Why the large grey bar at bottom of Galleries? Covers up pictures, annoying.

Why the large grey bar at bottom of Galleries? Covers up pictures, annoying.
Sometimes it goes away, other times not. Does it really need to be that large!?
Post edited by HorusRa on
There was some discussion about this in another thread. I seem to remember this was only happeining to people who were browsing on tablets and/or phones.
I'm using a PC too. Slimbrowser on Windows 8.
I see it on Chrome on PC on Windows 7. So far, when I scroll down to the bottom of the page, it goes away, then comes back if I scroll up. I've got a big enough monitor that itisn'tthat big a deal, but on a smaller monitor, it would be really annoying.
I have the same provlem on top of the line homebuilt using windows 7 pro 64 bit machine. It is very annoying as the bottom pics get partially cut off. Using duel 26 inch monitors. Using duel GTX Titan x video cards (12gigs ram), i7 hex core cpu at 4.5 ghz and 64 gigs of ram. Liguid cooling in an ultra large case. Four ssd drives for programs (500 gigs each) and six 4 terabyte drives for content. Actually this happens on all five computers I have. All my computers save one have i7 processors, loads of ram and top of the line nvidia graphics cards. All software and drivers for everything are up to date.
same problem on my desktop
PC W8 IE same problem.
want my dark theme back also
Can you try using something other than IE and see if it still happens?
Under Windows7 with Firefox 40.0.3 only the titles and artist infos in the bottom row getting cut.
I gave up using IE11 on DAZ3D.com long ago. It looks even worst.
No Smartphone here, a Desktop PC! And the same thing happens with both browsers on my Notebook too.
Edit: At least with Firefox thats nothing new. This issue is there before the forum changed.
I remembered seeing this discussion, and I know it bothered me a little, too. I don't browse the Gallery too often, but yesterday it all seemed to work fine. I thought it was the result of this thread. Today, just now, it seems to have been fixed. Chrome browser on Win 8.1:
Well they managed to replicate this problem, and are now pushing a fix through.
It seems that the bar is small and unobtrusive for me in firefox. I finally got around to testing it this morning. However, in IE its a big bar and covers up 3/4 of the bottom pics, which disappears sometimes, other times not. =/
I've been meaning to use firefox more often but somehow always forget and load IE
With Windows7 I can tell, each browser seems to have other flaws. With Firefox it is fine to see the gallery overview. But if you click on a thumbnail to see the description or fullsize, it happens that the site will not load. You have to refresh the page or delete the #-symbol in the URL. :-)
Edit: Oh, wow! This seems to be fixed today. :)
it was for me too windows 10 on chrome but I just looked looks like at least for it's changed and not covering the bottom pics now
Thank you for at least remembering, Chohole. It seemed to have slipped right by everyone else. I didn't see any discussion, just my post slide into oblivion. But, now that the feature has been fixed I can browse the galleries on my tablet. It's sad, really, no love for the Surface™, especially the RT. But I'm not about to shell out another $1.2K for an upgrade.