Which Michael is the best ?
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Which Michael is the best ?

Before Michael 9 arrives, which one is your favorite ?
Flameburst said:
What would you like M9 to look like?
Post edited by Noah LGP on
Michael 7 is that last one that looked good to me. I hate the look of Michael 8 and never bought Michael 8.1, because I didn't like his look either. I'm referring to facial features. I have no opinion on the body differences.
Michael 6 HD (Bjorn textures) is my favorite but I also like Michael 3.0 and 5 (Phillip textures).
7 or 8.1 for me.
'Best' as in 'most handsome'?
1) M5 -> hands down
2) M8.1 -> I get the impression he's little loved but I think he's cute
3) M6 -> a lot like M5 but not really an improvement
4) M4, M7 -> ok, kinda bland
5) M8 -> unattractive imo
My favorite (for looks) was Michael 6. My favorite (to use) was Michael 7. Do not care for Michael 8 at all and even less for Michael 8.1 ;)
I agree. M8's skin was OK, but something about his facial features was......bothersome to me. But M7 is still my favorite.
I use Michael 8.1 a lot, I have never used any of the others.
Well, I don't use male figures for much, but my wife is fond of David 3, so that's who I use when I feel like doing a male pinup picture for her. No school like the old school. And yeah, he bends like a drinking straw, but hey. M4 wasn't bad, and I never used M5-M7, so I have no opinion on them. M8 is okay, I guess.
I don't use any at default. I find Michael 8 the most useful to me for his genetics. M8.1 looked too much like Madison Cawthorn for my liking.
From a purely visual point of view, M4 was the most likeable; the best-looking was Michael 6. Michael 7 and 8 were ok; 8.1 was a featureless mannequin. Maybe the type is popular in the US; I (as a European?) didn't like him at all. But these are all purely personal opinions.
For me it is a tie between Michael 4 & Michael 8.1. The rest have something too uncanny valley, relative to my favorites, I can't put my finger on.
Did I mention David 3 is still probably my favorite above them all? LOLOL Yeah, I know...the thread is about Michael but poor David gets no love. ;)
What would you like M9 to look like?
More like Michael 6 and a lot less like Mike 8 and 8.1. LOL
5 6 and 7 have to me the most appealing faces
It's a tie between M4 and M7 for me.
Michael 5 has always been the most appealing of the Michaels to me.
Definitely M6. Some of them are okay, and some are too generic with no personality. But, yes, definitely Michael 6 for sure.
Michael 5, 6, 7 = decent
Michael 8.1 = worst (barely looks human)
Do note that I don't have Michael 8.1 - he might look better in capable hands than he does in Daz promos.
1- Michael 5 - I was very impressed with its release.
2- Michael 4
3- Michael 6 - (But Gianni 6 was better)
4- Michael 7 - (But Gianni 7 was better)
5- Michael 8
6- Michael 8.1
It's hard to say as far as functionality goes. I don't find Michael 8 appealing, Michael 6 is okay (except the eyebrows). I forgot about Bjorn though and that is a nice texture option. I never use Michaels on their own anyway, I morph them a lot. Michael 4 has the best 3rd party assets (star wars). Michael 7 has nice shoulders. Michael textures but I will be utilizing Bjorn more. As far as the gen 8 males go, Sanjay, Valentino, Holt. For the gen 7s, it's Kyle, Gianni, Darius, a few of the Dante add ons. For gen 6, it's Gianni, Lee. I prefer David 5's textures for the gen 5 models and Michael 4's John Crow. I have a hard time getting Michael 4 and Victoria 4 for that matter to work with the new updates so I haven't been using them. It will be interesting to see what they do with Michael 9 though.
Mike 6 all the way. He may have moobs, but that face! ;)
I use Michael 8 and Gianni 7 the most.