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@giarbi Daz won't let you sign in, if you haven't accepted the terms of the most recent Daz End User License Agreement (EULA).
To check if, go here: here:
Also, certain characters are not allowed in passwords, check out this article for more info:
Also, your DIM User Account settings may have become messed-up (.ini file). If you have a backup, you could try that, but the older version probably still has your original email and old password.
.ini file location:
C:/Users/username/AppData/Roaming/DAZ 3D/InstallManager/UserAccounts/
You could also try uninstalling Daz Install Manager, and try and re-install it, but make sure you have a copy of all your DIM advanced settings beforehand.
So, parsing through the comments and after also running into problems with dForce, am I to understand that the latest NVIDIA drivers broke it?
That seems to be the case, the Studio drivers - which are what nVidia recommends anyway - are OK, but don't support the 40x0 series.
The problem is I dont know enough about the studio drivers and gaming to install them. Guess I'll have to wait for NVIDIA to fix their stuff.
The nvidia studio drivers were updated today.
They are a higher revision number than the problematic game ready driver.
May also break Daz Studio, haven't tried them yet.
To anyone who wants to reverts to an earlier NVIDIA driver release, it might be worthwhile using NVCleanstall. It can also be used to install the last drivers.
Not bad for just the Free Genesis 9 Basics!
Only had a short time to play so far
Will all my pre-Genesis 9 content work with this latest version of DAZ Studio? I have content from Victoria 4 to Victoria 8.1 that I'd still like to use. I decided to hold off on Victoria 9 for now, but I would need DAZ Studio 4.21 to play with Genesis 9? My Nvidia driver is Game Ready Driver version 516.59. Will that work with the lastest DAZ Studio version? My current DAZ Studio version is DAZ Studio Thank you in advance for your time.
All your content will work with this release. You can use driver 517.40 without any issues, just don't install 522.30 at this moment. You could always install the current Public Beta and keep, as the Public Beta is the same version as the current general release.
What is the easiest way to upgrade to this latest version (my current is 4.20)? Thanks!
Thank you for the information
For me Daz Install Manager (DIM) is the way to go for installing everything Daz 3d!
Hmmm... is DIM still available for PC, or am I just grandfathered in? It's there for MacOS
I love DIM!
I'm on a new machine, and weirdly, I'm not offered the Studio Beta anymore for download, although I used to get those before. Do I have to (re-)activaty anything in DIM on the nee computer for the betas to show up? Unfortunately, I can't really remember what I did on the old PC - something about having to 'buy' a beta first, but how, and where ...? Help much appreciated as I would like to test the beta first and keep 4.20 installed alongside.
I don't.
I've never understood, what DIM is useful for.
Just go to your your ACCOUNT > product library > DAZ Studio
Download DAZ studio and click the install button.
Where is the problem?
Same with Content.
What is so difficult to install a zipped file?
I download and install manually, but DIM is useful to keep track of any product updates.
Point given. This is true. If I'm not sure, if a DS public release is out, I check it with DIM and download it manually.
Make sure Public Builds are checked in DIM (Settings - Advanced Settings - Downloads).
Didn't they said somewhere in a presentation that 4.21 will come with integrated stuff to convert poses of gen8 to gen9? I just tried to load a pose of gen8 on gen 9 and (of course) it does not work, but I had the assumption, that there would be a converter in place?
Nope, Jay said it was a commercial product developed by a PA, not released yet.
Ah ok, many thanks for the information. Guess I'll have to wait then.
One zip? Two zips? Three? No problem.
Before DIM came out, I would download and install maybe 10 or 20 purchases at a time and slowly fell behind; I'd install what I wanted to use at the moment, and left the ones I didn't need right away for... well, eventually years. It wasn't until DIM arrived that I'd actually installed everything I'd purchased from DAZ.
I retired in June and decided to install a completely fresh library; I set up a new SSD drive and DIM and hit download. A couple of days later I had 15,000+ products installed, all the latest versions. Time spent? A couple of minutes?
I'm not sure how long it takes you to find three or four items in your account, download them and install the zips, but however many minutes it takes you is time I save.
As well, besides automatically tracking and letting you install updates (I *never* had all the updates installed before DIM, and usually didn't know that many *had* been updated), I use DIM to show me where items are installed when I need to either find the library item or some of the resources for the item, like the textures.
I love DIM.
Yup, same here no matter the driver version, many of my dforce assets fail to initialize and my log also mentions Unknown error executing clFlush on NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080ti (Device 0)
Studio driver 517.40 works for me with a 3090.
Thank you, will do that!
Since daz studio update, i cannot render two models in scene, single model is render , i use 3060 rtx , as soon as i click render it turns off, is this issue with daz or?
Holy crap...I've been running with Daz studio 4.14 for a long time now. I need a new laptop and was concerned that the later version of Daz studio would finish it off considering I can only render IRAY on the cpu...since the twin Gforce 755s are past their best
Decided that the heck, I'll try 4.21 and take a chance....I can't beleive it that loading a base character is now increibly fast! Dforce even works, so when I get a new laptop, I'll still be able to use this machine as a backup!
Steve C
What do you mean it turns off?
Ah yes. I haven't tried Connect yet.
I use DIM constantly as my file look-up database. Say, I need to make a mask for a certain texture from a certain product. Type in the product, right-click: Show Installed Files
Click on any one of the listings to be taken into its folder. Handy as all get-out!
I'm also from a previous era, and have quite a few runtime structures. DIM makes it nice to grab bucket loads of content and install to specific places. I'm sure Connect can do that too. Haven't tried it.
Hey Daz 3d devs,
I Absolutely Love the changes in the new LIE!!! So Awesome!