August 2022 - Daz 3D New User Challenge - Open Render Challenge



  • HLEET_3DHLEET_3D Posts: 172
    edited August 2022

    Intermediate Challenge

    Giant Woman with bright eyes on the street

    3000 x 3000 - 6M
    Post edited by HLEET_3D on
  • LimunLimun Posts: 182
    edited August 2022

    sueya said:

    I have added depth of field to my image and changed the pose and camera angle slightly.

    I don't think my PC can cope with dForce so I have tried to use the garment handles to alter the skirt poses instead

    Dear  sueya :

    look this pic first one , you will see that the girls have no shadow on the ground so is not clear if they are on the flor , but the boxes on the wall they have shadows.

    see my second pic now ,inmagine that  cylinders are person and you will see that my boxes on wall have shadow bud cylinders dont on the flor.

    om my third pic i added spot light and cylinders now have shadows on the flor and its sure that they are on the flor and not levitating .

    on four pic you see how and where i added light and on pic 5 my configuration for this light 

    what i want to say try to play with ligts to get some shadows .

    in pic 7 you can see how I configured DOF for camera 

    on image 6 final render 

    this all made in 5 min and is simple whit primitives 

    you dont need powerfool PC to do it 

    last thing is i dond know how you render iRay , 3Deligt , filament .. ?

    And sorry on my English I can realy expres myself like i wish :D 

    Best regards 


    1225 x 707 - 465K
    1517 x 1778 - 4M
    1537 x 1803 - 4M
    1523 x 1806 - 4M
    2556 x 1804 - 6M
    1552 x 1806 - 6M
    2423 x 1453 - 3M
    Post edited by Limun on
  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,992

    @Limun and @sueya

    Sueya used 3delight, so what is needed first for Sueya to do is looking if the shadows are activated and check if the girls are connecting with the floor level. I can see shadows on the buildings and light in the face of the right girl so you might need to bring the characters down (and the camera with them)

    If you wand to try working with dforce you can safe the clothed charaters do different subscenes, let the dforce to it's magic there and safe again, then import the subscenes into your main scene again. I always do this when I'm expecting troubel with dforce or have a scnee which is already challenging for my computer.

    Limun thanks for adding those explanations, that's a good step by step procedure

  • katywhitekatywhite Posts: 456
    edited August 2022

    Title: Midnight Reading

    Software: Daz 3D

    Challenge: Intermediate

    Caption: "I could feel something behind me," Matt read to himself. Eerily, he could feel something behind him.

    I need to stop reading horror stories at night, he thought to himself, I'm going spook myself out for no reason.

    Creepy Stories Coming In.png
    2000 x 2000 - 7M
    Post edited by katywhite on
  • SaBoSaBo Posts: 21
    edited September 2022


    Thanks for the feedback. Here is the updated image

    She is attempting to levitate a pebble, but the rocks behind her are levitating awell


    Title: It's a Kind of Magic

    Intermediate challenge,
    -Portrait, lighting effects, duplication and instancing, posing II, SFX

    Pure Iray render. No postprocessing. Only added the lens flare in Photoshop


    Post edited by SaBo on
  • Daedalus-7Daedalus-7 Posts: 198
    edited August 2022

    HLEET_3D said:

    Intermediate Challenge

    Giant Woman with bright eyes on the street

    Hi HLEET, please let me make a few observations about this image:

    1) Composition: If you want to present a character to be a "Giant", it would be better to have another character at the same distance from the camera as the giant herself, or place the giant just behind a normal person to make the height difference obvious. What you did instead was to put the big character in front (where things naturally look bigger anyways) and the regular people in the back (where things usually look smaller). In other words, the giant character is not looking that big at all.

    EXAMPLE: See how the taller creatures are placed either next to shorter ones, or behind them to make the height difference obvious. 


