Excellent title and scene usage... showing off the Power of the Qube! Time appropriate too with Jane Foster wielding mjolnir in the new Thor Love & Thunder trailer.
Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on your point of view) I'm away from my computer this month with no chance of getting a render done, so you'll have to picture it in your mind's eye.
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Qube-termass And The Pit*
It's the climactic scene where Dr Matthew Quadrahedron** climbs the crane, Professor Qube-termass preventing Barbera Square from follwing him, and swings it into the tetrahedral apparition, grounding its energy in an explosive manner.
Or since it's in your mind's eye it might be a completely different scene.
- - - or - - -
Qube - The Winged Serpent
(Qube perched atop the Empire State Building? I like the idea of a rigid eight-sided serpent - it's all in the texturing. And I like the idea of a qube perching.)
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*The pit is, of course, the somewhat gnarly ellipsoid resembling a peach stone (it's an American remake) that is discovered during the construction of the new qube*** station at Qube Gardens.
**His name was a subtle hint that, although apparently Earthly fourfold, he was part Martian threefold which is why he, not Qube-termas, fell under the influence. Making this completely different from the other film.
Hello my little qubites, thank you for all of your lovely renders this month. I've kept my distance, as not to sully the artistic atmosphere, but i must remind you all that there is only 4 days left if you're still planning on submitting an entry. Otherwise, i shall descend from my perch once more on may 1st, to cast the ballots. Good luck gang.
@barbult Nice take on the Cue Ball! If the cue ball is round, then the Qube Ball must be square. At least you won't have to worry about getting a foul shot (scratch) as the Qube ball is not going in the pocket ;)
there was a scene in Superman & Lois I watched last night that was this but all the balls were qubed
I made a version like that, but I just found this one more attractive. I wasn't able to color the Qubes the way I wanted them to look, so I regressed to this version. I ended up deleting all the other renders.
The attached file was retrieved from the recycle bin.
A rather bumpy ride... but it beats walking. Hurry padre`... you don't wanna miss the wedding!
@Llola Lane Excellent Cube Car Conversion! Now you just need to make a road that has a zig-zag (up-and-down) surface and the cube wheels can traverse it smoothly
A rather bumpy ride... but it beats walking. Hurry padre`... you don't wanna miss the wedding!
@Llola Lane Excellent Cube Car Conversion! Now you just need to make a road that has a zig-zag (up-and-down) surface and the cube wheels can traverse it smoothly
Haaaaaaaa... NOW... ya tell me... Only one day left to the challenge... Not sure I can oblige ya that quick. lol
On a Qube Quest to find the source of all the Qubes, our secret agent found the hidden location and managed to get a couple of pictures before being discovered...
Demonstrate your control over magic, chosing one of the elements.
Dispatch the problem hanging behind the door.
... But the toughest of all, are the thousands of tiny cubes, all attracted to the magic of a mage. Some eager ones are already circling our intrepid heroine!
There are lots of base cubes, and many instanced both with and without a sub-d modifier. Some of the speres in the spell-effect are cubes with sub-d modifiers.
The Qube was considered too powerful for an exam; of course, once she graduates...
Oh look Ted! A qubestalk
Are You Worthy!
To wield the power of the Qube..TD
Excellent title and scene usage... showing off the Power of the Qube! Time appropriate too with Jane Foster wielding mjolnir in the new Thor Love & Thunder trailer.
"One lump or two Reginald?"
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Qube-termass And The Pit*
It's the climactic scene where Dr Matthew Quadrahedron** climbs the crane, Professor Qube-termass preventing Barbera Square from follwing him, and swings it into the tetrahedral apparition, grounding its energy in an explosive manner.
Or since it's in your mind's eye it might be a completely different scene.
- - - or - - -
Qube - The Winged Serpent
(Qube perched atop the Empire State Building? I like the idea of a rigid eight-sided serpent - it's all in the texturing. And I like the idea of a qube perching.)
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*The pit is, of course, the somewhat gnarly ellipsoid resembling a peach stone (it's an American remake) that is discovered during the construction of the new qube*** station at Qube Gardens.
**His name was a subtle hint that, although apparently Earthly fourfold, he was part Martian threefold which is why he, not Qube-termas, fell under the influence. Making this completely different from the other film.
***London's unusual square cross-sectioned underground railway.
Hello my little qubites, thank you for all of your lovely renders this month. I've kept my distance, as not to sully the artistic atmosphere, but i must remind you all that there is only 4 days left if you're still planning on submitting an entry. Otherwise, i shall descend from my perch once more on may 1st, to cast the ballots. Good luck gang.
An unknown intruder, a friend or a foe?
Qube Ball is a tough game to play
@barbult Nice take on the Cue Ball! If the cue ball is round, then the Qube Ball must be square. At least you won't have to worry about getting a foul shot (scratch) as the Qube ball is not going in the pocket ;)
there was a scene in Superman & Lois I watched last night that was this but all the balls were qubed
@barbult Gonna need a lot more chalk on that!
in a darker vein.. Qube-id-19

@Stezza Yes, that was a great "Square Earth" episode of the Bizarro World, and for those who are curious...
I made a version like that, but I just found this one more attractive. I wasn't able to color the Qubes the way I wanted them to look, so I regressed to this version. I ended up deleting all the other renders.
The attached file was retrieved from the recycle bin.
Oooh, they have much more dramatic lighting than mine. I like it. I'm no so good a lighting scenes.
Crystal Qubes from a Secret Dwarfan Mine
"Cube Car with Cube Wheels"
A rather bumpy ride... but it beats walking. Hurry padre`... you don't wanna miss the wedding!
@Llola Lane Excellent Cube Car Conversion! Now you just need to make a road that has a zig-zag (up-and-down) surface and the cube wheels can traverse it smoothly
Haaaaaaaa... NOW... ya tell me... Only one day left to the challenge... Not sure I can oblige ya that quick. lol
Crypt researcher discovers long lost Qube.
"I'll take the next one, thanks."
~ And Then ~
..when is the Close of Challeng ??
Thanx -
The Invention of Cooking
This will be closed tonight or more likely when Kindred or I wake up tomorrow (Europe) to leave a post making the statement that it is closed now
This was a fun challenge... I only wish I had been able to create more artwork this month... but alas... (sighs)... Life got in the way!
Well done everyone... Stay safe! Hugzzzzzzzzz
~ alrite then , Thanx //
Qube Factory
On a Qube Quest to find the source of all the Qubes, our secret agent found the hidden location and managed to get a couple of pictures before being discovered...
"OMG!" Romina returns to find that her car has been Qubed! :)
A Young Mage's "Final Exam", is in three parts:
There are lots of base cubes, and many instanced both with and without a sub-d modifier. Some of the speres in the spell-effect are cubes with sub-d modifiers.
The Qube was considered too powerful for an exam; of course, once she graduates...
This was a fun contest! Best $10,000 I've ever spent on a prop!
I love all of these renders. So many great ideas on display in this thread.