Introducing myself and my art

Hi all,

I've been playing on and off with computer graphics since I wrote my own simple terrain generator back in the 90s. I quickly abandoned that when Bryce came along. :)

A year ago I started writing a fantasy novel and needed some pictures of the characters and worlds I wanted to create. So I thought I would see what the status of graphics was now and subsequently fell in love with DAZ Studio. While I have made a couple of posts on the Bryce forum, I've been a bit too intimidated by everyone's skill to post here. But today I thought that I may as well introduce myself as I love all your art.  I learn so much from reading your posts and viewing your works :) Thanks.

So here are some samples of my stuff.

DAZ Studio rendered with Iray

DAZ Studio

A combination of DAZ Studio models imported into a Bryce landscape with some Photoshop post-production for the planet

DAZ Studio - architecture made with Sweet Home 3D

Another DAZ Studio creation

So pleased to meet you all :)




  • MuireanneMuireanne Posts: 82

    Nice work SoulThief! Everyone makes Iray seem so easy but I'm to stubborn/lazy to learn. :P

  • SoulThiefSoulThief Posts: 9

    Thanks :)  I am just experimenting with Iray to see what I can do :)

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