    2). Lighting: The way things are illuminated, you can clearly see that the three figures belong to three different images with three different lighting conditions, plus the background, making it 4 lighting conditions in total. I would reccommend using an HDRI instead, to easily get a more even and realistic illumination for all your characters  (which need to be in the same scene at the same time). If your computer is not that powerful to render 3 characters at the same time, you can just render each character separately (while still being being affected by the HDRI's light).


    Post edited by Daedalus-7 on
  • sueyasueya Posts: 832

    I have adjusted my figures to make sure they aren't floating in mid air (!) and have got shadows to appear

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,992

    very good Sueya!

  • ElliandraElliandra Posts: 588
    edited August 2022

    Hi guys!
    Sorry for the long delay in replying! It's been "interesting" around here for the last week or so cheeky

    Ok I have to say this is gorgeous and deceptively simple.
    The attention to the reflections and lighting is really great!
    The only thing I can think of would be to let it render out a little longer or use a small amount of post de-noiser to smooth out the Right side of the queen she's got some grain going on all down her base on the Ivory sections.

    I like the lighting you have going on, and the expressions are fantastic!
    The Right arm on the instructor looks a little stiff, maybe if you rotated the upper arm out a little more and moved it back to relax it a tad more. Then it's just a matter of adjusting the forearm and hand to line the cane up with the floor again.
    The couple rear couple has the male's feet poking through the floor on the back foot, if you bend the shin just a touch more it will correct that.
    Have you thought about doing something to the large grey wall in the back? Maybe a smokey mirror? Check out the image below for notes on how to do it wink

    Great render! The neon lighting looks wicked cool!
    Your city backdrop looks a bit stretched out though and the super bright street running up the middle draws the attention away from your scene and into the backdrop.
    Looks like you have a spotlight on the front figure's torso? With the screen and the lamp just beyond her it would make more sense for the lighting to be coming from that direction so she's almost rimmed with light from the lamp (spot or point light) and then over all lighting from the screen (mesh light) to brighten her up more.

    Lovely Render I really like your little sprite!
    The only things are her hair and necklace look static. I would suggest using some of the morphs/bones to pose them so it shows she is leaning to the side a little more.
    Also which character is that she's gorgeous!!

    Very cool I like how your Giantess stands out in the hot pink dress!!
    I would also suggest having another figure closer to her to show she is super large!
    Your two billboard figures also are a little bright for the scene, especially the lady in the red dress she's almost blown out from the lighting. Maybe just knock the specular color to a slightly darker grey.

    Ok this is really cool! The fire spreading up his arm from the book is a great effect!
    The monster feels kinda relaxed to me like a buddy is trying to sneak up on him but not super menacing. It might give more of a feel if he's either standing behind or climbing over the headboard towards the one reading the book.

    Oh yea that looks really nice!!

    Nice job! The shadows are lookin really good!
    If I might suggest having the front girl look up a little more and the rear girl look down, and both lower neck bones twist to face the other figure slightly this will give the appearance of them looking at each other from your camera angle.

    2579 x 885 - 830K
    Post edited by Elliandra on
  • SaBoSaBo Posts: 21
    edited September 2022

    2nd entry.

    Title: Into the Witchwood

    Intermediate challenge


    Post edited by SaBo on
  • Title: The Competition

    Beginner Challenge 

    Here is my 2nd draft...

    I experimented with most suggestions I got in the feedback. In this render I worked with the lighting, background, depth of field, adjusted poses, and added a figure and other elements to enhance the studio feel. Some post work in PS.

    @Elliandrathanks so much for the feedback. I adjusted the poses and I had already commited to the background so I will save the smokey mirror for another round. Thanks for letting me know about that, I struggled with a mirror before I switched to the moonlight backdrop.




    The Competition 5.jpg
    2100 x 1500 - 2M
  • HLEET_3DHLEET_3D Posts: 172
    edited August 2022

    Thanks for your inputs

    Here is another shot 

    3000 x 3000 - 7M
    Post edited by HLEET_3D on
  • sueyasueya Posts: 832

    I have adjusted the pose slightly as recommended

  • katywhitekatywhite Posts: 456
    edited August 2022

    Title: Identity Crisis

    Software: Daz 3D

    Challenge: Intermediate

    Second entry, still thinking of changing some stuff but thought I'd post for some initial feedback :)

    Still working on adjusting my first entry.

