3D Art Freebie Challenge May 2022 - "Cozy Corner" - Main Thread Only
Cozy Corner
Nooks and crannies, books and grannies... security blankets, panic rooms, old cafes, and libraries...
The theme of the May challenge is Cozy Corner!
If you want to help promote the challenge, copy following into your signature:
<p><a href="https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/565786/3d-art-freebie-challenge-may-2022-cozy-corner-main-thread-only"><img alt="" src="https://www.daz3d.com/forums/uploads/FileUpload/17/fc7427b9da636c81346fdb23ebb28e.png"; style="height:100px; width:308px" /></a></p>
The Rules For This Months Freebie Challenge are:
1. A minimum of (5) Freebies must be included in your image along with Links to the freebies you have used. For an item to be considered free it must be offered as a freebie for the whole month. The exception to this rule is all Daz Bi-Weekly Freebies will be allowed throughout the entire month in which they are free as well as the month following their release as a freebie (For a total of 2 months). Also, if a freebie is broken down into multiple downloads/links/parts (IE like if the freebie is broken down into 3 zips etc...)it only counts as 1 freebie, not 3.
2. There will be a Maximum of 5 purchased items.
3. Base figures (All Gen 2,3,4, and Genesis 1,2,3) as well as their general morphs packs (Morphs++ and similar) do not count as a purchased item or a freebie and may be used as needed
4.Your Rendered Picture must be a new render and postwork is allowed but you MUST include a before and after Postwork versions of your entry in the Entry Thread.
5. All DAZ 3D Programs are allowed (IE Bryce, Carrara, Daz Studio and Hexagon) plus Poser for the contest.
6. All entries are subject to the Daz3D TOS Found Here: Terms Of Service
7. You may enter a Maximum of 4 Entries per month.
8. You may edit your entry as much as you like in the main thread but once it is posted to the "Entries Thread" it may not be further modified. Also, if you edit or add things, be sure you update any links or freebie changes you make.
This Freebie Challenge will end May 31st 2022 @ 23:59 Daz time.
*Please Note: Please allow 7 days from the Announcement of the Winners to recive your prize*
If you have not recived your prize, or have any questions, plz contact (ME) Hylas in a PM here on the forums
Post your images and freebie links here for link verification. Once the links are verified, you can post your image and links in Entries Thread for judging.
First Place: $15 store credit from KindredArts
Second Place: $10 store credit from KindredArts
Third Place: $5 store credit from KindredArts
Past Freebie Contests:
October 2015 - TRICK OR TREAT TIME
December 2015 - It's Steampunk at the North Pole
January 2016 - The Day After
February 2016 - EleMENtary, my dear Watson!
March 2016 - It seemed like a good idea at the time...
April 2016 - When I Grow Up I Want To Be A Woodland Fairy
May 2016 - From This Hill I Can See...
June 2016 - Dawn of a New Day...
July 2016 - You Did WHAT With That Firecracker!?!
August 2016 - I Don't Want to Go to School!
September 2016 - The Leaves of Autumn Bring Changes
October 2016 - Double Bubble Toil and Trouble
November 2016 - I am so THANKFUL I am not...
December 2016 - How'd THAT Fit Down the Chimney!?!
October 2017 - MONSTERMASH Rehash
November 2017- Remembering The Fallen
December 2017- Waiting Up
January 2018- The Cement Jungle
Feburary 2018- Love Is....
March 2018- As Green As.....
April 2018-April SHowers Bring...
May 2018-Month Of The Dragons
June 2018-Beach Bum Days
July 2018- Camping Blunders
August 2018- Vacation Disasters
September 2018- Worst Day Of School
October 2018-Annual Monster Mash
November 2018- Time To Reflect
December 2018-Let It Snow
January 2019-Frozen In Time
February 2019-Strange Love
March 2019-Lady Luck
April 2019- April Showers Bring...
May 2019- Spring Flowers
June 2019- Summertime Pin-Ups
July 2019- Pool Party
August 2019- Best Friends forever
September 2019- Turning A New Leaf
October 2019- Monster Mash
November 2019- Playing Doctor
December 2019- Better Than Mistletoe
January 2020- New Beginings
Febuary 2020-Natural Love
March 2020- March Winds
April 2020- Easter Happyness
May 2020- >Flowers
June 2020- A Day At...
July 2020- Only At The Circus
August 2020- Cats, Cats, All Kinds Of Cats
September 2020- In The Sky
October 2020- Monster Mash
November 2020- Best Of Friends
December 2020- Holiday Tradations
January 2021- New Years Resalutions
Febuary 2021- Love Is Different Now
March 2021 - Chasing Your Golden Dreams
April 2021-Spring Forward
May 2021- May Mysteries
June 2021- Dream Vacation
July 2021- Wild Wild West
August-September 2021 Science
October-November 2021- How To Repair...
December 2021 - Dressing Up For The Holidays
January 2022 - Around and around and around...
February 2022 - Mysteries of the heart
March 2022- Luck Of The Draw
April 2022 - New Beginnings

Nice intro render! I can completely relate!
