OSX/XCode help

I'm able to build DazStudio plugins without issue in Windows/VisualStudio, but am struggling to get OSX and XCode to compile the same plugin code. I've followed the OSX instructions included in the SDK, but I'm afraid they may be a bit out of date.
My setup is OSX 10.10.3 (latest), and XCode 6.3.2. I've configured the XCode project according to the SDK instructions (MacOSX10.5.sdk Target SDK). When I compile I get a QT-related error :
QList.h lines 184 and 231: Reference to 'random_access_iterator_tag' is ambiguous
Can someone get me pointed in the right direction? Or ideally, can someone publish a preconfigured template XCode project, similar to what the SDK includes for each of the samples for Visual Studio?
A google search led me to problems similar to yours in other things. I think that the Qt version used by Daz SDK is somehow old to use with relatively new compilers (.
Unofrtunately I can be no more help because I do not know MacOS as a dev environment. Anyway I will be glad to know this since I will probabiliy go multiplatform with my plugins.
# Xcode 6.3.2 (6D2105)
Apple LLVM version 6.1.0 (clang-602.0.53) (based on LLVM 3.6.0svn)
Target: x86_64-apple-darwin14.3.0
Thread model: posix
I never had any luck getting the latest XCode to work so I'm using 3.2.6 in a OSX Lion Virtual Machine to compile DAZ Studio plug-ins. I can share my project file if it helps.
Eric, that would be much appreciated. I'm not sure if you can post non image files here -- you might try using a file hosting site and post the link here so that others can access it as well.
To the Daz folks -- having a reference XCode project in the SDK and a bit of guidance around environment configuration would be incredibly helpful.
You need to use an older version of the SDK. To get those installed in the current Xcode, I used XcodeLegacy, which is just a shell script, but installs all the old SDKs where Xcode can find them. I've been able to compile plugins using 10.6 through 10.9 compatibility.
Here's a link to my project file. Hope it helps.
Oh that looks very handy.