    Identity Crisis.png
    2000 x 2000 - 6M
    Post edited by katywhite on
  • LimunLimun Posts: 182
    edited August 2022

    Elliandra said:

    Hi guys!
    Sorry for the long delay in replying! It's been "interesting" around here for the last week or so cheeky


    Great render! The neon lighting looks wicked cool!
    Your city backdrop looks a bit stretched out though and the super bright street running up the middle draws the attention away from your scene and into the backdrop.
    Looks like you have a spotlight on the front figure's torso? With the screen and the lamp just beyond her it would make more sense for the lighting to be coming from that direction so she's almost rimmed with light from the lamp (spot or point light) and then over all lighting from the screen (mesh light) to brighten her up more.

    Thank you for nice concrete reply :) 

    i changed what you told a bit and here are results :

    btw i cant render for a while complex things my card rtx3090 something is wrong i think it need some repair or change termals and whit cpuuuuuuuu it take a days 

    2500 x 2935 - 4M
    Post edited by Limun on
  • katywhitekatywhite Posts: 456
    edited August 2022

    Elliandra said:

    Ok this is really cool! The fire spreading up his arm from the book is a great effect!
    The monster feels kinda relaxed to me like a buddy is trying to sneak up on him but not super menacing. It might give more of a feel if he's either standing behind or climbing over the headboard towards the one reading the book.

     Thank you!

    I adjusted the posing. I couldn't do the standing behind or climbing over without moving the wall back as the spacing is really tight. I did change the posing however, hopefully it's a bit more menacing!


    Creepy Stories Coming in V2.png
    2000 x 2000 - 8M
    Post edited by katywhite on
  • ElliandraElliandra Posts: 588

    2nd Entry-
    I can't see your image it says the url signature has expired...

    Ooo the background is really nice but it's super crisp compared to the DoF you have going on with the characters in the scene!

    The new guy just behind the giant lady is he a billboard? If not I would suggest changing his expression to match the pose/feel of the scene!

    Awesome!! Great job with the adjustments to the poses!!

    1st Entry-
    OMG love the new position for the demon!! Totally demon crawling down the wall feel!
    2nd Entry-
    Very nice scene! I really like the expression but it shows a little dark and the edges on the flames/smoke are hard. Maybe drop the opacity on the flames a little and drop a colored rim light behind him to make the fire feel more vibrant , and a neutral mesh light to his right to take advantage of the sunlight coming from that direction.

    The new backdrop is really nice and helps keep the eyes on the figures! Sorry to hear about your 3090!! Have you checked your Render Settings - Advanced tab to make sure your GPU is checked? I know I had an issue with my 2070 super until I clicked the boxes in the advanced tab now it flies lol

  • sueyasueya Posts: 832

    This is my final version of my entry

  • LimunLimun Posts: 182

    Final version 

    Title: Gamer & Nerd sisters

    Intermediate challenge
    Lighting, posing, emission, L.I.E , instance ( for ligting the wall RGB ) surfaces, geometry editor, etc...

    I think that all objects in my scene are free ( mostly from RDsity ) 

    Monitor keyboard and mouse are i think low poly but i menaged to crete RGB on them.

    no postwork

  • redbankmickredbankmick Posts: 77
    edited August 2022


    Intermediate second entry. Thanks all for the feedback. Changes as per suggestion: 1. Increased smoothing on the red dress to reduce bunshing in the skirt area and changed her pose so she is holding onto a pole  2. Lowered and changed angle on baseball cap so it fits. 3. Reversed the grip on the pole by the character in the forground so it is more naturakl 4. Adjusted the top of smiling girl's dress so it isn't so baggy as in first image. 