Thanks for bring back the tradition of the banner! I remember having those pretty regularly in our old forum!
Together in the Cozy Corner
Free Stuff
Warm and Cozy
Dog Toys, Set 2: https://www.renderosity.com/freestuff/items/85104/dog-toys-set-2
Chenille Shader DAZ|Studio (on ball): https://sharecg.com/v/36637/gallery/6/Texture/Chenille-Shader-DAZ-Studio
Fireplace, logs and screen props: http://www.ageofarmour.com/3d/free/Christmas_2010.php (scroll down to download link)
Stuffed Toys for Poser: https://www.renderosity.com/freestuff/items/76447/stuffed-toys-for-poser
Fantasy Table: https://www.renderosity.com/freestuff/items/83934/fantasy-table
Boudoir Lamp: https://sharecg.com/v/95417/related/21/DAZ-Studio/Boudoir-Lamp
Iray Fur Shaders (bear): https://www.renderosity.com/freestuff/items/88081/iray-fur-shaders
Anne Hair: https://sharecg.com/v/96421/gallery/21/DAZ-Studio/Anne-Hair
Anne's Clothing: https://sharecg.com/v/96287/gallery/21/DAZ-Studio/Annes-Clothing
GCD Interiors - Design44: https://www.renderosity.com/rr/mod/bcs/gcd-interiors---design44/119218
Deepsea Baby HD for Genesis 8.1 Male: https://www.daz3d.com/deepsea-baby-hd-for-genesis-81-male
Dire Wolf for Daz Dog 8: https://www.daz3d.com/dire-wolf-for-daz-dog-8
No Count
Ball (sphere primative)
Hi Hylas! I can help check out the links if you like.
No worries; take your time! It's early in the month anyways
No worries! Life has a way of getting in the way!
I can't tell if you're using Alex without M7, and Aran without Damien.
M7 and Damien would have to be counted as well, which would take your entry over the limit of 5 purchased items...
Please also list Daz Dog 8 as a paid item.
But since that's still under 5:
Entry Approved! Please move to Entries Thread
Oh, but I don't actually have Daz Dog 8; it's for Daz Dog 8 but you don't actually need it to use the Dire Wolf. Do I still have to list it?
You can use Alex and Aran without their 'required' products. I don't even own M7. You just need Genesis 3 Male to use, and that is available for free for everyone by default.
In this render I used both of these characters without their base products.
In that case:
Entry Approved! Please move to Entries Thread
Cool, thanks
Thank you! :)
Lazy in the cozy corner
No count:
Meva carpet by Kalhh (free but not available anymore)
https://zeddicuss.com/free-stuff/ (G3F pose)
https://www.renderosity.com/freestuff/items/77693/my-son-bed (room)
Entry Approved! Please move to Entries Thread
Is there a problem with uploading files? I've been trying for two days to upload my entry and all I get is a never ending "Uploading" statement after picking the file. I know my internet connection isn't always the best but a file less than 1.5 megs in size on a 4G connection has just sat there for an hour with the Uploading message before I made it quit. Won't except the upload. I have tried other sites and the uploading works fine. Works when upload to the gallery here. Anyone have a clue?
Update: tried again this morning (5/16/22) - still no go!!!!
testing testing...
... works fine for me.
If you really can't get it to work, upload your entry to your gallery and hotlink it!
Hylas, Just tried again and still no go ( 15 min to 5/18/22). Thanks for the suggestion, but I don't think so. I'm to old to jump thru hoops. I have enough probs just getting the actual image to show up in the forum message, they don't make any thing here easy. Guess I'll just pass. It isn't that good an entry anyway. Try again next month, if it works, if not, well......
how large is your file? maybe you can reduce it is size and make it a .jpg file which are much smaller? would be a pity if you made an entry and couldn't upload
As I said in the original message the image file is less than 1.5 megs (actually 1.27) and, additionally, is only 1500x1125 pixels, and is already a jpg file. That's less than half the size of the original and much smaller than I've sent before. You can check out some of my past entries to see the sizes I've done before.
Oh and I just tried again, now, with a much small image and still no go.
Thanks anyway.
My entry for the May 2022 "Cozy Corner"
Title: A Book, a Bunny, and a Beer.
A young mind trying to improve her knowledge by reading an ancient tome. But that book, being as dry as it is, causes a massive thirst, not just for the mind but for the throat too. As time goes on she shares with her most trusted confidant, her childhood friend, Mr Bunny.
