mesh looks broken and Second: All morphs exported are visible but not useful when you animate the character -actually doesn't work-),. Does any know what I'd be doing wrong? Thanks!
However if you use the skinned mesh that comes out of daz to maya or Genesis 8 for Maya you get a smoothed mesh at base resolution. If you subdivide inside Maya and apply a higher subdivided mesh as a blendshape you will still lose some decent amount of detail. This also cannot be sufficiently fixed with displacement maps.
It is possible to get a figure at any subdivision detail to Maya lisslessly but I don't know of any direct and easy way. All methods I know of require some serious tweaking and setup inside Maya.
If you can get your figure into Blender you can try exporting via fbx and get it into Maya. The DAZ fbx exporter is wonky but maybe the Blender exporter works better?