    Post edited by redbankmick on
  • VexillusVexillus Posts: 36

    Title: Light Against Darkness

    Software: Daz 3D
    Challenge: Intermediate

    Side note: I initially was rendering previous drafts without the guided sampler, to roughly 92% convergence at render quality = 1, and it was taking over 12 hours. With the guided sampler, the final result is at 99.1% convergence at render quality = 2 and with more props and stuff - that took around 6 hours. So this is a situation where the guided sampler makes a huge difference! (I guess it's because of the general darkness).

    August Challenge - Light Against Darkness.jpg
    3456 x 2160 - 4M
  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,992

    @vpzammit yes a dark scene in iray will take a very long time to render, the better approach is to have a generally brighter scene and regulate the amount of brightness actually seen in the render through the tone mapping settings

  • Title: The Competition

    Beginner Challenge 

    Here is my Final version.

    @Elliandra thanks so much for alerting me to the crispness of the background. So grateful for the guidance :- )

    The Competition 6 Oh Hey Overlay.jpg
    2100 x 1500 - 3M
  • katywhitekatywhite Posts: 456
    edited August 2022

    Elliandra said:

    1st Entry-
    OMG love the new position for the demon!! Totally demon crawling down the wall feel!
    2nd Entry-
    Very nice scene! I really like the expression but it shows a little dark and the edges on the flames/smoke are hard. Maybe drop the opacity on the flames a little and drop a colored rim light behind him to make the fire feel more vibrant , and a neutral mesh light to his right to take advantage of the sunlight coming from that direction.

    Thank you! I've made some adjustments on my second entry, hopefully it lights him up enough.

    Identity Crisis V2.png
    2000 x 2000 - 6M
    Post edited by katywhite on
  • Daedalus-7Daedalus-7 Posts: 198
    edited August 2022

    Let me make a second entry.

    Title: In the spotlight

    Software: Daz 3D
    Challenge: Intermediate

    DaYin Han 32bit JPG.jpg
    2160 x 2160 - 4M
    Post edited by Daedalus-7 on
  • ElliandraElliandra Posts: 588

    Morning All!
    Just a quick reminder that today is the last day for submissions!

    Light Against Darkness
    Very cool render the only thing I would recommend would be to make the magic stuff in the female's hands glow a bit more so they stand out from the wings and her hands. Could also do a red/orange light from the bottom to simulate the lighting from lava/magma underneath them ;)

    The backdrop looks great! It blends nicely with your DoF!

    Oh yea that brighter fire really makes him stand out and brightens the scene!

    Very cool!! I like how the blue highlights in her hair match her eyeshadow lol

  • VexillusVexillus Posts: 36
    Linwelly said:

    @vpzammit yes a dark scene in iray will take a very long time to render, the better approach is to have a generally brighter scene and regulate the amount of brightness actually seen in the render through the tone mapping settings

    Thanks for tip!
  • VexillusVexillus Posts: 36
    Elliandra said:

    Morning All!
    Just a quick reminder that today is the last day for submissions!

    Light Against Darkness
    Very cool render the only thing I would recommend would be to make the magic stuff in the female's hands glow a bit more so they stand out from the wings and her hands. Could also do a red/orange light from the bottom to simulate the lighting from lava/magma underneath them ;)

    Thanks for the feedback! THE magic orbs make use of the Dark Matter shaders which cast black dark deep shadows. I wanted to keep to the theme that the demon on the right represents Darkness, but I agree that maybe the effect was a bit too much. As for the illumination from below, there is a very faint red light emanating from below the figures which is mostly apparent as a front reddish tint on the demon's wings. While it could be made a little stronger, I do not want to lose the darkness effect on the demon. Unfortunately, I will be unable to try out the changes in time by the deadline as work obligations do not permit it, but many thanks all the same!
  • Daedalus-7Daedalus-7 Posts: 198
    edited August 2022

    @Elliandra Thanks :) I think that fine tuning the face with extra morphs and rendering with a beauty pass into an .exr file really makes a difference on the final render.

    Post edited by Daedalus-7 on
  • Challenge is now closed!

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