Purchased items: NONE
Not count items:
1. The fire and grate - no longer available as far as I can find - http://docs.daz3d.com/doku.php/public/read_me/index/20712/start
2. Genesis 8 starter set - base G8F
3. Primative - Blocks - Floor, left wall, right wall 1, right wall 2, fire place back, mantle bar
4. Primative - Cylinder - under the plant
5. Clock - downloaded from Rendo for free, was from their newsletter, so not everyone can get it
6. Rug - MeVa Carpet by Kalhh - no longer available (was free)
Free items:
1. Character - https://www.renderosity.com/freestuff/items/88116/ps-yoshiko-for-genesis-8-female
2. Hair - https://www.deviantart.com/kayleyss/art/Gwennili-Hair-670556854
3. Wrap (clothing) - https://www.deviantart.com/ccox/art/Jessica-Wrap-for-G8F-Daz-Studio-Download-799041900
4. Bracelet (arm and leg) - https://www.renderosity.com/freestuff/items/91787/repost-of-old-sharecg-with-new-features-that-are-no-longer-available-there
5. Dangle earring - https://www.renderosity.com/freestuff/items/89697/earring-props
6. Hoop earring - https://www.renderosity.com/freestuff/items/90300/g8f-hoop-earrings
7. Plant and vase - https://www.deviantart.com/perlk/art/Tuscan-Dinner-Part-1-905182104
(4. again) Lamp - https://www.renderosity.com/freestuff/items/91787/repost-of-old-sharecg-with-new-features-that-are-no-longer-available-there
8. Mirror - https://www.renderosity.com/freestuff/items/90778/art-deco-style-mirrors
9. Cushions - https://www.renderhub.com/kratzdistel/chair-108
10. Old book - https://www.renderosity.com/freestuff/items/86276/the-witchhat
11. Beer bottles - https://www.deviantart.com/forged3dx/art/Beer-Bottle-for-Daz-Studio-608260601
12. Bottle caps - https://www.deviantart.com/kalhh/art/Sixpackset-889570519
13. Wall Screen - https://www.deviantart.com/tinasbastelstube/art/Raumteiler-Paravent-03-Freebie-DazStudio-806666559
14. Dice (by the plant) - https://www.renderosity.com/freestuff/items/90395/the-dice-daz3d-iray-obj-included
15. Volley Ball - https://www.renderosity.com/freestuff/items/85960/volleyball-by-mifdesign
16. Bowl - https://www.renderosity.com/freestuff/items/90136/freebie-le-bol
17. Mr Rabbit - https://issuu.com/philatdsc/docs/ds_creative_17 (page 57)
18. Eggs - https://www.renderosity.com/freestuff/items/81891/free-range-eggs---props-and-iray-materials-for-daz-studio
19. Floor shader - https://www.deviantart.com/drboots/art/Freebie-Daz-3D-Studio-Iray-Dirty-Tiles-Shader-581082692
20. Brick wall shader - https://www.dropbox.com/s/rbp6k2zictnwb94/Bricks.zip?dl=0
21. Other wall shader - https://developer.nvidia.com/vmaterials (version 2.0.0 - wood tiles - walnut)
19. Mantle shader - https://developer.nvidia.com/vmaterials (version 1.7.0 - tiles - ceramic)
22. Cylinder shader - https://www.deviantart.com/laurieart54/art/Jewelry-Iray-Shaders-Freebie-For-Daz-Studio-803216418
23. Mirror shader - https://www.deviantart.com/tom2099/art/Iray-car-related-shader-presets-megapack-539622361
24. Wrap shader - https://www.sharecg.com/v/95898/browse/21/DAZ-Studio/Shimmery-Sheer-Fabrics-II
25. Wall behind fire shader - http://www.the3dwizard.net/downloads/graphicsfreebies/IRenderMaterials_Freebies2.zip
This is my entry - maybe someelse can get it to show up.
https://www.daz3d.com/gallery/#image=1222979 - tried everything else
this is @BronzeDragon 's entry I caught from the gallery
glad you got it up at least on the gallery!
I like it. Wish I could do as well.
I do have one tiny comment, BronzeDragon, and it's more from my slightly pedantic point of view. There are flames from the fire, but no chimney for the exhaust gasses to go up, so the smoke would be coming into the room. A flue could be simulated with a matt black plane (say 60cm square) could be positioned 0.05cm below the underside of the tiles above the flames, and that way it would look a bit like a square flue without needing significant modelling.
Don't have a problem there or other sites, like rendo, and deviantarts, just this forum. Anyway, thanks for re-posting it here. You may have to do the same if I can move it to the entries thread unless I can figure out how you did it.
Anyway, thanks.
Point taken. Though I could say that instead of a square, it is a full width slot four of five inches deep across the whole back corner and that at the angle of the view causes it to be hidden behind the corner.
Just kidding. Yes I did notice the missing part but didn't think it really mattered.
Entry Approved! Please move to Entries Thread
You can count the clock as a freebie as well because signing up to the newsletter is free and available to all. Not that it really matters in this case :)
To hotlink an image:
- Click on your gallery image to get the enlarged version. Now right-click on the enlarged image and select "copy image location" or "copy image URL", or some such. Exact wording varies from browser to browser.
- In the forum, click on the little image symbol (see screenshot)
- paste the URL you copied before in "URL"
- make sure the little padlock symbol is closed, if it's open click on it to close it
- set width to 800
- Go to the 2nd tab that says "link", paste the URL again in "URL" and switch "target" to "New Window (_blank)"
that's no problem, probably just "@" me when you post on the entries site, so I get a notification and can add the image