BJ Tyler ear canals?
Posts: 771
Anyone else notice the size of BJ Tyler's ear canals or do I have a setting wrong?
BJ Tylers Ears 02.jpg
831 x 1080 - 244K
BJ Tylers Ears.jpg
831 x 1080 - 260K
BJ Tylers Ears 03.jpg
831 x 1080 - 244K
Post edited by billyben_0077a25354 on
I noticed, and since Genesis 9 has no tragus or helix morphs, I decided to wait on purchasing. But I do need a young, white female skin for G9 still.
poor girl, her airPods will keep falling out
I have the exact same problem. Now I know why no one wants me. :D
Please report this as a possible bug
What amazing attention to detail you guys have. I'm not even sure what the issue is
Are you talking about this notch here? Tyler vs. G9 ears:
That little pinch there is between the tragus and the antitragus. It can be absent on some people. It's a quirk, not a bug.
Even so, I have never seen this in real life and it does look odd to me. I guess it was a design choice.
A little dial magic should technically correct it if that's what you want to do. Though in a community that goes gaga over things like birthmarks, vitiligo, and asymmetry, an ear defect seems a strange complaint.
Nah it was honestly not a very conscious thing I did there. I guess it happened and didn't bother me. I was certainly not thinking "some people have that so let's make it so".
Just being honest
She's a step in a new direction. It's nice to see you creating again.
Does this work better for you ear lovers?
I bought her, I love her as she came. So I am a neutral vote.
I like the shape of the ear i thought it made her even more unique.
It's meant to have that really open ear hole? I thought that was what they were complaining about.
I don't see a more open ear hole than what G9 has, see comparison above?
Like, which hole are talking about :D
Is it possible that something went wrong with the version in the store? Some other users are discussing problems with the eyes over in this thread.
I think it is the texture with the shape that causes it to look larger than what it is.
This is a quick comparison with Minerva textures on the right one.
I don't think I'd looked at the side of the Genesis 9 head (I haven't done much at all), butt he lighting is making the shape very obvious. Anyway, it's a side issue to the thread so I will hop off and try getting my foot out of my mouth.
Oh no, it's alright I'm not sure what the issue is so all input is welcome. Maybe it is indeed just the texture being too dark, making it seem like the hole is bigger or something.
Yes. And a bit more contour/fold on the antihelix would make it less plain, if you can be bothered with it.
It is the depth of the Concha (large hole in the ear) that appears to be recessed too far into the skull and much larger than a normal sized ear canal opening. This could also be amplidied by the textures you are using. Also the shape of the ears and the angle of the lobule and outer helix of the Ear Lobe makes the Concha appear deeper too. Looking at her face dead on, her ear lobes appear to b at about a 45° angle to her skull. I won't be able to use her as I had originally intended but the ears will work once I dial some fairy or elf ear morphs in. She is destined to be pare FAE (Fairy or Elf) or a Romulin Space Pirate IF I can find the right eyebrows.
Richard, don't feel bad. I insert my foot in my mouth regularly.
I also cannot wear ear buds as they fall out, I cannot afford airPods to test those so some people just have big ear holes
like the big mouths and small feet
Let's remember that ears can come in any shape and size. I don't think there's really any normal shape or size. I see nothing wrong with the ears on this character. I bought her and never even noticed it.
Right. So instead of updating her for everyone, which is a slippery slope, I figured why not give you guys the morphs to do it. Here's 3 morphs
BJ Ear Concha Height
BJ Ear Concha Size
BJ Ear Notch Shape
Dial them all to 100% and you get what's in this image that I can't upload at the moment? What gives...
Forum's broken. That is really generous of you to make those morphs.
There you go guys.